Chapter 10 "Daffodils"

"it started with a...TWEET!!!"

Are we good to go?

TOP asked...Blue nodded...he held her hand on their way out of the house. He opened the car's door for her...she hugged him before letting him close the door. TOP went to the driver's seat and started the car. Upon reaching the bridge his phone rings...




Yes, it's me...we're here!


At the airport!

But, I thought you guys are supposed to do something?

I know...but, president told us to go here. He cancelled everything!

All four of you are there?

Maknae's on his way...

Well, we're on our way too...

Can I talk to Blue?

She's sleeping...maybe later...

Oh...okay...we'll wait for you here. Drive safe!

Okay...see you.




They've arrived at the airport. GD saw TOP's car and immediately run towards them. Dae and Bae followed him...


GD, Dae and Bae shouted upon seeing TOP...

Maknae's still not here?

TOP asked them...

He just called...he's near.

Bae said...

What time is your flight?

Dae asked...


TOP answered...GD saw Blue sleeping inside the car and about to go to her when his phone rings...


He already knew it was SeungRi...

I'm here!

SeungRi shouted while running towards them...

Why do you need to call me if you already saw us?

GD asked...

I saw you about to go to Blue and we both know I'm your competition to her!

SeungRi shouted then immediately run towards Blue but GD followed him...

Guys, she's sleeping...

Bae said to GD and SeungRi who were wrestling each other to get to Blue first...

Hyung is right, she's sleeping.

Dae said which made GD and SeungRi stop...

Hyung, she's okay right? She loves waking up early...but now...

GD asked with worry...SeungRi stared at her through the window...

Don't worry, she's okay...we just happen to slept late last night...she's very excited to go back to Manila she couldn't sleep.

TOP said then sat on the bench near the car...Bae and Dae followed him while GD and SeungRi continue to stare at Blue...

Hyung, we'll take cover of you until you and Blue get back.

Dae said...TOP smiled...

And...please take care of yourself and Blue...don't get sick.

Bae said then immediately covered his eyes...TOP grab his hand and squeezed it tight...

Thank you for worrying for us...we're gonna be okay, two months then we'll be back.

TOP said then stood up...

You two...wake her up!

TOP said to GD and SeungRi, the two were suprised...TOP never allowed them to wake Blue up not even once...

Hyung, you heard it too right?

SeungRi asked GD...

I'm not sure...

GD answered then they both look at TOP again...

I said, wake her up...or you want Bae and Dae to do it?

TOP said then pushed Bae and Dae towards the car...SeungRi took cover of the car...

No! JiYong hyung, wake her up!

GD opened the door slowly...


GD touching her cheeks...she opened her eyes and immediately hug GD...

Uncle J!

Come here my peanut...

They hug each other...SeungRi, Bae and Dae run towards them...

Hyung! Let our princess out of the car so we could hug her too!

Dae shouted...GD let loose of her and let her come out of the car...

Uncle D!


Dae hugged her tight then Bae touched her ear which made her giggle...

How's my little miss?

Bae asked while hugging her...

I'm okay Uncle...thank you for asking, how about you?

My little miss, as always...very polite and sweet...Uncle B's okay...thank you for asking too...

How about me? How about Uncle Panda? Huh? My Baby Panda?

SeungRi asked while pouting his lips...Blue run towards him and hugged him tight...

I miss you Uncle!

Wait, we just saw each other last night and you already missed me?

Yes! I miss Uncle J, Uncle D and Uncle B...


Uncle Panda of course!

She then kissed SeungRi on his forehead...


Everybody shouted except TOP and SeungRi...

How come he get a kiss and Uncle J doesn't?

Yeah, Uncle B too!

Me too, Uncle D!

Blue let go of SeungRi and went to GD first and kissed him on his cheeks where he always like...then to Bae where she kissed him on his nose and to Dae where she kissed him on his eyes...

Everyone happy now?

TOP asked then grab Blue's hand and piggyback her...

Looks like Daddy wants a kiss too, what do you think peanut?

GD teasing TOP...Blue immediately kissed TOP on his ear...

I love you daddy!

I love you too baby...


The four uncle tease even more...TOP put Blue down...

We need to go...Blue, hug your uncles...

Blue nodded then went to Dae first...

Uncle D, dad and I will miss you. Eat well okay?

Yes princess! You too, eat your vegetables always...

Dae said while hugging her...she then moved to Bae...

Uncle, don't practice too much...

Yes Ma'am!

Bae hugged her then GD grab her and hugged her tight...

