finding out

Down Fall


Hospital?…. “What happened?!” I yelled letting my mind wonder of all the things that could have happened. 
Kang San hugged me “It was not her fault it was our greed” he cried. I was so lost and confused 
“Jan Di crossed the path with those four boys who are pure hell on earth!” Uncle yelled.
I never heard uncle yell like that it scared me “Uncle please tell me where she is” I needed to be with my cousin. 
“The hospital is about three hours from town, we put her there under a different name. We needed to protect her from those people, here is everything you will need. Also I warn you that you will not find the same Jan Di as before” He warned me.
I nodded and took the information and ran out to the car, Kim was reading the local paper, the title caught my eye.
“Shin Hwa School breaks school record once more” Four guys where in the main picture. The caption read “F4” 
“Kim let me see the paper please and we are heading here” I handed him the information from my uncle. Kim nodded and opened the door for me and Nana who was very worried at that point.
We drove for those three hours and finally got to the hospital, as I got out I saw the building it was so old looking and outdated. “Kim I need you to contact Caius and tell him we have a job for him. I need everything on theses boy’s and that place Shin Hwa school.” I told him walking up to the doors with Nana.
“Yes Princess, Be careful” he went to call Caius I was guessing, I saw the hospital name “Athens Lunatic Asylum” I turned to Nana “Nana she cant be here!!” I cried.
Nana pulled me close “Lets go and ask the front desk where to find her.” She helped me walk because my legs felt like jelly at the moment. 
“Excuse me Ma’m we are looking for Su-Yung in room 214A please” Nana spoke for me. I was looking around seeing all the patients who were all so out of it. Some were walking around and others talking to people who were not there. I couldn’t believe my cousin would be here of all places…..
“Who are you?” the nurse checked her clip board, she looked at me.
“My name is Hitomi Park, please I need to see my cousin.” I pleaded.
“Ahh yes this way please” she lead us to a long hall way of door that read different things, “Caution, Total care, etc…. the list went on….”
We stopped at a door and the nurse was taking her sweet time by opening the door which I yanked the keys from her “Your taking forever!” I yelled opening the doors, inside there was a small bed and a chair facing the window. I walked towards the window “Jan Di? Is that you?” I asked as I got closer. But once I reached the chair it was empty??? I looked around and found Jan Di sitting in the corner hugging her knee’s, I went over and sat next to her. Her arms were bandaged and her eyes were like two dark holes lifeless, I turned to the nurse. 
“What happened to her?” I asked as I turned Jan Di’s face to look at me 
“She tried to kill her self four times already, she never leaves the room. She wont talk, she sits there always never wanting to see any one.” 
The nurse showed Nana the chart on Jan Di, Nana looked and read but couldn’t take any more and handed the nurse the chart back. 
“We are taking her out of here Nana ask them to set up a room in the house for her, we also are gunna hire some to watch her. I can’t leave her here any more, Jan Di lets go home huh?” I asked her. She didn’t do a single thing but look past me as I was never there. 
“Im sorry we can’t let you do that, she needs to stay here” the nurse went on. I stood up and went over to her “Oh and who’s gunna stop me?!” I asked her. 
“Guards!” the nurse yelled, I turned to Nana who nodded and pressed a red button on the outside of the door. I heard running towards the room, Nana picked up Jan Di and took her and stood behind me.  The guards looked at me and tried to grab Jan Di but I saw two huge arms grab two by the head and slammed them together. “Who said you could hurt my princess?” Kim asked them who were now knocked out on the ground, I turned to Nana who handed me Jan Di’s hand and we were about to walk out but the nurse blocked the way. Nana went over to her and Punched her so hard she was out cold, “Im sorry but we need to leave thank you for your help” Nana bowed and lets us go first. As we were getting to the front doors I saw more guards, “Leave them to me, Caius is out side he will take you home.” Kim smiled to me. 
I nodded “ Be careful Kim” He nodded and headed to the guards, as we headed out the door. I saw Caius leaning against his car, He smiled and waved slightly and then walked over opening the back car door’s for us.
{Caius is 6’5 in Height Black hair, he worked for F.B.I for a long time}
“I see a grand exit as always, your lucky to have us” He laughed. “I know I would be lost with out my best men” I smiled to him as I helped Jan Di into the car and once all in we waited for a about two mins and out came Kim smiling. “please tell me you let them get a few in” Caius laughed.
“I think they learned who they shouldn’t mess with” He turned to me, I was watching Jan Di just sit there life less. 
The whole way home she stayed that way, I called uncle and aunt to let them know of what I had done. When I got home I saw omma’s limo parked out side, great she was here in korea but didn’t she tell me she was in Italy? We headed inside “Nana could you take Jan Di to her room while I go see Omma” I told her about to give her Jan Di’s hand but she tightened her grip on me, I turned to her and saw her crying “Don’t cry cousin im here now” I hugged her. Caius and Kim walked in talking I guess about the beat down of the guards at that place earlier.
“Omma?” I called and I saw Omma on her phone walking towards me and then hung up once she saw me. “Ahhh Hitomi how are you? And Jan Di I see” She looked threw her purse and pulled out her compact and Lip stick, as she applied it to her lips I walked past her with Jan Di. “How rude you don’t even talk to your Omma anymore” Omma made her stupid comment.
“Omma? You call your self my Omma? I think Nana is a better Omma then you so talk to my Omma if you need anything please let her know” I said heading up to my room which had not changed at all, I saw pictures of my family before things got bad between my parents and they got to busy for me. Jan Di was still like a mindless zombie, I sat her down on my bed. I opened my phone and dialed Hazuki’s number
“Hey H, yeah we got here just fine. She’s well I think it would be best to talk this in person better, I finally have something fun to do. Would you wanna have a little fun? Oh its gunna be so much better then the last project we did, call MinHee and JinJu. Lets meet where we always do, im sure they miss it as much as we do. Ok see you in a few hours” I hung up and walked over and knelt in front of Jan Di, “Jan Di I promise to make them cry blood for what they did to you” I swore to her. Those boys have no idea who they messed with…………
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takane #1
Chapter 6: you are an amazin writer keep on :)
takane #2
Chapter 6: you are an amazin writer keep on :)
Chapter 6: Awesomeness. I can't wait for more. This is so good.
deabak! love it. reall hating my non computer right now.
daebak! when i get my new computer. i send you hazuki pov.
Amazing story. Please write more! ♥
This story looks amazing!!! I can already tell that if my friend was put in that state by a school, oh, I would call up conections and show F4 who's boss!! XP I can't wait to read more! Please update soon. XD Loved it!
Aww. Please just make it SoEul! :) I would really appreciate it if you'll just pair Yi Jeong with Ga Eul! :)
thank you for the update! I hope to see kim bum and kim so eun soon! Thank you!