Hyung,save me!!!

Lay-ing my eyes on you
"What is wrong with you??!" "Well,what is wrong with YOU then??!" "Excuse me,didnt u understand whats the meaning of 'scram' ??! You really need me to chase you out with a broom right??!" "Broom?? i dont see any brooms here you can use. im staying." "I SAID SCRAM!!!!" "AACK!!!! PUT THAT THING DOWN!! CALM DOWN!!!" Lay's pov "CALM DOWN WOMAN!!!" Who is that?? Wait...it sounds like Kai. Oh no...i better go check it out and stop whatever is happening. Kai's pov SOMEONE SAVE ME FROM THIS MAD WOMAN. SHE'S HOLDING A BUG CHASING ME. BUG?? BUG!!!!!!! I dont wanna live anymore...im doomed. "Kai,are you alright??! What's happening??!" Lay's pov I opened the door and the moment i stepped in. All i could see was HER. She's....so pretty. Like a...a..how do they say it in korean?? yeah!! YEOSHIN. Goddess. but wait...She's chasing Kai...OH RIGHT. im supposed to help Kai. ok... Kai's pov LAY HYUNG!!!!!! "SAVE ME. HYUNG,GET HER AWAY FROM ME!!!" I screamed and Lay hyung was stoning at the door. yes. STONING. Lay hyung,its not the time to zone out now!!! OH NO. She's catching up...OHMYGOSH. WHAT IS CRAWLING ON MY BACK RIGHT NOW??!!!!
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nathic #1
I like it! Please update! Where is lay?? *A* this fic is very funny xD