Peanut...always sleep early okay? And take care of your dad, don't let him sleep late...

Yes too, write your songs during morning so you don't need to write them late at night...

Okay I will...


I promise!

They both made a pinky swear...

Uncle panda...

Baby panda...

Uncle, I will miss you and my milk...

Blue can no longer hold her tears...she cried on SeungRi's chest...

Don't worry, I told your dad to give you one every night and morning...if he forgets to, I will call him to make him remember...

But, I won't be there to wake you and uncle J, uncle D and uncle B...I'm sorry...

No, baby...that's're gonna visit your mom missed her too right?


And you and your dad will be back in two months...that won't be long, next thing you knew...we'll be seeing each other again...

I'll tell dad to let me call you every morning so I will still wake you all up...

We already told your dad about that and he said yes...take care of yourself and always listen to your dad okay baby?

Yes too, always listen to uncle J, B and D...

I will!

SeungRi and Blue hugged each other tight then they let go of each other...

Hyung, take care of each other.

Bae said...

Don't forget to get back here after two months!

Dae shouted...

Take care of Blue!

SeungRi shouted too...GD went near TOP...

Hyung, tell Blue nuna we missed her...I miss her...

TOP nodded then tapped GD's back...

Take care of yourselves...we'll be back after two months...



-Blue's POV-

Mom, dad and I missed missed us too right? You know...Uncle J always teaches me how to play the piano, Unlce B teaches me how to dance, Uncle D teaches me how to sing while Uncle panda teaches me how to, dad told me next year I'll go to school, is it hard to go to school? Dad also told me, if I start going to school I won't be able to see you as often but he said he will still visit you so you won't be sad not seeing us. Mom, I'm sorry if we're making you worry everytime you don't get to see me and dad. I know you're happy here, dad said you wanted to be here cause you want to be with grandpa. I love you mom!

-End of POV-



T, Blue and I...we really missed you, I know you know how much right? Blue's okay...the boys...they all love her...especially JiYong and SeungRi, our daughter is fine...she's growing up really well and have you noticed? She's looking more like you everyday...her brown eyes are the same as yours. I'm sending her to school next year, she seem excited about it but she's worrying she won't see you as often...I really miss you...I know you miss me too and Blue she misses you more than I do. She's starting to ask questions, I wish you're here with me to help me with the answers...I know you're okay now...and I know you're much happier than before. It's sad that you won't be here with us anymore but...I know you are with us...guiding us and Blue. I love you, Blue loves you too...we'll see each other again sometime...til then, be our angel okay? Be the angel for our angel, you were right...naming her after you made me feel that you never left me and I know you won't...Wait for me there, may take a while, our daughter needs me and I wish to be with her more too...I really miss you and I will always love you. And, before I forgot...JiYong said hi!


I lost her again...I lost the girl who even though I shouted at when he asked me for direction the night she got lost still smiled at me and said thank you after I took her home with me, I lost the girl who hold on to my hand so tight and gave me this bracelet which made me meet her again after 15 years...I lost the first girl I loved, I lost the woman that I got married to, I lost my wife, I lost the mother of my daughter...I lost my love...I lost my Tippy...


Daffodils...her favorite...Blue put it on top of her mother's grave while I lighted the candles...I hugged Blue and we both lay on the grass above where her mother and my Tippy lies...stars starts to appear and it was like the sky when she last slept with us...Blue was so young back then she couldn't talk yet...the night where the Heavens took her from us to save her from pain and suffering...the night we lost her...the night she finally found peace...

-End of POV-

















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ilabya17 #1
@sayurimei awww thank you ^^
i didnt expect this when i started to read this story... But can I say how much i love it... Daffodils are one of my fav flowers too.. So when i start reading the final chapter i couldnt stop tears from falling... Really great sroty!
@Ajtothehustler THANK YOU :)
Ajtothehustler #5
awesome story
@siriSuperjunior the truth is...I don't want her to die too but unfortunately I need to, cause I was busy with school so someone dying as the ending is always a better and if not the easiest option to make XD and Top is the oldest among all the member of Bigbang, he's turning 24 this year and GD's 23 :)<br />
Thanks for loving the story <3
@ardnaxeiram019 I don't want her to die but I needed to end it cause I'm busy with school and stuff XD thanks for liking it :)
omo, she died...huhu<br />
but it's a good story!!!~♥
@TOPandGDluv I know...I'm still sad to let TOP's supposedly "wife" on the story died and THANK YOU VERY MUCH <3