


I walked out the back door looking out, and then both ways, it was really dark out. The summer breeze, warm and wispy, skimmed my milky arms and leg giving me goose bumps. The light from the door and the moon was my pathway. I fumbled with the pot I had in hand that I had randomly grabbed. I kept hearing moans and a lot of noises, I hope their not the kind of noises I want to hear, wondering ‘who the heck’ I came out to check. I took a few steps also looking around cautiously holding my pot like a baseball bat. *Hmm, it’s been a few years since I’ve held a bat, I feel like a boss.* I did a few original poses of my own, one knee on the ground and my foot in the grass with a batting pose,* yea yea. Okay I need to quit messing who knows what’s out there? A thief? A stalker? A burglar? An animal? A THING?! I need to take this thing down!* I shook my head back to reality and got up from my baseball pose. I took a few more steps then heard a rustle to my left, turning I gripped my pot even harder. I stood for a while waiting for something to pop out…


“What the…” I mumbled to myself scratching the back of my head confused. Like the fool I was I walked over to the bush where I had heard the noise. I was feeling curious but at the same time felt it’d be a bad idea to check it out. Curiosity got the best of me and I went to the bush with my hand up holding the heavy and sturdy pot and the other hand going into the bush. I heard a low growl and gulped re-thinking what I had gotten myself into backing away but I parted the bushes anyway and . There was a HUGE bear, sleeping. I was going to scream but at least knew better not to. I put my hand over my mouth and threw my pot and tried to scramble myself back into my house. Fail, the pot I had just thrown hit the bear. With a low growl from the bear it woke and looked mt way with yellow eyes labeling me dinner. I think I was going to be if I didn’t start running the few steps into my house. The bear charged at me with its now working powerful legs. Now was the time to scream and so I did, a high pitched one almost a screech, I ran into my house like my life was on the line, it was. I stumbled and slammed the door shut screwing around with all the locks that would not lock when I wanted them to. Locking the door I quickly rammed my table and chairs to the door blocking the way if the bear could get into my house. The door was thumping now, THUMPING, I could hear the bear slam itself into the door a few times. I panicked and walked to the couch trying to calm myself I grabbed a pillow hugging it like there was no tomorrow, maybe not for me, I sat down on  the couch, *thank goodness for the fluffiness it consoled me.* I tried gathering myself, my heart racing at a kajillion beats per second; I felt like dying, my breath refused to come out and I was getting light headed. Then the bear stopped slamming itself into my door maybe the bear figured it hurt to do that kind of thing so it stopped. In the moment of silence I regained my breathing, panting, but right away my breath caught itself in my throat. The bear had started clawing at the door maybe it found that it was easier to break my door that way, my wooden door. I bit my finger tips then almost shoving my hand into my mouth, a bad habit of mines when I panic and don’t know what to do.


“, I’m going to get shredded” I cried to myself. I was stupid enough to check. WAE?!


Next thing I knew I was on the floor because the bear had gotten a tree trunk and rammed it into my broken door. I was done for. End.


I slapped myself for thinking that way, Stupid imagination! Now my imagination just made me pissed. The bush rustled again and this time I didn’t even stop to think about what I was going to do I just pushed a side a part of the bush.


Andwae!? Wae?! I was going to cry a river… a Huge…bear. I closed my eyes ready to just have it attack me. *Naw I’m done with that! Just kidding there was nothing there.* I let out a little sigh of relief then heard a little scampering coming; I had a mini heart attack, from the little white bunny that was now in front of me. I laughed at myself for being so foolish, what a cute white fluffy bunny!~ I smiled and watched it in amusement cause I know it knew I was there. The surprises kept coming because out of nowhere I was on the floor, tackled. What the hell?!  Who dares ruin my time with the cute bunny?! I live alone! BURGALAR?! I lifted my pot, haha yes it’s still in my hand, and went for a swing but the person caught my wrist softly yet held it tightly against the ground. I tried wiggling free but that only made the other person lower themselves onto my body.


“YAH! GET OFF ME! ERT! BURGALAR! THEIF! ANIM--” I shouted out but my mouth got covered.


“That was dangerous! Did you see that white thing in the bushes!” a male voice said with an accent that I caught, Busan?


I shook my head side to side to removing the man’s hand who was covering my mouth, so I could reply back to the weird man that was a top me.


“That small thing, Save me? Tch” I said unbelievable, was this man stupid? It’s a bunny. A Bunny.


“I know thank goodness I saved you in time. Did you see those teeth?! It could bite a finger off!” that man said dramatically. I laughed at how weird this guy was he okay? He must be drunk. He got into my backyard.


I finally got a glimpse as I looked up at the man that on me, oh my, he was quite handsome almost foreign? His blonde platinum hair was tinted with the moon light making it a very light tint of purple, his tan glowing skin made him have a ghostly aura outline, eyes that were a deep dark color of chocolate and lips that were like full cherry tomatoes. I stared and gulped and remembered he randomly appeared from somewhere, mutha of gwad he could be some kind of molester!


“Get off me!” I yelled trying to wiggle my wrist free, or at least loosen the grip, but that did nothing. Haha, then I remembered I had another hand, a free hand. I elbowed his arm that did not budge nor bend, I’m screwed maybe I need to hit him else where. I moved my knees up and down hoping maybe his crotch would be there and I’d hit him cheaply. No reaction. I decided to stay with the elbowing so I elbowed the man’s arm as hard as I could, surprised I didn’t break it or maybe because I’m just weak… His arm budge just the slightest and created space for me to escape pushing him as hard as I could off of me I scrambled, crawling free fast forward trying to get onto my two feet I got yanked back down and into a tight embrace.


“Wife, why are you trying to escape from me? I’m your husband” the man said softly, as if he’s been hurt, he held me tight in his arms.


What, What, WHAT? Did I just hear that right? What is he talking about? He needs to get his eyes checked. He pulled me into his lap so I was sitting there. I struggled to get out of his grip again; he’s so strong it’s useless.


“Wife? I’m a boy” I said harshly, I’m the manliest man out there how could he not know?

He now snuggled his head in to my neck and took a whiff of me… WTF. What is going on?


“I’m still your husband, please take care of me” he said hugging me even tighter.



Sorry crappy chapter. I wanted to update. Lol tbh I think I was really random. T.T

Omgah but have you seen BAP's Comeback? WOOHOO. BAP = HOT STUFF Killers.

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11/21/13 wooooo after about a century I update! Check ROBOT out!


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bluebunnizelo #1
Chapter 6: Sooo good ! Im a huge DaeLo Shipper ♡ I hope you update soon ^^
Chapter 6: this is so cute >_<
update soon =D
Chapter 1: This kind of reminds me of absolute boyfriend :)
ottonumbers #4
Chapter 4: I love this story so much!!!!!!
OMG! I'm in love with your story! *O* Please update! I love the Jonglo and Daelo parings.
iamtango #6
oh dear.. yu yu.. yuuu... daeloo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im so happy you updated!!!
i miss daelo.. and bap .. gosh damn it!! i miss it!!
awwwww~Dae being possessive just so cute..Zelo had a lot to explain..haha
I'm a big fan of Daelo :3
I like this story it's sooo CUTE
Update soon ^_^