Sampling The Goods

The Way into my Heart

Zitao was basically drooling at the sight of the elaborately decorated cakes. "Noooo, my wallet is back at the dorms." Looking over at the cashier, ZItao decided to use his secret weapon. "Buing Buing ^_^!"

 "Sir, the cakes are twenty dollars each and if you buy two, you can get one free." Unaffected by the aegyo, she went back behind the counter to get some more chocolate cakes to display. Even though he didn't get most of what she said, he knew that he wasn't going to get any free sweets. "My heart, I can't take this anymore! I must throw away my pride as a wushu master!"

"Jongdae!" Zitao motioned Jongdae to come over. "What?" Jongdae had a thing for flans and he wasn't pleased to be torn away from his one true love. "Cake. I pay you back." Zitao hoped that he managed to convey the right message in Korean and by the look of Jongdae's face, he understood what he said. Jongdae reached into his pocket for his wallet, and what was in there was only enough for one flan. "Sorry. It's not like I'm choosing flan over friends, but I don't have enough for a cake. You can have some of my flan if you want..." With his head hung low, Zitao had no hope of getting any cake that day.

The loud thunderous growls from Zitao's stomach could be heard from every corner of the cafe. "Look! The flan is so bouncy and wiggly! Just one bite and you won't ever look back at the cake rack." Jongdae shook the small plate to make it jiggle even more, hoping to seduce Zitao into coming over to the dark side.

He was about to answer when he heard the unmistakable sound of a fork clinking onto the plate. Over to his left, there was a blob of cream on one of his team mate's nose. His animalistic nature took over and Zitao pounced on poor Minseok who was happily chewing his chocolate cake. The poor table that they landed on couldn't support them both ​the table was a fangirl of EXO and couldn't handle herself when they touched her  and was flipped over, resulting in a tangled mess of boys and cake.

Crap. Dammit, you fool. That's it, stomach, no more cake for you. From now on, you're going to get the weirdest things that I can find/eat. I might as well deliver the final blow since I'm on top of him anyway. ​ ​Minseok's pulse quickened when he felt Zitao leaning into him. ​Oh my god. is he trying to kiss me, I don't even know him that well! Could this be considered as ual harassment? I mean, I didn't give him my consent or anything. He's not a bad looker, but still my lips! ​ With his tongue darting out like a frog, Zitao quickly captured the blob of creme that started this whole mess.

This may have felt like an eternity to the boys and the table on the ground, but to the bystanders, it all happened in a matter of seconds. Some of them saw Zitao jumping on Minseok. More heard the loud crash of the table hitting the floor. And everyone saw that pink tongue that gobbled up the blob of creme. The poor blob never had a chance against the great pink tongue of the kungfu panda. A high pitched squeal caused everyone jump in their seat and looked around to find the cause of the squeal. Breaking out of his daze, Zitao rolled off Minseok and tried to calm the man-baby down. "Uhh, sorry. Sorry! SORRY!" All of his pleas fell upon deaf ears as the man-baby rocked back and forth.





Since the aisle was small, the three members had trouble getting to their two members' plight since somebody's was in the way. "What? I can't even pick the out the right flavor of chips in peace?" Yixing complained.

"Out the way, Yixing, my poor baozi is getting manhandled over there!" Luhan wanted to share the strawberry cheesecake with Minseok, but instead Minseok was being shared instead with Zitao...

"Sorry!" Grinning sheepishly, Yifan and Jongdae both moved to the right in order not to bump into each other again.

"No, you go first!" Chen politely said while signalling to Yifan to go on ahead.

"No, you got there first!"

"Urgh, move out of my way, pansies." Luhan lightly pushed them away and ran over to help Minseok up.

"Luhan, my nose! It was violated! How can I get married now?" Minseok launched himself at Luhan and held onto him like a koala. Patitng his back, Luhan's warm breath consoled Minseok, "Hush, silly goose. It's just your nose. Even if nobody wants you, you'll still have your friends... and me.

"Hmm, I didn't catch the last part."

"No, nothing at all. I got you some strawberry cheesecake since your other cake is kind of... squished."

After resolving their problem of who's going first, Jongdae and Yifan went over to Zitao to offer some help. "No, I'm fine. Just hungry." Zitao said. Since Yifan was there, he spoke in Mandarin and poor Jongdae was lost. "Err, what did he say?" Jongdae was tugging on Yifan's' shirt and Yifan absentmindedly patted his head. "Oh, he said he was hungry. But I don't have that much on me for the type of cakes he wants, and I highly doubt that Luhan wants to share any of his cake with Zitao after what just happened... Oh guys, it's getting late. I think we should start to head back now. I called Joonmyeon and told him that we can't make it to the ice cream parlor. Luhan, you can take the cake home and finish it later." Grabbing both of Zitao's and Jongdae's arms, he herded them towards Luhan and Minseok. 

The sight of the luscious cake made Minseok happy again, and he already had forgiven Zitao for what happened. "He's a growing boy, so I can't blame him that much for attacking me. Do you want some of my cake? But, you have to promise me that you won't jump me again!" Minseok said while scooping up a bit of cake. Zitao nodded and Minseok smiled cheerfully and fed him the cake. 

