
(Two-Shot) I just wanted to love Kim Jongdae hyung more, no?

A week passed, things were still awkward between the leader and the youngest.

Tao would refuse to spend time with the other members, he would sit next to anyone but Kris; and true to the ears, he never once talked to the leader. It's not like Kris had did the same, they all knew something had happened; from the longing eyes Kris would have whenever Tao is within range.

"What happened last week, Kris?" the oldest, Xiu Min walked past him for a cup and spoon.

"It's nothing, Xiu Min hyung..." Kris played with his fingers while eyeing the eldest making his drink.

"You sure? Luhannie is worried about Tao... Even D.O called to ask." thanking him with a nod, Xiu Min stirs his.

"Sehunnie told D.O?" Kris looked up while drinking.

"Yeah, Luhannie called him. Oh, and if we find out that you're bullying him, be prepared to face even the K side." and went off to their room.

On the other side, Luhan had managed to catch Tao once but that was 4 days ago.

"Zitao, what happened? Tell ge?" the youngest could tell everyone was getting worried but he didn't want to bring anyone anymore inconvenience. "It's nothing, ge. I have been thinking instead..."


"I was wondering, Luhannie ge... Your relationship with Sehun... Is it real? Like how is it possible to like someone you have known for so long?"

"Did someone confess to you? Ah~ Our youngest wants to get into a relationship? Luckily-for me, Hunhan is real..." blushing, he continues. "But we aren't anywhere near loving...yet. We just like each other alot..."

'So close already yet not in love..? So it's possible to fall for someone that you have known for long..even if we are of the same gender? No... This can't be the answer I'm looking for...' and before Luhan knew it, Tao had slammed the door of the room again.

'It's not like we have a chance to love... Separated by an ocean, I wanted nothing more but to be in the arms of my Sehunnie...'


Early this morning, Kris had went out with Lay, leaving the others with Tao. However, as soon as they left, the duo came home within 2 hours. Fans were everywhere.

The first thing Kris did was to place the cake he had bought in the fridge.

His eyes scanned the closed door and sighed loudly.

"ZiTao~ Open the door, will you? It's Chen Chen ge~" receiving no reply from the youngest, Chen turns to Xiu Min. "Hyung? What should we do? I'm worried, he has been like this since last week..."

"Let me try..." LuHan-who appeared from the kitchen, walked towards the door of Tao and their manager. "ZiTao~ Luhannie ge bought you something sweet, open the door so I can pass it to you?"

Crossing their fingers, they all hope the sweet offer would made the youngest get out of the room. "What..what is it?" they all cheered inwardly upon hearing the voice of their maknae. Chen poked LuHan to continue. "Ah, it's your favorite! Chocolate Lava..." before he could finish, the door swung open to reveal the tall, handsome and hungry boy.

He eyed the plate LuHan was holding, his lips. "Are all those for me?"

LuHan chuckled and passed over the plate. "Of course they are! Kris..." eyes widen, he clears his throat. "I meant Kris's friend and our member, Yixing bought it!"

Tao knew it was from Kris. His hungry expression dropped instantly before it was replaced with an emotionless one.

"Forget it." Turning his back, he took a step into his room when someone grab hold of his wrist.

Before he could turn to glare, Tao felt himself being pinned against the wall.

It was Kris.

He had caught the right timing to witness how Tao reacted upon knowing who bought the cake.

"Kris! Whatever you do, please do not hurt ZiTao anymore!" LuHan had his fists on the door worriedly while shouting, in hope that the rash leader would listen. "Jongdae, let's go find manager hyung. I don't trust that they will talk nicely." and with that, Xiu Min left the dormitory with Chen.

Lay-who's forever in his own world, finally poke his head out of the room. "Did something happen? I hear doors slamming? Is everything ok?" LuHan roll his eyes and began searching for the key to the room.



"What do you think you will gain from ignoring me?" the leader exhale heavily at his face. "What do you want from me? I.hadn't.confess, what makes you confirm your doubt?"

Tao felt his heart did a backflip, got ripped off his ribcage and dropped into his stomach. "I..I..."

Kris waited, he just had to wait; even knowing the words that will come out from Tao's mouth would hurt him. "I don't know! I don't even know why i am ignoring you!" he struggled to breathe. The air surrounding them was hot, dense and it got worst from their skin contact. Kris had pressed his body onto Tao's.

"These days I have been thinking..and instead of feeling disgusted about the thoughts of us being together as..as a couple..I was happy..." Kris stunned, thoughts running through his mind. Wha-what? What did I just hear from him?

Seeing Kris's unexplainable face, he continued. "I'm ashamed of my behavior, don't you get it? Because my reactions are not normal, I have to question my uality..."

He looked at the youngest, eyes longing yet he covers it with anger as he signal Tao to continue. "Our Korean members aren't getting enough attention... The fan-fictions that I have read, it's always me and the other members, all but Chen Chen ge. Our 2nd interview got me thinking, that I should do something to increase attention on him... You know how I am, when I'm determined to do something, I will dedicate my everything to finish it..."

"I have..we have all noticed too... But to make a decision like that, shouldn't you have at least asked?" His voice was so soft and filled with curiousity. Tao was surprised that he even sounded hurt.

