Light 10

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Sunny Special



‘You’re not allowed to work on that vineyard anymore.’




‘The last time you went, you came back with a cut on your beautiful face. This time, a bruise. I never knew that vineyards could be so dangerous.’


Sunny winced as Taeyeon rubbed the bruise with her fingers as gently as she could, spreading the Arnica cream over it.




‘Sorry! Did that hurt?’


‘No.’ Sunny shook her head.


The brunette laughed. ‘Liar.’


The blonde merely smiled and let the brunette continue administering the cream on her bruise. She conveniently left out the fact that she had already applied the cream on herself after she had gone home after the operation. Having Taeyeon apply the cream on her felt so good that she didn’t want it to end.


‘There. I’ll apply it again in a few hours and the bruise will reduce significantly.’




‘Don’t thank me. My services will cost you… dearly. I expect some form of payment.’




‘Payment in kind.’ Taeyeon’s voice grew husky and her eyebrows waggled up and down cheekily.


‘In that case, I decline all future services of yours.’ Sunny rolled her eyes.


‘Too late, you owe me now.’


‘No I don’t.’


‘Yes you do.’


‘You’re a fraud! I decline to pay.’ Sunny stuck her tongue out and grinned cheekily.’


‘If you don’t pay up… I’m punishing you!’ Taeyeon pounced onto Sunny playfully and straddled her stomach. Sunny’s face scrunch up painfully as she groaned in pain.


‘What? What?’ Taeyeon asked in alarm. She got off Sunny and the blonde rolled onto her side, clutching her stomach. The brunette looked at her in shock. What in the world…?


She pulled Sunny’s top up and saw a huge, ugly bruise on her stomach. She gasped in shock.


‘Sunny! WHAT IS THIS?’


‘A bruise?’ Sunny said in a small voice.


‘Why didn’t you tell me that you had such a horrible bruise on your stomach?’


‘I forgot there was one?’


‘You’re such a liar Sunny.’ Taeyeon’s eyebrows furrowed as she hovered over the blonde, touching the bruise lightly.


‘Explain this.’ She demanded to know.


‘I… fell over a table after knocking into the wall.’ Sunny’s eyes didn’t quite meet Taeyeon’s glare.


‘That’s it. You’re officially banned from the vineyard.’


‘Taeyeon ah…’


‘Lift your top up.’ Taeyeon commanded and the blonde meekly obeyed. The brunette grabbed the cream and began applying it tenderly on the bruise. Sunny grinned and closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of Taeyeon’s gentle fingers on her bare skin.


Taeyeon saw how a silly, goofy grin crept onto the blonde’s face and chuckled.


You’re so totally enjoying this aren’t you?


‘Lift your top up higher.’


Sunny’s eyes flew open and saw Taeyeon’s intense gaze upon her. When she failed to respond, Taeyeon repeated her instruction.


She meekly obeyed.









‘Mmm… good.’


Sunny’s eyes grew hazy as Taeyeon stared unabashedly at her chest.


‘Don’t get me wrong Sunny. I’m just checking to make sure that you’re not hiding any other bruises from me.’


Sunny blushed. Taeyeon chuckled.


‘However, since we’ve gotten this far...’ Taeyeon’s voice trailed off as her hands took over. She unclasped the plain and simple black bra that covered Sunny and admired the blushing blonde.


‘I must say… I’m a very lucky girl…’ Taeyeon smiled seductively as the blonde began to respond to her caresses.


‘Oh shut up.’ Sunny blushed a deeper red and reached out to pull Taeyeon’s lips onto hers.






Sooyoung and Minho looked at each other in exasperation. Kyuhyun was being stubbornly resilient against their questioning.


‘I will only speak to the short, blonde agent. I don’t trust anybody else.’


He had not said a single word more after that.


Boa frowned. She didn’t exactly want Sunny to be made known to him but if he wasn’t going to speak to anybody else…


Sunny can’t come to light yet. How should I do this?


‘Choi and Choi… we’re done for today.’ Boa’s voice came through the communication system.


Sooyoung and Minho looked at each other and shrugged. There was little they could do as they couldn’t use their creative interrogation methods on someone who wasn’t deserving of it.






Sunny was snuggling comfortably in Taeyeon’s arms when her keen ears heard a faint buzz coming from her jacket. She reached out and fished the communication device out of the pocket.