Their new manager finally came and picked them up from the bakery. Yifan, Zitao, and Jongdae were piled in the back, while Minseok and Luhan were in the middle two seats, and Yixing hogged the front seat all by himself.

"It's pretty late, so I want all of ya to go straight to bed after showering. And no, Luhan. You can't shower with Minseok because I heard from the other managers that you two take forever if ya shower together." Manager-oppar ordered while navigating through the dense traffic.

"But Minseok got cake all over him! He needs my help getting into those hard to reach places!" Luhan fired back.

"I can help him if he needs it. Do you need it, Minseok?" Manager-oppar asked the manager's name will forever be manager-oppar.

"Nah, it's fine. Only my front got dirty. And stop giving me those puppy eyes Luhan. You kept on poking me in the with something the last time we showered together." said Minseok while facing the window. He could see Luhan's reflection in the mirror and instinctively knew that Luhan was trying to woo him into taking a shower with Luhan himself.

After getting back to the dorms, all the boys rushed off to pick their rooms. Luhan somehow managed to get into the shower with Minseok and random thumps could be heard from time to time. After unpacking his stuff, Jongdae's stomach rumbled again. I knew I should have bought something more filling than that flan. But it was so good... I wonder if Manager-oppar stocked up the fridge for us yet. When Jongdae got to the kitchen, Yifan's bottom was in the air while he was digging through the fridge.

"Hey." Jongdae said while looking through the items in the pantry.

"What? Ah crap!" Dancing penguins were all that Yifan could see. Normally, people see stars when they bump their heads, but Yifan is a special kid.

"Did I scare you? I'm so sorry! Uh, let me get some ice!" Jongdae panicked since he wasn't good dealing with pain. He grabbed a bunch of ice cubes from the freezer and reaching up, he pulled Yifan's head towards him and held Yifan in place while holding the ice cubes on the taller male's head.

"Argh, cold, cold, cold. I'm fine, just let me go." Yifan yanked his head out of Jongdae's grasp and shook his head to get rid of the ice water. An awkward silence crept over the kitchen and Yifan felt that he had to break the silence, or else it's going to be really awkward tomorrow morning. "Hey, it's alright. It's obvious that you were trying to help me, but next time, just uh, let me deal it okay?" He finished off with a light chuckle and the tension finally broke between them. They both started to laugh over the absurdity of the accident. 

"I won't overact again with the ice cubes, I promise. I'll dump water over your head so you can cool down, okay?" Chen said jokingly.

"Did anyone tell you that you're bad with jokes?"

"No, I'm not. Want to hear a joke? I love you."

"That's not joking, that's trolling."

"You're no fun at all. Even Yixing got my jokes earlier in our room."

"Yixing was so tired that he laughed in order to get you out of the room so he can sleep in peace."

Their verbal fight continued on until Manager-oppar finally came out and told them off for interrupting the others' sleep. Both Yifan and Jongdae were laughing and Manager-oppar shook his head. Kids these days.

"Shoo, off to bed. You have a big day tomorrow and you will need your energy! Go go!"























I'm sorry for lying that I would update the day after the last chapter was up :< And uh, I don't know why there's TaoMin and XiuHan in my story. You can blame 

lulusbaozi and Chrysalids for me writing about them! And guess what? The more comments and subscribers equal to me getting off my lazy bum :3

Have a nice July 4th to all the Americans here! 

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krischen is ruining my otps.
well, i love this story. update soon~!!
krhenx #2
Chapter 3: please update soon, author-nim ;A;
YAH. Where's chapter 4? You personally promised me that as long as you receive 70 subscribers, you'll update. Lies.... Tsk Tsk.
where's the update?
I wait it so long,
why you didnt updating yet author-nim?
i anticipate your update ^^
Yovely #6
pamdnisjanisb ahjh
IT'S WONDERFUL!!! Omg the progress uuuurgh killing me!!!
TAO I WILL FOREVER LAUGH AT YOU! /points finger rudely and cackles
Omg y are you so precious?!?
AND WHY DOES KRIS SEE PENGUINGS?!? I swear this question got me thinking for 3 days straight! XDDD
I know I'm late (and lame and ttly outta place hell yeah) but good job!! Keep it up!!
starkey #7

*brb to update my fics*

Oh, comment first!!
XIUHAAAN!! In the shower... Together... Shower... *nosebleed*

Chen chen and his for flan, poor panda desperate for cakes!! This chapter is hillarious, I love you, no joke, no troll, okay..
Waaaah! It's really cute ! Xiuhan xD Luhan is really cocky eh? xD But i really like Krischen's interactions.. It's great ! "...Want to hear a joke? I love you."
Stupid Orange, you got me spazzing o3o Tsk. Kris .. Oh Krisus. Why so perfect?
Omo! Tao's so cute! Come to Noona, i'll feed you with lots of treats Kungfu panda ouo Wait.. I mean Dongsaeng x'D
Update soon Author-nim ! Fighting
mikazuki_angel #9
Yes!! Update!! I waited for
This was so cute!!! Luhan and Tao!!! Xiumin you funny baozi!!! They got their action going on...

Oh Chen and Kris!!! When are they going to get their action going on?!?!? LoL!!

Happy 4th of July to you too!! ^^ Peace!