Light 11

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Light 11


Forehead to forehead, arms wrapped around each other, skin on skin, lips on lips.


Sunny and Taeyeon were lost in their own little bubble where they could only feel the growing passion and desire that ignited in their loins as their tongues seduced each other.


It took Taeyeon a ton of self-restraint to pull away from Sunny’s ever alluring lips and body. ‘Eat.’ She panted and pointed at the no longer steaming hot food.


Sunny grinned and obliged, wolfing down the food hungrily. The activities she engaged in the previous night had expended much of her energy.


Taeyeon rolled onto her side and propped herself up one elbow. She watched Sunny as she ate through hooded eyes. Something was definitely up with Sunny but she didn’t know what. Sunny wasn’t telling and she wasn’t probbing. What right had she? They weren’t in a relationship of any kind; even though she was beginning to feel that they were heading somewhere together – such was the depth of her feelings for Sunny.


‘Do you love me?’


The words left before she could stop herself. Oh no. I did not just ask her that!


Sunny froze; her spoon halting in mid-air enroute to her open mouth which was now gaping.


‘Forget it. I don’t even know why I’m asking.’ Taeyeon mumbled as she sat up, feeling nervous, anxious and stupid. Why would she love me? She is perfectly happy to be labeless. She won’t want me and my baggage.


Feeling thoroughly uncomfortable, she climbed off the bed. ‘I’m going to wash up. Finish your food and we can head out for some fun. You should enjoy your birthday.’ She shut the bathroom door, shutting out Sunny’s still gaping look from her mind.


Sunny put her spoon down and stared at the shut door. That was unexpected. She hadn’t given Taeyeon’s ‘I love you’ much thought, thinking that it was what people said to each other especially when they were wishing others a happy birthday. The Miyeok Guk, noodles and rice cakes touched her deeply but she hadn’t expected Taeyeon’s feelings for her to run so deep. What about her own? Did she love Taeyeon too? Could she love Taeyeon? Her job required her to disappear without a trace every now and then, up to a few days each time. What sort of girlfriend would she make? She didn’t have to explain as much to Taeyeon now but if they were in a serious relationship, how was she going to pacify her?


She gasped, realizing that she was actually contemplating the possibility of having a serious relationship with Taeyeon. I’m happy with being labeless, aren’t I?






Taeyeon stared at her reflection in the mirror. She felt like kicking her own for letting those words slip. Who was she to ask that? How could she expect to have a normal relationship with a family as dark as hers? It wouldn’t be fair to anyone to be dragged down with her when her family is destroyed. It was simply a matter of time before all truth came to light – of this she was sure.


No. I started off labeless with Sunny and that’s how it’s going to end. I was happy being labeless too. It’s the only way I can allow myself to still be with Sunny.


She breathed deeply and exhaled, steadying her heartbeat, before opening the door to face Sunny again.


Putting a huge grin on her face, she strode back to the bed and sat down beside Sunny.


‘Hey, don’t fret. It was just an off tangent question. I don’t even know why I asked that. Don’t worry about it… okay?’ Taeyeon’s dark brown eyes looked into Sunny’s chocolate down ones searchingly.


Sunny’s face registered relief, confusion, uncertainty and doubt all at once. She nodded and continued wolfing down the last bit of the rice cakes and Miyeok Guk. Pushing the dishes aside, she turned to Taeyeon, whose heart sank upon seeing the look upon Sunny’s face. Despite her decision in the bathroom… she couldn’t help but wish for Sunny to reciprocate her feelings but it didn’t seem to be the case.


‘Taeyeon ah…’


Sunny tilted Taeyeon’s head up by her chin to meet her eyes.


‘I…My… lifestyle doesn’t have room for commitment. Saying ‘I love you’ means commitment and I can’t go there. You’ve already been pissed about my disappearances and that’s going to continue. I… It would be unfair of me to tie you down with labeled relationship. Having said that, I assure you that I am not devoid of feelings and emotions involving you. I do love you but this is as much as I can offer you.’


The blonde exhaled loudly, a wave of relief washing over her as she said her piece. Taeyeon looked at her steadily. Her heart was pounding harder than ever. Did Sunny just say that she loves me? What does she mean by disappear? And it’s not going to stop? Huh?


Taeyeon opened to say something but nothing came out of it. She shut , feeling lost and confused.


’Can we continue to be together like this? Labeless? Is it okay? It’s the only way I know how to continue seeing you.’ Sunny breathed.


