Chapter 3 "Let's go Dutch!"

"it started with a...TWEET!!!"

What the?!

Blue was shocked to see Elise sitting on the floor beside her bed staring at her...

Lis...what are you doing? You scared the hell out of me.

B...I'm hungry...

There's food on the fridge.

Blue stood up...

What time is it?



Blue went to look outside the window and saw that it was dark...

Lis, I told you to wake me up if there's something you needed my help long have you've been...hungry?

It doesn't matter...can we just eat?

Okay, I'll cook!

Blue went to the door but Elise stopped her...

But, I'm so hungry to wait for you to cook...

I'll cook faster.


You said you're hungry.

I am! but, can we just eat outside?

Outside? Lis, it's 1 in the morning and it's snowing.

I know but...I wanna eat outside! Please!

Elise acting like a kid now...Blue stops and finally gave in...

Fine! I'll just change my clothes.

Yes! I love you so much!

Elise jumping around while hugging Blue...



Kamsahamnida! (Thank you!)

Blue said to the cab driver upon their arrival to their destination to which Elise picked...

So...where to?

Blue asked Elise who is busy looking around...

Huh? Oh yeah! Uhm...that way!

Before Blue could say something Elise is already running towards a dark alley...

Hey Lis!

Blue kept on shouting but Elise seem to be not hearing her...she ran faster then caught Elise by the hand...

I don't think we should be here...

Blue said catching her breath...Elise faced her...

No, it's okay...don't worry.


Before Blue could continue someone from her back shouted...


Blue looked at her back and saw a familiar face...Elise on the other hand is already running towards the person...


Elise shouted...


Someone laughed...all three of them looked for the direction of the person laughing...apparently GD is not was TOP sitting inside a black van just a few feet away from them, the door is open so they can see him perfectly...he's wearing a black suit with a plain white shirt underneath and a black necktie...he has his legs crossed as well as his arms...

Hyung! What are you doing here?

GD asked...TOP went out of the van...

Curly? Hahahahahahaha!!!

TOP continued laughing...Blue who was shocked laughed too...

Cheeky? Hahahahahahahaha!!!

Blue and TOP are now laughing like it's their last time to do it...TOP even sat on the pavement while Blue wiping tears from her eyes...

Hey hyung! I asked you why are you here?

GD asked with irritation...TOP stood up...

I can't believe this...from JiYong to G Dragon and now...Curly?! Hahahahahahaha!!!

GD can't no longer hold it burst into laugter too leaving Elise confused cause they're speaking in Korean...

Seriously? Curly? Hahahahahahahaha!!!

TOP still laughing...Blue and GD are both crying now...

Hey! What's happening?!

Elise finally shouted...all three stopped from laughing and composed themselves...

Can you guys...please...speak in English so I could understand you?

Elise asked while pouting her lips...Blue was about to go beside her but GD was fast...

It's okay Cheeky...don't worry.

Blue upon hearing that burts into laughter again so as TOP...GD who is hugging Elise laughed too...

Fine! I'll just leave you three here since you're enjoying too much!

Elise said then walked away from them...


Blue, GD and TOP shouted in unison...Elise stopped and faced them...

What now?

Elise asked with her arms crossed in front of her...Blue approched her...

I'm so sorry...I...We...didn't mean to.

Blue then hugged her...

Yes! We're sorry!

TOP said too...GD then approached Elise then hugged her...

I'm sorry Chee...

Before GD continued he looked at TOP and Blue signalling them not to laugh this time...the two nodded then turned their backs on them...


GD continued...Blue and TOP both covering their mouth with their hands looked at each other while controlling themselves not to laugh...

Apologies accepted!

Elise said...


TOP and Blue shouted in unison...

But! You two...still needs to do something for me since you made fun of me!

Elise said which made Blue and TOP look at each other again...

Two? and her?

TOP asked pointing at Blue...


Elise answered...

But...why?! GD laughed too!

Blue said...

We all know he didn' two just provoked him to do so!

You gotta be kidding me!

Blue said...GD seem to be enjoying the scene...

Yeah! GD laughed too not just us!

TOP agreed on Blue...Blue looked at him and smiled...

No! It's just you two!

Elise said while tapping her foot on the ground...GD now is having a hard time controllling himself from laughing...

So...because of what you two both need to...

Need to what?!

Both TOP and Blue asked...

Need for our dinner!

Our dinner? Seriously? Elisabeth Smith?

Blue asked with irritation...Elise was shocked that Blue said her true name...

Why do you need to shout my true name in public?!

Why? Do you want me to call you...Cheeky?

Fine! You started this...Tippy Gomez!

TOP and GD were both shocked of what is happening...




Where would GD go this late? I better follow him then...I asked the driver to follow GD's car...he finally stopped and he seem to be looking for someone...A dark alley? What would he do there? I made the right choice on following him...maybe he's gonna be having a fight with someone that's why he choose this alley but who? I told the driver to stop the van and ask him to leave me...I don't want him to see what will happen here...he's a driver of the company and I don't want him to tell the President about GD being on a fight and me being at the scene too...GD hid himself from the other end of the alley...preparing for a surprise attack I guessed...then a girl with short straight black hair is approaching...and someone is following her...a girl taller than her with her long straight brown hair tied up on a ponytail...the girl with the long hair shouting now...I can't hear it cause the door is closed so I decided to open it..."Hey Lis!" that's what she's shouting...the short haired girl seem to not hearing her just continues to run towards the alley...then GD went out of his hiding place and shouted something I never heard him shouted before..."Cheeky!" the long haired girl looked behind her and seem to be surprised while the short haired girl is running towards GD while shouting..."Curly!" I burst into laughter after hearing her call him "Curly" they heard me laughing and was shocked that they were not the only people there...

