Mystery sender???

Down Fall


Hitomi Pov:

I looked away and grabbed my bag and walked out of the class, Minhee was outside waiting for me. I was about to walk past her when she grabbed my arm to stop me "Hey are you alright?" she asked me. I didn’t know what to say at that moment, I was still playing that question over and over in my head. "Yeah lets go, I really want to see how my cousin is doing" I told her heading towards the exit. We each headed home, during the drive I kept recalling my day and how I was going to make them pay. Finally I was home! Kim noticed I was also out of it "Would you like to go shooting like before when you had a lot on your mind?" he smiled.


"Maybe some other time Kim I really want to be with Jan Di today, she must be so confused about everything" I sighed hugged him. He hugged me back and nodded, I went on in and was about to head up I headed the voice I was warned would be home today. "Hitomi your Omma called me about your attitude towards her, you know that was out of line" He told me walking towards the stairs. I turned to him "So you think I should have some respect for that person who gave me my life but handed me over like nothing and has not once showed love of a mother?" I asked feeling my anger coming up, but then a hand held onto mine. I turned to see a tearful Jan Di, who helped my anger leave and I turned to my father "It was nice to see you Appa lets go Jan Di" we headed to my room.


~Down the stair case~


Appa stood there pissed and hurt till Nana came by "Sir what's wrong?" she asked getting closer. "He walked over to his office and slammed the door.  Nana and Kim looked at each other "If they only knew everything" Nana looked at our family photo in the main entrance. Kim looked away "Never, if they did we would cause a world of pain to our princess and that we cannot do" he said to her as she wiped her tears.

~Up Stairs in Hitomi's room~


Jan Di and I sat on my bed insilence for a while, till finally I couldn't take it anymore. "Jan Di why...why did you try to kill yourself? What about me? How do you think I would have taken that news?" I yelled and crying now. She wiped my tears away "F4......." is all she said as I looked up and saw her eyes were dark and life less again. “What did those Jerks do to you?! We need to know, I got the girls in this and they are going to help me make them pay." I swore to her. After a bit she started to explain all the mix ups and lies, torture, pain, etc... She had to endure.....

"They don't know who's family they messed with, Jan Di I will bring them down and you wait they will be on their knees in front of you" I hugged her tight. "I don’t want them to hurt you" she told me, I pulled back and smiled evilly "they won’t lay a hand on me, but enough of that uncle and aunt know you will living here for now and also Nana will help you with school. Also we have the pool re-done so you can go swim whenever you want" I assured her. She started to smile for once; Nana came in with a tray of food for JanDi. "I hope you like this, if not we can find something better" she placed the tray down next to us.  JanDi smiled and took a cracker from the tray, I was glad to see her eating and talking again. That night we spent catching up joking and running around my house then a quick swim before bed.


~Next Morning~


I woke up and dressed for school, Jan Di was doing some school work in the living room. I waved to them as I headed out the door. I checked my phone and saw a text from Minhee saying that there were some flowers for me on my locker?? When we got to school they said Hazuki was staying home due to a back track in her Line of clothes that was coming out soon, we understood and knew this was her dream. When we all got to our lockers I saw the two roses, I saw F4 headed our way. I took the roses and walked up to Gu Jun Pyo. "Flowers really how sweet" I threw them on the ground and went back to my locker, grabbing my books for class. Minhee and Jinju laughed and did the same; we headed to our classes talking about Hazuki's line ignoring those Jerks.


~Back in the Hall way~


Gu Jun Pyo laughed "That girl has gone crazy thinking I sent those, or maybe that’s what she wanted. Hmmmm I mean all the girls love me." He went on while Ji Hoo picked up the flowers and placed them on a bench nearby. He thought most girls loved roses, he choose those thinking that they were perfect. He didn’t know why but his heart started to race around Hitomi she was not like all the girls that followed him everywhere. They all went to class; even in class he could not stop thinking of her. Woo Bin leaned over to Gu Jun Pyo who also noticed Ji Hoo's in deep thought moment, “Wow someone seems to be in deep thought” Gu Jun Pyo teased. Ji Hoo nodded but then noticed even the teacher that was teaching was watching him now, “Just had a lot on my mind these days I guess” He tried to blow it off as nothing. They all nodded and laughed “I bet so, with those new targets” Woo Bin laughed and closed his text book. “Enough about those nothings, I’m bored now what are we up to tonight?” He asked them. Ji Hoo still kept thinking of earlier, Hitomi seemed to harbor this hate towards them but why?

 ~lunch time~


We sat down talking about Hazuki’s line she shown us, when Woo Bin came over “Hello there beautiful ladies, we were wondering if maybe you all would like to join us to lunch” He pointed to the F4 table that was all set for them and us three it looked like. Minhee stood and grabbed her soup and poured it on his uniform, Jinju and I couldn’t help but laugh and leave outside. “Nah thanks though for the lunch, I didn’t think I was gunna be able to finish it all. Bye Bye loser” She tossed the plate aside.

~F4 Table~


Gu Jun Pyo was watching and saw what they had done to Woo Bin, He slammed his fist down on the table “That’s it I’ve had an enough, Mr. Jung please find out all on those four now! We need to get it clear in their small brains that we are the cheese around here!” he took a mouth full of soup that he was served. “We are cheese eh? “So Yi Jung laughed holding a piece of cheese that was on a plate nearby and held it up to Woo Bin who finally joined them, Miranda of the stupid mean girls trio came over and started to wipe off his uniform. “Ohhhh those nasty girls sunbae!” she pretended to cry but Woo Bin simply shoved her hand away and sat down, “I swear those girls think they can just treat us anyway they want?!” he stabbed his steak on his plate.

~Outside the Café~


Hitomi POV:

We girls couldn’t stop laughing glancing into the café watching them plotting something we were sure to pay us back for everything. We headed to our lockers and once more there were flowers on my locker and a small note which read {Please accept these} I looked around hoping to find a sign of who had sent them, but nothing just an empty hall. I tossed them to the ground once more as before and grabbed my books for next classes. “Wow seems that your stalker has hit again” Jinju smiled picking up the flowers and smelling them, I yanked them out of her hand. “Idk who is sending these but they should look up my favorite flower if they really cared” I said just as F4 dumb asses walked out. They all looked at me Gu Jun Pyo laughed “How sad you send your self-flowers I’m sure now” He laughed along with the others, I laughed too “Your soooo funny” I laughed with sarcasm. I threw the flowers down and stomped on them “Let’s go” I pushed threw them and headed to my class. Who was sending these???? 

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takane #1
Chapter 6: you are an amazin writer keep on :)
takane #2
Chapter 6: you are an amazin writer keep on :)
Chapter 6: Awesomeness. I can't wait for more. This is so good.
deabak! love it. reall hating my non computer right now.
daebak! when i get my new computer. i send you hazuki pov.
Amazing story. Please write more! ♥
This story looks amazing!!! I can already tell that if my friend was put in that state by a school, oh, I would call up conections and show F4 who's boss!! XP I can't wait to read more! Please update soon. XD Loved it!
Aww. Please just make it SoEul! :) I would really appreciate it if you'll just pair Yi Jeong with Ga Eul! :)
thank you for the update! I hope to see kim bum and kim so eun soon! Thank you!