Sunny’s last sentence struck a chord with Taeyeon. That was exactly what she had thought too. She gasped at the incredible coincidence. She had a secret… did Sunny have a secret too? Would her secret explain her frequent mysterious disappearances to her vineyard? Taeyeon had begun to wonder if the vineyard was really where Sunny was at. Her injuries didn’t make any sense, quite frankly. She didn’t totally buy Sunny’s stories about how her injuries came about. Wel… who was she to ask… she couldn’t fault Sunny for having a secret when she had a huge one of her own – a big sinful secret – that was probably a lot uglier than the one that Sunny had.


Taeyeon smiled wanly at Sunny’s worried face and nodded. ‘Yes… let’s stay labeless. I’m glad to know that you have feelings for me too and yes, staying labeless is the best way for us right now.’ She shook her head to dispel all the negativity hovering around her mind and smiled more brightly than before.


‘It’s time to go and play! Where would you like to play at today, birthday girl?’ Taeyeon was back to her cheeky, mischievious and rather charming self and Sunny was relieved. She smiled sunnily in return and bounced off the bed, giggling at Taeyeon’s flushing face as the sheets slipped down, revealing Sunny in her full glory.






Jessica was all set and ready to snipe. She aimed her sniper rifle at the innocent looking building that housed the arms that had slipped past them a few nights ago. It turned out that the organization had indeed used another port, switching it at the last minute. The Choi siblings and YoonYul had hurled their frustrations at the informer but Boa knew better. Subsequently, Tiffany had told her where the arms were being stored and the night that an arms transaction would be taking place. It was time to take action. They would still get the arms and Tiffany would have gained the trust of the second tier leader for suggesting the change of ports. It was a good plan.


The Choi siblings and YoonYul were all ready to get the arms that slipped past them previously. They were eager to get their hands on the law-breaking rascals who threatened their nation’s peace and tranquility.


Seohyun was at her position – on headphones and in front of the monitor, monitoring the area. She was a strategist, a playmaker and a d*mn good one too. Right now however, she was on the look out for a certain petite, blonde member of Light. She was unwilling to erase her from existence but perhaps she could keep her contained for a while till things were resolved – technically it sounded like kidnapping but one didn’t have much choice in the matter.


Sunny of course, was lurking around somewhere in the shadows. It was even more complicated with so many of her fellow NSI team mates in action this time but her mission this time was a little different – it wouldn’t involve any fighting; just observing. She was to look out for the mole. She had access to the communication between all NSI agents and that would help her to keep tabs on each agent tonight.


Hyoyeon was the other agent in their who was stationed back at NSI – with Kyuhyun. Sunny had had to unleash her sunniest smile and charms on Kyuhyun to get herself time off from that blasted computer room where they had been cooped up for more than a week now and she hated herself for it.


She missed Taeyeon. She hadn’t seen her since her birthday and it’s been a long time. In that time, she had gone and dyed her hair brown, turning herself into a brunette. She didn’t know why she did it… she just felt like it. It was only after looking at herself in the mirror, staring at the brunette who stared back at her, that she wondered what Taeyeon would think of her new hair colour.


Will she like it? Hate it? Mmm…


Well… she didn’t have a chance to ask but she planned to – after this mission. She’d deal with Kyuhyun later. She simply had to see Taeyeon. Still slinking around in the shadows, she began recalling the happy moments of her birthday…




They were at the amusement park. It turned out that they both enjoyed walking through the haunted house, screaming at the creepy ghouls, zombies and freaky creatures that popped out from hiding places. They went through the haunted house a few times in succession to the point where they had begun laughing at the poor zombies and mummies who were beginning to recognise them – having seen them walk through multiple times in succession.


Then they had pigged out and stuffed themselves with unhealthy snacks and drinks, chatting and joking the afternoon away.


Then they went on the ferris wheel. It was a big one and it paused when they got to the top. The view was magnificent as it would be from really high elevation but neither of the girls were looking out; they were busier feasting their eyes on each other.


Sunny made the first move and Taeyeon was quick to respond. Their lips locked and they gasped, each feeling the other girl’s flames of desire rocketing through their veins. Their tongues met like old friends and explored the space beyond their own freely, urgently, demandingly.


Sunny pulled Taeyeon onto her lap, minimising the space between them and Taeyeon wrapped her arms around Sunny’s neck, pulling her in for a deeper kiss. They were so lost in their passion that it took a loud cough and an awkward clearing of the throat to jolt them from their heated kiss. They turned and saw a red-faced girl who looked very uncomfortable standing at the opening of the cabin their were in.


Taeyeon extracted her hand from Sunny’s top sheepishly and hopped on her lap. Sunny was a bright pink colour when she exited behind Taeyeon. They muttered their apologies to the girl before scampering away from the staring crowd.