Hyung! What are you doing here?

GD asked...I went out of the van...

Curly? Hahahahahahaha!!!

I continued laughing...The long haired girl who was shocked laughed too...

Cheeky? Hahahahahahahaha!!!

She said...which made both of us laughed so hard...I even sat on the pavement while she's wiping tears from her eyes...

Hey hyung! I asked you why are you here?

GD asked me...I stood up...

I can't believe this...from JiYong to G Dragon and now...Curly?! Hahahahahahaha!!!

GD can't no longer hold it burst into laughter too...

Seriously? Curly? Hahahahahahahaha!!!

I asked once more and continued laughing...

Hey! What's happening?!

The short haired girl shouted...all three of us...GD, the long haired girl and me stopped from laughing and composed ourselves...

Can you guys...please...speak in English so I could understand you?

She asked while pouting her lips...Long hair was about to go beside her but GD was fast...

It's okay Cheeky...don't worry.

Long hair upon hearing that burts into laughter again so as I...GD who is hugging Short hair laughed too...

Fine! I'll just leave you three here since you're enjoying too much!

She said then walked away from us...


Long hair, GD and I shouted in unison...She stopped and faced us...

What now?

She asked with her arms crossed in front of her...Long hair approched her...

I'm so sorry...I...We...didn't mean to.

Long hair then hugged her...

Yes! We're sorry!

I said too...GD then approached short hair then hugged her...

I'm sorry Chee...

Before GD continued he looked at long hair and me signalling us not to laugh this time...both of us nodded then turned our backs on them...


GD continued...Long hair and I both covering our mouth with our hands looked at each other while controlling ourselves not to laugh...

This is weird...her eyes...her brown eyes...I've seen so many brown eyes before but...this is really weird...why does my heart suddenly wants to jump out of my chest...the way she's looking at feels as if...she knows me...does she? My heart thudded even louder when she stopped from laughing and smiled at me...Shoot! This can't be it...could it be that...that...this is what they called..."Love at first sight"? Oh no no no! That only happens on movies! Snap out of it TOP! Long hair is pretty! Yes she is! But, you didn't even know her name...I should go and ask...there's no harm in asking right? Yes, I'll ask her! I was about to ask her when Short hair shouted...

Appologies accepted!

-End of POV-



Are you guys okay?

GD asked after seeing the two look at each other with fire on their eyes...

So, You're Tippy Gomez and "Cheeky" here is...Elisabeth Smith?

TOP asking Blue...Blue looked at him and smiled...

But, I thought her name is Blue?

GD asked Elise with confusion...

Her TRUE name is Tippy...while Blue is what her Dad calls her...

Elise said which looks like she's regretting having a fight with her bestfriend...

Well, nice meeting you Tippy or Blue Gomez?

TOP held his hand...Blue grabbed it...

Nice to meet you too TOP! Feel free to call me anything you want...Blue or...Tippy

Blue looked at Elise as if she wants her to say sorry...TOP smiled upon holding her hand...she looked at their hands and TOP let go of of it and scratched his head...Blue smiled...

So...I'm GD by the way!


GD and Blue shook each others hand...

So...let's go eat?

TOP asked after a long silence...

Sure! But, Elise will pay for it...since she was the one who invited us all here...

Blue said...apparently Elise set up everything from them eating out and "seeing" GD accidentally which was not accidental cause she planned it all earlier...

How did you know?

Elise asked Blue...

I'm your bestfriend remember?

Of course! But, I don't have money...

Elise went closer to her and whispered...Blue laughed which made GD and TOP curious...

Fine...I'll pay for it!

Blue said...

No! We'll pay for it!

TOP contradicts...GD nodded...

No! I'll pay for it since...

Blue wasn't able to continue what she was saying cause TOP is already holding her hand and drags her into the van...

You...sit there!

TOP said after making Blue sit...



TOP placed his index finger on Blue's lips which made her stop from talking...TOP sat beside her and closed the door...GD went to the driver's seat while Elise sat on the passenger's seat at the front...

Let's go Dutch then!

GD shouted then started the engine...TOP nodded then looked at Blue...then they both smiled at each other...while Elise is busy looking at GD who seem to be under a spell while seeing him driving...








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ilabya17 #1
@sayurimei awww thank you ^^
i didnt expect this when i started to read this story... But can I say how much i love it... Daffodils are one of my fav flowers too.. So when i start reading the final chapter i couldnt stop tears from falling... Really great sroty!
@Ajtothehustler THANK YOU :)
Ajtothehustler #5
awesome story
@siriSuperjunior the truth is...I don't want her to die too but unfortunately I need to, cause I was busy with school so someone dying as the ending is always a better and if not the easiest option to make XD and Top is the oldest among all the member of Bigbang, he's turning 24 this year and GD's 23 :)<br />
Thanks for loving the story <3
@ardnaxeiram019 I don't want her to die but I needed to end it cause I'm busy with school and stuff XD thanks for liking it :)
omo, she died...huhu<br />
but it's a good story!!!~♥
@TOPandGDluv I know...I'm still sad to let TOP's supposedly "wife" on the story died and THANK YOU VERY MUCH <3