He speaks only to you.

Come through E09 when the sun is high.


Kyuhyun wants to speak only to me?


Argh. I had planned to sleep past noon today too.


Sunny reluctantly extracted herself from Taeyeon’s wonderful embrace. She had just under an hour to change and get to NSI HQ.






Sunny entered Boa’s office through the sliding bookcase. It was a secret exit meant for Boa to make a quick escape in the event of an emergency. The fact that Sunny knew of it showed the extent of the amount of trust Boa had in Sunny.


She sat down with a groan. Boa looked at her sharply.


‘Injured from the fight?’




‘Nothing too serious I suppose.’


‘Just bruises.’


Their conversation ended when there was a knock on the door. Boa got up and opened the door discreetly. Sooyoung had brought Kyuhyun to the office.


‘Thanks Soo.’


Boa kept an iron grip on the man and sat him down next to Sunny.


‘She’s here as you requested.’


He took a good look at her. She was prettier than he had expected her to be; and very, very cute. Her eyes were still obscured as she was wearing a pair of shades that completely covered half of her face.


‘I want to see her face without the shades.’


Sunny looked at him pointedly. What nerve!


Boa sighed. ‘Sunny.’


Sunny looked at her in surprise. It wasn’t like her to give in to requests so easily. Something was definitely brewing below the surface. She removed her shades and looked at Kyuhyun with hostile eyes.


Kyuhyun grinned when he finally saw her face. ‘Thank you for saving me from them.’


Sunny’s hostile eyes softened as she realised that he might not be that punk that she thought he was. ‘You’re welcome.’


‘Don’t mind my peculiar request to see your eyes. I like to see the eyes of people I talk to. That’s the only way I can trust them.’


‘We understand. Now, may we have your co-operation?’ Boa spoke up.


‘Yes. I will tell you everything I know.’






Sunny’s mind was in a whirl. The conspiracy was huge and extremely scandalous. How was NSI going to handle this if he said were true?


Boa looked grim and very serious. NSI had already suspected some of the people Kyuhyun named but he had gone on to list a few more which were rather shocking to learn.


She massaged her temples with her fingers. She and the other heads of NSI definitely had their hands full now.






Seohyun flinched inwardly as the man roared with laughter.


‘Well done, Seo. You have almost redeemed yourself with this brilliant trick. Our plan is going along smoothly.’ The man snickered. ‘Let Kyuhyun feed them all the information we told him. They’ll fall for it for sure.’


‘Have you found out who saved the boy? Is this person also the one who rescued Kyuhyun from us?’


Seohyun nodded reluctantly.


‘Good, good. Eliminate that person and you would have gained my trust.’


Seohyun fought to keep her face emotionless as she nodded and left the room.






Jessica was missing Tiffany. It had been a week since they parted. She didn’t even know where Tiffany had gone and her phone was disconnected. It was as if she never existed. A single reminder of her remained in the freezer of her refridgerator – a huge tub of strawberry icecream was awaiting her return.






Tiffany sat on the couch in her new apartment. It was small; much smaller than her own home but she was a totally different person now. Only one thing remained in her life – her strawberry icecream that she was eating right now. She closed her eyes and let the moments she shared with Jessica wash over her.


I miss you so…






‘This is Steph – the girl I was telling you about.’


Tiffany held her breath as she saw a ruggedly good-looking man look up from his computer screen.He looked at her – his eyes combing every inch of her from head to toe. She kept calm and stood still, not letting his actions unnerve her.


'Your reason for joining us is of great interest to me. I have never heard of a better reason actually.'


Tiffany held his gaze and remained stoic.


'You have a lot of nerve too.' He commented while leaning back in his chair. 'I like you already.'


Tiffany's eyes betrayed no change in emotion which impressed him further.


'It looks like you are ready to join us in our next operation. I look forward to seeing your good performance.'






‘YoonYul… stay in position.’ Seohyun’s voice cooly instructed.


‘Roger that.’


The two girls sat in their car waiting patiently for the action to begin. They were staking out the port for an incoming shipment of arms. A tip-off had come in through one of their sources.


The Choi siblings were in another car on the other side, ready to jump into action as well.


There was only one problem. There was no action to be found.


One hour later, the four of them began to question if the tip-off had been accurate.


‘Seo… there’s nothing out here. Not even flies…’ reported Yoona the slightly more impatient one.


