Where it all started

Down Fall


Pain and hurt can kill anyone’s spirit….. No matter how strong that heart really is. I also learned that people that do wrong deserve to be punished…. No matter the cost.
“Today class we are going to go over your class projects, remember they are 1/3 of your final grade” the teacher went on , I was too busy day dreaming of my spring break. Meaning no home work and no mid terms etc.. Well at least until we got back from break, I checked my email but still nothing from my cousin Jan Di. That was strange not even a single text or call. After class I was gunna try calling her but she might be sleeping tho she is in Korea while im in the United States.
“Miss Park??? Miss Park?? Miss Park are you with us??” the teacher called out. I sighed “Do you wanna know the truth?” I snapped at her. I stood up and walked over to her desk, I threw down my folder. “I finished this stupid class project since day one. Grade it fairly or its your job your gunna lose” I spat and was about to walk out the door but paused “Or maybe you will lose more then that” I laughed and left. 
I opened my phone and called home “ Its me, I need three weeks of clothes packed. Yes im going on a trip to visit my cousin, yes everything I would need on the trip. “H” called me? Oh ok I will call her back thank you” I hung up and walked over to the front of the school. I quickly turned to the valet parking guy “Please bring my car” I sighed going threw my phone. 
“Yes Miss” He bowed and ran to get it, I found Jan Di’s number I called it…..hmmm straight to voice mail. I closed my phone and looked threw my purse and found the parking ticket. I handed to the attendant and got into my car and drove home, on the way I thought of my cousin and how I couldn’t reach her. 
When I got home I saw my body guard and Nanny were waiting for me, I got out and walked in past them. “Hitomi park! Why are you home this early?! Has something happened?” Nana called after me. I stopped “No Nana  I just cant take that school any more, I feel like im going to go crazy same thing day in and day out” I sighed. “Did you just walk out of class again?” she scolded me.  I nodded “But before you scold me I finished my class project, I should get a good mark.” I smiled. Kimahri laughed “Princess we are just worried about your school attendence” he assured me: {Just a heads up Kimahri is my Body guard and Driver when I need it, he has watched over me since Omma was pregnant with me. He is 6’7 in height and very well built, also speaks ten languages. }
Nana:{ Actress Shin Eun Kyung} She is my nanny since my mom was pregnant as well, she is always there with me. She is 5’3 in height, can speak six languages too. She loves to play piano, which she taught me.
Omma: {Actress Choi Jeong Yoon} Park Jae In a famous model and actress, she visits when she can or is missing me like she claims.
Appa: {Actor Ryu Soo Young} Lee Park  a CEO of ALON a huge Business that deals in trade and stocks. He sends gifts and money every month, ive seen him three times in my whole life.
“Kim I know that my parents pay a lot to send me to that school but come on im smarter then the teachers what does that tell you!” I sighed and started to head up the stairs.
How could I call that place school? I mean of course it had teachers but I mean what school had its own : Dry cleaners, movie theater, mini mall, art museum, plane, helicopter, valet parking, etc..the list was end less. I know I must sound like some rich brat and maybe in some way I am but its all ive ever known. I opened my room door and went to sit at my make up table, I looked in the mirror and saw I was starting to tear up. 
~There was a knock at my door~
“Princess can we come in?” Nana asked. “Yes” I wiped my tears and went to change out of my uniform. They both came in, I was in my walk in closet touching different dresses to change into but I felt my knees give way. I couldn’t stand it any more, I was alone my own parents never wanted to see me. The only thing that I had was money, everyone of those fake people say that money buys happiness. Of course it did they all did drugs and would screw anything that moved. 
“Princess don’t cry, I know that these teen years must seem rough but it all pays off” Nana came over and sat next to me on the floor.
“Nana I just wish things were different that my parents were not so cold towards me and that people would think oh there goes the happy go lucky rich girl” I wiped my tears again
“People are cruel sometimes but you shouldn’t care what people say of you, if you do then your living your life by what people say. Instead of what makes you happy, I know your parents love you they are just..” I cut her off “to busy to deal with their only child?” I asked her.
She looked away “they just have so much on their hands, princess but they mean well” she hugged me. I nodded “that’s true appa is always taking head ache medicine, Omma wears those cooling masks” I laughed. She laughed “Princess we will always be here for you” She assured me. I knew that was true, “Princess your bags are ready and I called the jet to be ready in a hour” Kim smiled at me. I nodded and stood up, Nana stood up as well and helped me get ready for my trip! It made me smile when I thought of my cousins big warm smile. 
