
(Two-Shot) I just wanted to love Kim Jongdae hyung more, no?







Tao slammed the table, on the verge of pulling all his hairs out.


Chen-who was in the same room, eyes the depressed boy.


"Chen Chen ge, do you happen to know how hard it is to find a fanfiction shipping us?" Tao, maknae of EXO-M looked at Chen for a second before continuing to scroll through the list of EXO tagged fan-fictions. "Wait... What?" Chen was caught off-hook by the question. Why was the maknae even reading fan-fictions, he thought.

"It's because you both are too quiet, duh~" Kris rolled his eyes as he continue to apply his moisturizer. Now why is everyone sounding like they read fan-fictions, he thought again. There was a loud sigh that startled everyone. It was Lay. He had probably decided to use the computer after Tao when he saw the leader. In order to not be freaked out by Kris again, Lay fled the scene..

"Wait up, Yixing!" he stood up halfway. "Before I go and annoy the hell out of Xingxing, let's say you two try to talk more and have more interactions, that way, fans will be sparked with ideas. Have fun~" and flew off to find Lay.

"I can't really talk because of the language barrier... I wish I could speak better Mandarin. Why don't you teach me anymore?" Chen sighs.

"Well, you do realize that manager ge has taken me out of your room to share with him right?" Tao pointed out something that has happened quite awhile ago. "Right, he wanted to share a room with you because of that encounter. That's...so timid of him!" Chen exclaimed before laughing. (Chen and Lay are room mates, Tao used to be in that room but got shifted to manager's. LuHan shares room with Xiu Min and Kris)

'Ah, Chen Chen ge has a beautiful smile and who would have thought his laughter would sound so melodious?' Tao's thoughts wander off somewhere. "Tao? Zitao?" hands were waving infront of a dazed kungfu panda.

Tao jerked and had his eyes on Chen as he continued. "You know... I don't like how you're always paired up with Kris hyung. I want to have stories written about us like SeHun and LuHan hyung..."

"You read fan-fictions too? And you want us to be featured in angst fan-fictions? How could you, ge! I don't want to be separated from you!" and the kungfu panda wrap his long arms around the neck of the shorter vocalist. Chen chuckled and shake his head. "Of course not! I like the way they describe the love and the need they have for each other yet..."

"As lovers?" Tao asked innocently.

"No, we aren't lovers...right? Unless you have fallen for me?" smirks Chen. "Of..of course I haven't! Even though you have a wonderful voice and cute facial features~"

Chen started laughing at the compliments, making Tao embarrassed.



"Alright! So today who we have here is a group that have been sweeping up the top places in charts! EXO-M!" as the MC clapped, every member of EXO-M stood up and waited for Kris's cue.

"We are..ONE! Hello, we are EXO-M!" everyone greeted and bowed.

"Wow~ I feel really proud of their greetings. They are always loud but polite and their bows are really 90 degrees. I received one backstage this morning. I feel honored because till now, there hasn't been anyone who greeted me like that." the MC smiled and praised in which Kris thanked him on their behalf.

After talking about the concept of the song and album, it was the Q&A segment. Tao had requested to sit next to Chen but was rejected because of the height difference. 'Argh, what height differences. I'm not that short, am I?' Chen eyed Tao who was standing next to the tallest member, Kris. There wasn't even any problem with eye contact because Kris was just taller by a mere few centimetres.

Tao was placed next to Luhan, who happens to be the member inbetween him and Kris. Ironically, Chen was the member furthest to him. The youngest probably felt how disappointed and upset Chen and Xiu Min could have been because the questions and answers were never once directed to them. Especially Chen.
"So... As the youngest, who do you look up to, Tao?" the MC and members then looked at him.

Eyeing his target, Tao blushed and mumbled a name that they didn't catch. "What? Who? And why are you blushing?!" the MC and members burst into laughter. "I meant.. Chen Chen ge..."

Kris's eyes widen and turned to look at the youngest. Why has the member he looks up to changed? It has always been Kris, as mentioned in other interviews.

Chen smiled as he knew the MC would finally give him some air time. To his disappointment, the MC went on with another question. Tao noticed the fire in Chen's eyes dying, smile dropping and felt really bad.

Out of nowhere, he had a strong urge to walk over and hug him but resorted to asking for his hand in secret. In which he hopes nobody had noticed. Feeling the warmth and sincerity in the action, Chen smiled genuinely.

The members did noticed but brushed it off. All the members except Kris. He was frowning.

As the questions continued, Xiu Min revealed that he had actually learnt mandarin for 6 months and felt sorry that he couldn't communicate well. He's a fan of JJ Lin and was asked to sing a segment of 'Back-to-back hug'. It was beautifully sang.

"So Chen, do you happen to know any Chinese singers?" finally a question was directed to him. "Hmm.. I like Alexander Wang sunbae and Jay Chou sunbae. They have fantastic songs."

Tao's eyes never left Chen's and continued to look at him even when the MC asked for a short cover of Forever Love by Alexander Wang.