"Kris ge, I'm confused... You were the one who told me to have more interactions with Chen Chen ge, why are you so upset when people are trending and supporting TaoChen? Being a couple with Chen Chen ge could just be the only way to help him gain fans... Like how..how Luhannie ge and Sehun are... It's not even fun to be teased by Chen Chen ge, he thinks I'm in love with him. I'm embarrassed!" and with that, Tao ended his long explanation with burying his face at the crook of Kris's neck.

It fits perfectly, Kris thought, drawing a smile on his face.

Then Kris instinctively and willingly ran a hand down Tao's back, trying to comfort him. "Ah, our maknae is so thoughtful~"



'The hug we are sharing right now, at this very moment... I wish time would stop... I would love to forever be surrounded by this scent...' Kris slowly close his eyes, smiling even wider from the overwhelming happiness that his jaw hurts; but it doesn't matter, as long as his Tao is here.


"Yes, Zitao..?"

"I happen to ship TaoRis too..."

Eyes wide open, heart increasing beats, making him light-headed; Kris broke the hug to look at the boy in his embrace. "What? Wait, what..?"

"Well... I did thought about it, I did asked around about it..." anywhere but his eyes, Tao tells himself. Anywhere. But. His. Eyes.

"Wait. No, who did you ask? Luhan ge?" he do not necessarily need to believe whoever tries to bring them together, Kris wanted Tao to be willing instead.

"The..fans..? The number of fan-fictions out there about us. It was crazy, I did read a few..." Tao stammered, blood shooting up to his cheeks and coloring them.

"Our love shouldn't involve fans." replied Kris sternly, a deep frown forming on his face. (Yes, that face he's known to give xD.)

"They reminded me of what you have done for me, Kris ge... From the beginning when we met till after debut, you were there for me; even those times when you stalked me, I actually do realize them all..." as if on cue, they looked into each other's eyes.

They looked so deeply into his, it made Leader Kris blush. He felt under Tao's intense stare. Indeed, there had been a flash of uncertainty in his eyes; and that made the fire in Kris die down alittle.

Clearing his own throat, the couple looked away. Cheeks were burning and hearts were beating fast but as one. Kris decided to speak up first.

"We can always continue being who we are, Zitao... There is no need to rush our relationship in any way, you know... I like you very much... Just so you know." smirking, Kris tighten his arms around the younger boy.

He nodded like he actually understood what was told to him but no, Tao didn't.

A random thought was actually running through Tao's mind. It was something Taemin sunbae had learnt during their 'TvN Taxi' interview. "When you stare into her eyes for more than 3 seconds and she doesn't look away, it's the right time to..."

Unknown to himself, Leader Kris was now panicking inwardly upon seeing how much closer Tao's face had moved to his from the beginning. This was probably the first time someone had placed their lips so close to his.

Lips trembling, Kris shut his eyes and allow the magical moment to be bestowed to him.


"I can't believe you allowed this to happen, Kim Min Seok! I trusted you though Kris is the leader!" Lay and Luhan turn to the direction of the familiar obnoxious voice. It was their manager. Chen hurriedly key in the door pin and held the door for Xiu Min and their manager. "Things better not be bad or I won't..." all 4 of them eyed the manager rumbling on while walking towards the room.





3 minutes later...

Their eyes widen and worried hearts skipped a beat upon seeing how the hot-headed manager who was nagging earlier, walked back to the living room with a face only D.O possesses. (0______0) He seemed to be in a shock; like he had saw the ghost when they first moved in.

The atmosphere was mind-blowingly thick as everyone waited for what the manager had to say.

"You said they would be..fighting..? Why are they kissing instead?" the pale-looking manager seemed surprised and awkward. "I'm..i'm going to go check on..on your roof." he was not making sense.

"Kissing?!" everyone ran to the door which was left ajar and peeked in. Alas! Their leader and youngest were really kissing! One by one, they clear their throats and went upstairs to join their manager in checking the roof.


Thus, they finally understood why TaoRis was more popular than the other pairings.










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-dem0ns #1
Chapter 2: Sho cute, I like it! :3
Tojika_Eba #3
Hey kwonmigi ah~~! Your fic is really cute and sweet ~~~ *I really like all TaoChen moment~~ But I ship TaoRis =v=* Thanks for a very nice story =v= I love u~~~
And I'm wondering if I can translate this fanfic to Vietnamese~ I want to share it with my friend! I will take out with full credit :)
reply me soon :) once again thank you =v=
Hello reader Dancemach97! Thank you for supporting! Roll like a buffalo~~~\m/
Dancemach97 #5
I exploded when the manager had the O_______O face and then the members omg RLABLOLOLOLOL!!!! You're epic.
@Evilblea: Haha, i enjoyed writing this too! Thanks for reading!
@Lee_HyunJae: Because i do happen to ship TaoRis too! Thanks for reading!
@Yuya_Love_B: Haha, thank you! Chen did sang to that song in one of the interviews! I always try my best to bring the realities into fanfics :) Thanks for reading!
@Lemondismdrew: Well, i doubt the manager does read fanfics haha! Thanks for reading!
@HYEAxoxo_: Yeah! Aye yo wassup KREASE haha! Thanks for reading!
@Cloudsungie: D.0________0 I bet not everyone had guessed the one that will initiate the kiss would be Tao hehe! And yes,i can also see this happening! Thanks for reading!
hyeamazing #7
WAAAAA mah God it's so cute and fluffy. N the manager poor manager u must read fanfic too XD