Baby Steps

The Way into my Heart

Another day, another week, another year. Wufan had already spent three years in Korea trying to make it big in the Korean pop industry. He knew that he wasn't that young anymore since new boy bands were popping up like weeds with younger and younger members. His skills as a rapper was decent, but wasn't extraordinary. One of the main reasons why he got into SM was because of his good looks, and the constant glances from other people only confirmed it. Back in Canada, girls were always chasing after him, and frankly, he was tired. 

Maybe it would be different in Korea, Wufan thought as he danced next to Yixing in the room with the cloud background. Just maybe, someone would love him for who he was, rather than who he looked like or sounded like.

"Ay guys, have you heard about the new trainees? There's three of them, and one of them looks scary," said Minseok as he popped into the training room after vocal lessons.

"Orly Oh really? Anyone interesting?", asked Wufan.

"Who are they hyung", Yixing interrupted as he wiped off the sweat on his face.

"Apparently two of them are good singers while the third one knows wushu. Baekhyun and Jongdae are supposedly good singers while Zitao, the wushu guy, is pretty good looking. You got some competition Wufan." Minseok laughed as he drank some mineral water.

"Wufan? Competition? You got to be messing with me.", said Yixing with his classic blank face.

"No really. Zitao looks kind of scary, but you can tell that he's good looking. I was scared of him, until he called me oppa..." Minseok blushed and looked away.

Wufan started to clench his sides and the other two thought he was in pain until they saw that he was shaking from trying to suppress his laughter.

"Minseok, oh my, I can't believe that he called you oppa. And you say that he's in the same league as I am?" said Wufan as he tried to not roll on the floor like a buffalo.

Minseok pouted and started to rant with his limited knowledge of Chinese. "Hey, it's not that funny. Wufan! I'm your gege! I demand you to stop this instant!"

Wufan's sides were starting to hurt, but it was simply too funny. He struggled to contain his tears since he knew that Minseok would only puff his cheeks bigger, and the last time Minseok was irritated, his cheeks were puffy until the next day. Minseok just got up and left the room in a huff. It rhymes...

"Gege, I know that new guy calling Minseok-hyung "oppa" is funny, but why are you laughing so hard?", asked Yixing as he prepared to practice again.

"Yixing, training is tiring and sometimes, you just got to laugh. I haven't' seen you laugh in a while, lighten up a bit!" Wufan finally got over his laughing session and also got up to dance with Yixing.

"But I do laugh! I laugh often whenever I'm out with Luhun-gege."

Wufan's hands paused for a second as he was reaching to turn the music back on. "Yixing, you only laugh around Luhan. I haven't seen you get together with the other trainees when they're going out to lunch. And don't say that they didn't ask you. Jong-in came by just yesterday and asked for you to eat lunch with him."

"Gege, I've spent several years training and waiting for my chance in the spotlight. I heard that LSM ( I don't know what to refer to him as, but he's Lee Soo Man, the main person in charge of SM.) is planning to debut a new boy group, and I'm determined to get a slot in that group." Yixing started to dance again and Wufan knew that there was no point in arguing with Yixing anymore. They continued dancing until it was pitch dark outside the window. Wufan laid Lay'd a hand on Yixing's shoulder and indicated that it was time to leave.

"There's no point in tiring your self out, Yixing. We can continue on tomorrow." Wufan said softly. Yixing saw his wisdom and started to pack his things up. There was still tension between them, but Wufan knew that Yixing was easy-going and would soon be his normal cheerful self again.

As they were walking back to their dorms, Wufan saw a handsome guy with prominent Greek god cheekbones and a sharp defined jawline. Hmm, he looks lost, maybe I should help him, thought Wufan. He started to walk over to the stranger, but then someone else came and took the guy by the arm. They had a brief conversation and they walked off together to the nearby cafe. Well, I guess he wasn't lost then, Wufan caught up to Yixing who was rushing back to the dorms before Minseok hogged all of the hot water. The thoughts of the stranger was soon sorted back into his short term memories and  the snores of the four boys filled the dorm as they traveled to the land of dreams candy mountain.


First chapter up! Oh good lawd, writing fanfiction is fun but so hard. I kept on using a word count device to make sure that the chapter was long enough D: Comments and criticism are welcomed! Feel free to bash anywhere on my grammar and everything else!

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krischen is ruining my otps.
well, i love this story. update soon~!!
krhenx #2
Chapter 3: please update soon, author-nim ;A;
YAH. Where's chapter 4? You personally promised me that as long as you receive 70 subscribers, you'll update. Lies.... Tsk Tsk.
where's the update?
I wait it so long,
why you didnt updating yet author-nim?
i anticipate your update ^^
Yovely #6
pamdnisjanisb ahjh
IT'S WONDERFUL!!! Omg the progress uuuurgh killing me!!!
TAO I WILL FOREVER LAUGH AT YOU! /points finger rudely and cackles
Omg y are you so precious?!?
AND WHY DOES KRIS SEE PENGUINGS?!? I swear this question got me thinking for 3 days straight! XDDD
I know I'm late (and lame and ttly outta place hell yeah) but good job!! Keep it up!!
starkey #7

*brb to update my fics*

Oh, comment first!!
XIUHAAAN!! In the shower... Together... Shower... *nosebleed*

Chen chen and his for flan, poor panda desperate for cakes!! This chapter is hillarious, I love you, no joke, no troll, okay..
Waaaah! It's really cute ! Xiuhan xD Luhan is really cocky eh? xD But i really like Krischen's interactions.. It's great ! "...Want to hear a joke? I love you."
Stupid Orange, you got me spazzing o3o Tsk. Kris .. Oh Krisus. Why so perfect?
Omo! Tao's so cute! Come to Noona, i'll feed you with lots of treats Kungfu panda ouo Wait.. I mean Dongsaeng x'D
Update soon Author-nim ! Fighting
mikazuki_angel #9
Yes!! Update!! I waited for
This was so cute!!! Luhan and Tao!!! Xiumin you funny baozi!!! They got their action going on...

Oh Chen and Kris!!! When are they going to get their action going on?!?!? LoL!!

Happy 4th of July to you too!! ^^ Peace!