Taeyeon giggled and that set off Sunny’s giggling. Soon, they were clinging on to each other for dear life – they were laughing so hard. Sunny wiped the tears of laughter off her face. ‘Oh Taeyeon… I’m going to miss you while I’m away at work for the next few days…’ She murmured.


‘You’re going to disappear again?’ Taeyeon’s face fell.


Sunny held Taeyeon’s ashen face in her hands and rained kisses all over it. ‘Don’t worry… I’ll be back. I promise.’


‘How long this time?’ Taeyeon pouted.


‘About week.’


‘A WEEK!!!’ Taeyeon shouted in dismay. ‘No… that’s too long.’


Sunny nodded and sighed. ‘I know… I know…’


Taeyeon couldn’t bear seeing Sunny looking downcast. ‘In that case… you owe me big time tonight.’ She unleashed her most devilish byuntaeic grin on Sunny who caught on to the innuendo quickly. Sunny grinned cheekily and nodded.


‘We’ve got no time to lose. Let’s head back to my room now.’


And with that… they left… and Taeyeon’s room was filled with moans, groans and screams of pleasure all through the night. Thank goodness for the soundproofing in every room in her home – her father was home that night.




Sunny found herself grinning like an idiot to herself as she crouched in the shadows. Shaking her head, she chided herself for losing focus while on a mission. It was so unlike her to do that – that wouldn’t do; lifes are at stake in every mission.


Just then, she noticed movement in the building opposite hers. That’s odd. All NSI members are already in position.


She decided to check it out.






Tiffany was circling the arms’ depot when the rugged, good looking man sauntered into the area. She looked at him tersely and continued circling. She was nervous, knowing that the place was completely surrounded by NSI by now. She sincerely hoped that the mole would be flushed out today and they could capture this disturbingly charming man who was now draping her arm over her shoulder.


‘Steph… Steph… why are you circling about? I presume it isn’t nerves…’ He eyed her intensely, looking as though he could read her thoughts.


She side-stepped and turned to face him, effectively removing his arm from her shoulder and looked at him calmly. ‘It’s not my nerves… it’s my gut feeling.’ She decided to wing it. It was going to make things more difficult for NSI but she couldn’t risk him doubting her readiness to handle such duties.


‘What gut feeling?’ He raised an inquisitive eyebrow.


‘Just a gut feeling. Don’t you get them at times? I just feel like something is up tonight.’


‘Hmm… and they say to always trust a woman’s sixth sense.’ He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Seohyun didn’t mention any imminent danger… but perhaps… to err on the side of caution…


‘Check surrounding buildlings.’ He ordered a few men to go.






Sunny crept up behind the dubious silhouette, certain that this person wasn’t NSI personnel. One deft swing of her hand was enough to knock out the mysterious figure who now lay prostrate on the floor, unconscious. Sunny peered at the face and knew instantly that this guy was from the organization. Had they been alerted? Why else would this guy be snooping around like this? She reached into her pocket and fished out a couple of cable ties. She fastened the man’s wrists and ankles together and left him lying on the floor.


She whipped out her gadget and sent a message.








‘WHAT?’ He was angry. Furious. Fuming. ‘How did you not notice this? Fix it immediately or all of your are as good as DEAD!’ He yelled into his phone and hung up.


Tiffany stood very still. ‘What’s wrong?’ She breathed.


He looked at her approvingly. ‘Your sixth sense was right. We are surrounded by the police. The transaction cannot go through. We need to pull out fast.’


Tiffany nodded briskly and began barking out orders to pull out. Sh*t. This is all my fault!






Boa activated all units and they rushed in. Tiffany pulled the very angry man out a side door and dashed for the car. They got in at lightning speed and sped off.


Jessica aimed at the speeding car. Her telescopic zoom allowed her to zoom right into the car. She aimed, calculated and got ready to pull the trigger. Then, she froze – her finger had lost all its blood and colour. Right in her telescopic zoom was the face of the girl she missed badly – Tiffany.






Tiffany floored the gas and the car sped off into the night. He looked at her; his face said it all – he was impressed. That was the quickest getaway he had ever made, with her help.






Meanwhile, YoonYul and the Choi siblings had invaded the building and soon the building was immersed in a full blown shoot out.


‘Cover me!’ yelled Yuri as she flung herself across the floor and slid behind another barrier, shooting down a man in the process. Yoona popped out briefly and squeezed the trigger several times, picking off two men behind big metal containers.


Yuri signaled ‘OK’ to Yoona and together, they took turns ducking out, squeezing the trigger, picking off a couple more thugs.