~1Hr later~
We were on the jet heading to Korea!! I sat in my chair texting “H”
Hitomi: How are you? Sorry I havent called stupid school I swear one day im gunna burn it! >.<
Hazuki: LMAO! We should for fun :P im good just dealing with fashion school and project crap. I mean half the students here don’t know taste even if it bit them in the ! Lol
Hitomi: Lol I know what you mean have you seen the chanel line gross! (no offence to those who love it )
Hazuki: I know these designers make me made some times, hows the doodles these days? Lol
Hitomi: Hey those doodles are my art and they are dark now, I don’t really know how to explain I kept having bad feelings. Bad dreams etc… I know im crazy right? Lol
Hazuki: Nah I think your wonderful painting but has been going on a lot? I mean maybe your eating something different these days lol
Hitomi: Great a fat joke!! Lol jk jk 
Hazuki: YAH! I never said fat I said eating something strange.
Hitomi: Idk really maybe I will ask when I get back.
Hazuki: BACK!? Where are you going?! 
Hitomi : Im going to Korea to see my cousin Jan Di, ive been trying to contact her but it useless. 
Hazuki: Ahhhh you scared me I was like she ran off with one of those art nut jobs and im all alone in Paris lol
Hitomi: YAH! Art nuts? Lol in paris huh? Ooohh la la must be having a blast huh?
Hazuki: Not really god I wish there was something fun to do, ive already shopped and got things ready for my big opening of my store. My line will be out in three weeks.
Hitomi: Wow! Already nice! : ) I sure hope things go well. How is your love life hmmmm? How is that bf of your’s?
Hazuki: Im so proud ive worked hard, oh lol he is around he flew over here two weeks ago, talking about love lives how are you and Minoru doing?
Hitomi: Sour subject since our fight he has been sending me flowers and all kinds of stuff. I miss him but I cant forgive him after running off with that tramp Summer or w/e her name is! He said he thought we were broken up but when he saw me with my art teacher he lost it. I mean we were just talking about my final project being displayed in a art gallery. I swear guys are just more and more dumb these days! : ( 
Hazuki: Im sorry about that, I told you I would make him disappear but no!!! lol Daddy said that your welcome to join me here in paris any time. 
Hitomi: Thanks, im gunna go see Jan Di and take a break. Ive needed it since forever!!
Hazuki: Ooooohhh have fun say hi! For me : ) gotta go ttyl <3
Hitomi: will do! Ttyl : ) 
I closed my phone and plugged in my head phones, I drifted off to sleep…..
When we arrived Nana woke me up and we got off and headed straight to Jan Di’s house. When we got there I noticed that their dry clears was closed??? Its Tuesday they are always open. Strange I walked up to the front door and rang the door bell, I heard slow steps almost dragging wise. 
“Hello??” my cousin Kang San opened the door and wiping tears.
“Kang San! Why are you crying??!!!” I asked worried something has happened.
“Noona! You’re here! Omma!! Appa!!! Its Hitomi!!!!” he smiled big and dragged me in, Nana followed me in. Kim stood by the car and waited. 
“Uncle and aunt how are you!” I bowed and smiled but nothing they were in tears!!
My aunt hugged me tight “Oh Hitomi! How nice of you to come! But we are just destroyed all thanks to those horrible F4!!” She wiped her tears.
Uncle tried his best to stop, “Aunty what F4 are you talking about??!! I asked turning to Nana who looked very confused, “Aunty why don’t you sit down and tell me whats wrong and where is Jan Di?? I asked causing them to cry louder!
“Noona is… she … is in the hospital…” Kan San told me 
{Hey everyone who is reading im sorry for not updating but ive been ill lately and im getting better so I can update :D thanks again for reading! Comments are always welcomed lol XD } 
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takane #1
Chapter 6: you are an amazin writer keep on :)
takane #2
Chapter 6: you are an amazin writer keep on :)
Chapter 6: Awesomeness. I can't wait for more. This is so good.
deabak! love it. reall hating my non computer right now.
daebak! when i get my new computer. i send you hazuki pov.
Amazing story. Please write more! ♥
This story looks amazing!!! I can already tell that if my friend was put in that state by a school, oh, I would call up conections and show F4 who's boss!! XP I can't wait to read more! Please update soon. XD Loved it!
Aww. Please just make it SoEul! :) I would really appreciate it if you'll just pair Yi Jeong with Ga Eul! :)
thank you for the update! I hope to see kim bum and kim so eun soon! Thank you!