"Forever love~ forever love~ wo zhi xiang yong wo zhe yi bei zi qu ai ni~ Cong jin yi hou, ni hui shi suo you..." hitting the highest pitch of the line, Chen sang the last line; interlocking eyes with the youngest. "Xing fu de..li you~~" (Forever love, forever love, I only want to use this lifetime to love you. From now on, you will be..the reason to my happiness.)

They both broke into a smile and the MC clapped. "The korean members sang well, didn't they? Xiu Min, your pronunciation is really good. Chen, how long have you learnt mandarin?"

"Err.. I've been learning mandarin for about 3 months. It really isn't good but our maknae, Tao has been teaching me as and when inside the dormitory or at the practice studio." which was then translated into Chinese.

They played the 'Chemistry' game and it ended with Lay the image destroyer, destroying everyone's image, even the images of some of the K side members.

Thanking the MC and crews, EXO-M made their way up the van and left the scene. Chen looked at their interlocked hands. Tao noticed and smiled at him. "Do you think there will be updates on us?"

"Already had, maknae. I just went on baidu and even naver, the top searched is TaoChen. Congratulations~" Lay laughed along with Luhan. Xiu Min nodded and gave a thumbs up. All were happy except Kris.

'Is he testing my patience? Argh... He probably knows how much I feel for him as a hyung and..and yet went off to Chen.' clenching his fists, Kris can't wait till he's alone with Tao; Xiu Min and Chen will be starting mandarin classes while Luhan and Lay will be heading to shop. Luhan wanted the same bag as Lay but hopes to find one in a brighter color.

He would like to know the sudden change of attitude.


"Have fun in mandarin class, Chen Chen ge Xiu Min ge!" Tao waved. "Buy back some snacks, will you? Luhannie ge~ Xingxing ge~"


They nodded and ran out of the house. None of the members, and especially Chen, would want to taste the consequences Kris has for Tao. Nobody could resist Tao's cuteness, especially Kris but this time, there was nothing that could save him.

All the other members had the same thought as they travel to their destinations.

Kris gave the door a knock and enters the room. "Ge? What's wrong?" Tao looked up from the book he's reading. "Nothing, what are you reading?"

Tao smiled ever so prettily as his eyes widen with excitement. "I'm learning Korean! For Chen Chen ge! I was hoping to really help him with pronunciation."

Frowning deeper, Kris grab hold of Tao's right wrist and pulls him up from his seat. "Huh? Kris ge?!" he let out a pained grunt when his back met the wall. "Kris ge?!"

"You like provoking me eh? You wanted to see me jealous huh? Well, I am jealous right now so stop acting close with Chen!" Kris spat, words oozing with jealousy. Tao tilted his head, it did not make sense that helping his hyung would cause Kris jealousy. "What are you trying to tell me, ge? Why are jealous about me being close with..." and it felt like someone had just gave Tao a slap on the face. Is Kris trying to hint that he has feelings for him? This is so weird, he thought.

Seeing the sudden change of facial expression, Kris sigh as he let go of his grip on Tao's wrist. Now I'm probably scaring him for liking him..for liking him more than just a brother, he thought as he exits the room with his head lowered. "What have I done..." Kris buries his face into his hands as he slide down the back of his room door.

Still unable to get over what just happened, Tao hadn't realize he was holding onto his breath till he exhales and gasps deeply for air.

Did he guess correctly? Was their charismatic leader in love with him? Was liking a guy more than a brother even possible? Tao doesn't want to know.

Now that he knew about Kris's feelings; how on earth are they ever going to see each other in the eye anymore?






Alright, part one up!

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-dem0ns #1
Chapter 2: Sho cute, I like it! :3
Tojika_Eba #3
Hey kwonmigi ah~~! Your fic is really cute and sweet ~~~ *I really like all TaoChen moment~~ But I ship TaoRis =v=* Thanks for a very nice story =v= I love u~~~
And I'm wondering if I can translate this fanfic to Vietnamese~ I want to share it with my friend! I will take out with full credit :)
reply me soon :) once again thank you =v=
Hello reader Dancemach97! Thank you for supporting! Roll like a buffalo~~~\m/
Dancemach97 #5
I exploded when the manager had the O_______O face and then the members omg RLABLOLOLOLOL!!!! You're epic.
@Evilblea: Haha, i enjoyed writing this too! Thanks for reading!
@Lee_HyunJae: Because i do happen to ship TaoRis too! Thanks for reading!
@Yuya_Love_B: Haha, thank you! Chen did sang to that song in one of the interviews! I always try my best to bring the realities into fanfics :) Thanks for reading!
@Lemondismdrew: Well, i doubt the manager does read fanfics haha! Thanks for reading!
@HYEAxoxo_: Yeah! Aye yo wassup KREASE haha! Thanks for reading!
@Cloudsungie: D.0________0 I bet not everyone had guessed the one that will initiate the kiss would be Tao hehe! And yes,i can also see this happening! Thanks for reading!
hyeamazing #7
WAAAAA mah God it's so cute and fluffy. N the manager poor manager u must read fanfic too XD