The Choi siblings entered from the side, stun grenades in hand. Seohyun counted down. ‘Stun in 3… 2… 1…’


All of NSI averted their eyes from the stun grenade as Minho tossed one, followed by Sooyoung exactly five seconds later. The two blinding flashes of light did their job and the four of them moved forward swiftly, knocking out all targets hiding behind various metal containers.


‘Area cleared.’ Seohyun’s crisp, cool voice reported and all agents heaved a sigh of relief. As soon as she said that, she grabbed her night vision shades and dashed out towards the building behind her. She had not a moment to lose.






Jessica slumped to the floor upon hearing Seohyun’s report. No one could be more relieved than her. She was in no shape to snipe after seeing Tiffany in the getaway car which she had let slip. By the time she came back to her senses, the car had disappeared around the bend. She could have kicked herself for that but her mind was fully occupied with just one person – Tiffany.


Please be safe Tif. I need you back in one piece.






Seohyun was up on the roof top. She panted a little but her stamina was still in the green. She drew up to her full height as the petite and now brunette woman spun round without warning, pointing a handgun right at her. She smirked.


Sunny found the assailant rather familiar. She couldn’t tell how long her hair was – it was all bunched up under a black cap – and she couldn’t see much of her face; so much of it was covered by the peak of her cap and shades. What she could tell, however, was that the assailant was female and rather tall. Something about her jaw line reminded her of someone. It was too dark however and the night vision shades weren’t helping, turning everything into the colour green.


Oh Sunny unnie… don’t let me hurt you.

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Sunny Birthday Dandyu Special!


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Fire_trek 344 streak #1
Chapter 29: Chapter 29: So, Boa was/is a dormant mole.. no wonder why she couldn’t let Seohyun and Hyoyeon go. She basically knew what they were going through. And to top it off, Taeyeon is an agent now! Tbh I didn’t see that coming.. this was a wild roller coaster ride and it was great! Thank you for the story, author nim!!
Fire_trek 344 streak #2
Chapter 28: Boa and Yunho? Omg the scandal! She was supposed to be on his side? What is going on? This was super cool, I can’t wait until we hear an explanation because this is wild. But good thing is that Taeyeon is saved!
Fire_trek 344 streak #3
Chapter 27: Yah! What do you mean she never got there?!? Did BLACK infiltrate the NSI members and take Taeyeon? Wow, no rest for the weary, Sunny is going to have to jump into action ASAP. Aside from that, at least Jeti gets to be together lol
Fire_trek 344 streak #4
Chapter 26: That was an intense and amazing action packed sequence! Totally got me hooked on this chapter. And Sunny is saved! But what’s going on with Taeyeon? Why would she just faint like that? Hopefully everything is okay.
Fire_trek 344 streak #5
Chapter 25: Wow, you sure know how to raise the stakes, huh? I didn’t expect any of this to happen honestly. And now I’m sad praying with Taeyeon that Sunny is alright. Totally unexpected but totally worth it as a reader to read, now her father has to be taken down. Even Boa is going to be on the field, this is serious.. can’t wait to see what happens next!
Fire_trek 344 streak #6
Chapter 24: Yay, we found a loophole for Sunyeon, I knew that it was going to happen! And now Seohyun and Hyoyeon are apart of Light. This is the best chapter ever! Tiffany and Jessica are going strong, everything seems to be going great, I love it!
Fire_trek 344 streak #7
Chapter 23: Sunny still can’t see Taeyeon but at least she can save her life! The NSI are working overtime to make sure that she is alright. I understand why Tiffany’s dad wants her to not date Jessica, but he needs to put his own hurt aside and let them be.. great chapter as always, hope Taeyeon doesn’t go crazy with Sunny being like a phantom in her life
Fire_trek 344 streak #8
Chapter 22: This is sad, real sad.. they keep missing each other and now both are depressed. I hope Sunny finds a loophole with her relationship with Taeyeon. If Jeti can be together then surely Sunyeon can too!
Fire_trek 344 streak #9
Chapter 21: Who is Yunho going to kill? Someone from NSI? Light? Or Sunny? I’m scared now, I’m glad they didn’t get Kangta, that would have been devastating. Yunho is playing this game too close to know.. great job with this chapter!
Fire_trek 344 streak #10
Chapter 20: Boa has her hands full with these kids! She gives them an inch and they take a mile.. glad to see Hyoyeon back! Hopefully she can keep her position and not go to jail. Sunny is using her police leads to find Taeyeon, she must be desperate.. but now they know where they are and they will get them, hopefully