Down to earth.

Lay-ing my eyes on you
Your pov Muahahahahahass ^^ i just slid the bug down that annoying guy's back. Lalalala~~Im a borned ninja. cant help it~Goodluck KAI. Kai's pov HEARTLESS. MINDLESS. NO ONE WHO CARE ABOUT ME. A bug is on me!!!!! that girl...UGH!!!! "HYUNG!!!! GET THAT THING OFF ME!!!!!!!!!!" I sprinted towards Lay hyung and shook him violently. Lay's pov "Hyung!! help me!!" Oh,Kai. I nearly forgot his existence. Seriously,he should man up! I got the bug off him in a few minutes because he kept struggling. "Done. dude,do you really have to react this way?? what if someone saw you and filmed everything down?? there goes your image..." I said to him calmly. "OH YEAH!!! i should have filmed it down. aish...there goes the opportunity." That voice. She has such a beautiful voice. What's with me!? just so marvelled by HER. by HER EVERYTHING. Kai's pov That evil can she get?? Firstly,she starts an argument with me. Second,she puts a bug into my shirt. Thirdly,she wanted to film my "LOSER MOMENT" down. I want to go home. I am not working with this meanie!! "Hyung,can we..." i turned to Lay hyung and there he was...zoning out. Again. Not that im complaining but seriously,he's always zoning out at important moments!! Someone,get him out of his unicorn land. PLEASE. i'll give u guys a signed album,signed poster,i'll take as many photos with you as you wish,i would dance for you,i would give you a hug. Yes,all these for a long-term solution to Lay hyung's problem of zoning out during important moments. I can only sigh...Someone bring him back down to earth please.
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nathic #1
I like it! Please update! Where is lay?? *A* this fic is very funny xD