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(Two-Shot) I just wanted to love Kim Jongdae hyung more, no?

Do support my next one-shot!


(One-Shot) When Luhan thinks an Orange is a Peach


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-dem0ns #1
Chapter 2: Sho cute, I like it! :3
Tojika_Eba #3
Hey kwonmigi ah~~! Your fic is really cute and sweet ~~~ *I really like all TaoChen moment~~ But I ship TaoRis =v=* Thanks for a very nice story =v= I love u~~~
And I'm wondering if I can translate this fanfic to Vietnamese~ I want to share it with my friend! I will take out with full credit :)
reply me soon :) once again thank you =v=
Hello reader Dancemach97! Thank you for supporting! Roll like a buffalo~~~\m/
Dancemach97 #5
I exploded when the manager had the O_______O face and then the members omg RLABLOLOLOLOL!!!! You're epic.
@Evilblea: Haha, i enjoyed writing this too! Thanks for reading!
@Lee_HyunJae: Because i do happen to ship TaoRis too! Thanks for reading!
@Yuya_Love_B: Haha, thank you! Chen did sang to that song in one of the interviews! I always try my best to bring the realities into fanfics :) Thanks for reading!
@Lemondismdrew: Well, i doubt the manager does read fanfics haha! Thanks for reading!
@HYEAxoxo_: Yeah! Aye yo wassup KREASE haha! Thanks for reading!
@Cloudsungie: D.0________0 I bet not everyone had guessed the one that will initiate the kiss would be Tao hehe! And yes,i can also see this happening! Thanks for reading!
hyeamazing #7
WAAAAA mah God it's so cute and fluffy. N the manager poor manager u must read fanfic too XD