‘Pull out you all. Operation cease.’ Seohyun related the latest instructions from their superior.


‘Argh… I knew it… we’ve been duped by that informant.’ Yoona grumbled as Yuri revved up the engine and drove back to NSI HQ. Behind them was the other car with the Choi siblings who were also feeling rather disappointed over the lack of action tonight.


‘Do you think we were at the right port?’ Sooyoung pondered.


‘If it’s at another port, we’ve got to kick that informant’s .’ Minho quipped.


Sooyoung sighed and her stomach growled.






He was pleased. This Steph girl has proven to be very useful. She suggested a change of ports, claiming that her sources told her that authorities would be staking out the original port they were using and it was all proven to be true. He sent men to check the port out and sure enough they spotted the suspicious looking cars.


Meanwhile, the incoming shipment of arms for their organization went through smoothly at the port that Steph had suggested them to use instead. She had contacts at the port who made it a very smooth process. He was very pleased with her and not to mention… slightly attracted as well. She looked beautiful the first time he saw her and his instinct as a man was to want her. He’d never mix business with pleasure but perhaps… this could be an exception…






‘The plan went well.’ Tiffany sat in the same booth seat where she was offered the position that she was currently in.


‘Good. If you are able to make use of your position there to retrieve some information on their organization… it would benefit our intel greatly as well.’


‘I will find an opportunity to do so. The man that I have met… how close to the core is he?’


‘Our sources tell us that he is the second tier of the hierachy.’


‘That’s closer than I thought.’


Boa nodded. ‘Our source did us a huge favour this time. When we extract you… it will have to be carefully done to avoid getting him into trouble.’


Tiffany nodded. I can’t wait to be back.






Jessica came home to see a box outside her door. She picked It up curiously. It was a white box with a pink ribbon tied around it. There was no note, no indication of who or why it was at her doorstep. She tugged at the ribbon and it gave way, allowing her to lift the lid up. Inside the box was a cup of strawberry icecream set in dry ice, preventing the icecream from melting. Her heart thumped wildly as she looked around her surroundings, hoping to catch a glimpse of the raven-haired girl whom she missed so much but there was nobody to be found.


It was just her and her strawberry icecream.






Sunny was dead tired after spending two long days at NSI with Kyuhyun. He insisted on her presence before he would divulge more about the government systems that had been compromised. There were a great many.


‘I could fix them but it would take a long time. I can fix the bugs, sift out the viruses and whatever else that has been planted in the system but I can only do it with her around.’ Kyuhyun pointed at Sunny.


Boa’s face changed for a split second before regaining its cool, composed expression. ‘She’s an agent… she has work to do.’


‘Make this her work then.’ He said simply.


Sunny was stunned to hear him talk like that to Boa – one of the few heads of NSI – a highly regarded and respected person by agents. Kyuhyun however, being a regular civilian, had no inkling on how revered she was in the world of secret intelligence.


‘I will have her and another agent stay with you while you do your work. We need to keep tabs on what you do to the systems.’


‘So long as she Is around… I’m fine with it.’


Boa nodded, the deal was on. ‘Ageny Kim will be assigned to work with you on this. She is our resident software specialist.’


‘Ah… a fellow hacker. It would be my pleasure to get to know a hacker working for the secret service.’


‘You can begin now.’ Boa picked up the phone and pressed a button. ‘Kim, I need to see you now.’


Moments later, Hyoyeon knocked and entered. Her eyes widened in surprise to see Sunny whom she thought was on short term leave for personal reasons.


‘Agent Kim, this is Kyuhyun. Agent Lee will be helping out only with this case due to popular demand.’ Boa explained, whilst keeping a straight face.


Sunny glared at Boa, whose eyes she was sure bore a glint of amusement.


‘Ah… Agent Lee… I finally know what to call you by.’ Kyuhyun smiled.


Sunny rolled her eyes in exasperation. What is this? I’m an agent, not an appetizer!


‘Agent Lee should not be seen by any other people other than the two of you. Nobody else knows that she is working on this case.’


Hyoyeon nodded her understanding. She stood up and escorted Kyuhyun to the computers while Sunny stayed behind to talk to Boa.


‘Why do I have to be subject to such an insulting position?’ Sunny grumbled.


Boa allowed herself to smile slightly. ‘I think he likes you.’




Boa merely looked at her surprised face calmly.


‘And you’re playing along with him?’ Sunny was flabbergasted.


‘If you can get him to work… you would be a great help to us. Kyuhyun isn’t one of us. He doesn’t understand the true implications of what is happening right now. He’s just a civilian… a young man… and young men have things that they like.’


Sunny facepalmed herself.


‘Hey… you never know… you might like him too.’ Boa laughed – an occurance that was rarer than a blue moon.






She dropped her things on the floor and sat on the couch. She checked her watch – 12:01 May 15.


For some reason… she felt extra alone. She had never really bothered with her birthday before – she was not the sort who went big on celebrations; it was just another day to her. She thought of Taeyeon. She missed that girl. Her mobile lay temptingly on the coffee table.


Taeyeon was a little surprised to get a call from Sunny. It was usually her calling the girl rather than the other way around. Sometimes she’d wonder if she needed Sunny a little too much and if Sunny didn’t actually need her that much.


Taeyeon picked up the call. ‘It’s past midnight.’


‘I know.’


‘Where have you been again? The vineyard?’ You didn’t pick up my calls all of yesterday and today.’


‘I’m sorry.’


‘You’re like magic, you know?’




‘You keep disappearing and reappearing without warning.’


‘The point is… I always reappear… right?”


‘The point is… I’m pissed with you.’


‘I’ll make it up to you.’


‘How can you make it up to me?’


‘There’s always… payment in kind…’


‘You seemed very against that form of payment the last time.’


‘Well… it’s a little different today…’


‘How is today any different from that day?’


‘Today… is my birthday…’


Silence ensued on the other side of the line.


‘Taeyeon? You there?’


‘Sunny… I would like to strangle you right now but I’m not near enough to you to do that.’


‘Huh? Why?’


‘You have a way of making people feel really bad about themselves.’


‘What did I do?’


‘Oh nevermind. Just get your over to my room now.’






Sunny opened her bedroom door only to find it pitch dark. She stepped in and closed the door, her keen senses picking out a person hiding behind it.


‘Surprise!’ yelled Taeyeon as she jumped out from behind the door, hugging Sunny from behind.


Sunny winced a little as the bruise on her stomach still gave her some pain but the pain was overshadowed by the feeling of happiness. Taeyeon propped her chin on Sunny’s shoulder and whispered in her ear, ‘Do you accept payment in kind for your birthday present?’


Sunny turned around and their lips met naturally, just as unlike poles of a magnet would be attracted to each other. Sunny was a little hungrier than Taeyeon tonight and the older girl took a backseat, allowing the younger girl to dominate. Sunny pushed Taeyeon towards the bed and they fell onto it, barely breaking their deep kiss.


The girls got rid of their clothes efficiently and Taeyeon saw the fading bruise on her stomach under the faint moonlight. She kissed it tenderly and continued her journey up her slender body that had Sunny gasping and .


‘This is a birthday special, Sunny.’ Taeyeon grinned as she disappeared between the younger girl’s legs.


She had barely begun her administrations when Sunny began wishing earnestly that it were her birthday everyday.






Birds chirped merrily while perched on the tree outside the window that was covered by curtains that hid the two sleeping girls from the rest of the world. They were completely dead to the world, one girl wrapped in the arms of the other, her back facing the other girl.


Taeyeon was the first to stir. It would appear to her that Sunny was obviously a sleepyhead – not once had Sunny woken up before she did. She kissed Sunny’s ear lovingly and snug closer to the girl under the covers. Then a thought struck her and she extracted her arms carefully from Sunny to make a phonecall to her chef in the kitchen.


‘Samchon… could you whip up some Miyeok Guk (Korean birthday tradition – boiled seaweed soup with beef or seafood broth), noodles and rice cakes for me?’


‘Who’s birthday is it?’


‘Sunny’s.’ Taeyeon smiled at the name.


‘Come down in an hour’s time.’




Taeyeon nudged Sunny up, thirty minutes later.


‘Good morning old and wise one.’


‘Ya… if I’m old and wise, you’re older and wiser.’


‘Tsk tsk. So much for becoming older and wiser on your birthday.’


‘That’s why birthdays are kind of pointless, aren’t they?’


‘What makes you say that?’ Taeyeon asked in surprise.


‘Nothing changes… life goes on…’


‘Wow… you’re so… ‘




‘I don’t know. You should celebrate your birthday though.’




‘If you weren’t born on this day, 23 years ago… I wouldn’t have met you and you certainly wouldn’t have had that mind-blowing present last night… would you?’ Taeyeon asked with a twinkle in her eyes.


Sunny blushed. Taeyeon chuckled.


‘Get up sleepyhead.’


‘I’m up.’


‘I meant physically up. Breakfast is waiting.’


‘Argh. It’s my birthday and I want to stay in bed.’


‘Fine.’ Taeyeon chuckled and shook her head at the girl who continued to laze in bed. She picked up the phone again. ‘Samchon, please bring it up to my room.’


She turned back to the girl who had closed her eyes again. ‘Are you that tired? I was the one doing all the work last night you know.’




Just then, there was a knock on the door.


‘Stay under the covers Sunny.’ Taeyeon slipped on a robe and opened the door. She took the tray from the servant and thanked her before closing the door again. She set the tray on the bedside table and nudged Sunny again.


‘Get up… you have to eat this.’


Sunny rolled to her side and opened her eyes. The sight of the steaming hot dishes touched her and she teared a little. She sat up and hugged Taeyeon tightly. Her emotions bubbled just under the surface as a couple of tears made their way down her cheeks.


‘Happy Birthday Sunny. I love you.’




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Sunny Birthday Dandyu Special!


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Fire_trek 344 streak #1
Chapter 29: Chapter 29: So, Boa was/is a dormant mole.. no wonder why she couldn’t let Seohyun and Hyoyeon go. She basically knew what they were going through. And to top it off, Taeyeon is an agent now! Tbh I didn’t see that coming.. this was a wild roller coaster ride and it was great! Thank you for the story, author nim!!
Fire_trek 344 streak #2
Chapter 28: Boa and Yunho? Omg the scandal! She was supposed to be on his side? What is going on? This was super cool, I can’t wait until we hear an explanation because this is wild. But good thing is that Taeyeon is saved!
Fire_trek 344 streak #3
Chapter 27: Yah! What do you mean she never got there?!? Did BLACK infiltrate the NSI members and take Taeyeon? Wow, no rest for the weary, Sunny is going to have to jump into action ASAP. Aside from that, at least Jeti gets to be together lol
Fire_trek 344 streak #4
Chapter 26: That was an intense and amazing action packed sequence! Totally got me hooked on this chapter. And Sunny is saved! But what’s going on with Taeyeon? Why would she just faint like that? Hopefully everything is okay.
Fire_trek 344 streak #5
Chapter 25: Wow, you sure know how to raise the stakes, huh? I didn’t expect any of this to happen honestly. And now I’m sad praying with Taeyeon that Sunny is alright. Totally unexpected but totally worth it as a reader to read, now her father has to be taken down. Even Boa is going to be on the field, this is serious.. can’t wait to see what happens next!
Fire_trek 344 streak #6
Chapter 24: Yay, we found a loophole for Sunyeon, I knew that it was going to happen! And now Seohyun and Hyoyeon are apart of Light. This is the best chapter ever! Tiffany and Jessica are going strong, everything seems to be going great, I love it!
Fire_trek 344 streak #7
Chapter 23: Sunny still can’t see Taeyeon but at least she can save her life! The NSI are working overtime to make sure that she is alright. I understand why Tiffany’s dad wants her to not date Jessica, but he needs to put his own hurt aside and let them be.. great chapter as always, hope Taeyeon doesn’t go crazy with Sunny being like a phantom in her life
Fire_trek 344 streak #8
Chapter 22: This is sad, real sad.. they keep missing each other and now both are depressed. I hope Sunny finds a loophole with her relationship with Taeyeon. If Jeti can be together then surely Sunyeon can too!
Fire_trek 344 streak #9
Chapter 21: Who is Yunho going to kill? Someone from NSI? Light? Or Sunny? I’m scared now, I’m glad they didn’t get Kangta, that would have been devastating. Yunho is playing this game too close to know.. great job with this chapter!
Fire_trek 344 streak #10
Chapter 20: Boa has her hands full with these kids! She gives them an inch and they take a mile.. glad to see Hyoyeon back! Hopefully she can keep her position and not go to jail. Sunny is using her police leads to find Taeyeon, she must be desperate.. but now they know where they are and they will get them, hopefully