chapter 7

Be Mine



You bit you lips when you see your image on the mirror. You pale face, your panda eyes. Everything looks like a disaster to you.

You even think to run away but somehow, your feet felt like it rooted on the ground. You look at the mirror without expression when the stylist starts to make up your face after she done with your hair.

On this day, you suppose felt nervous, happy and any other mix emotion but right now you just can’t felt nothing but only numb.

“Finish. Now lets get you dress up.” Your stylist help you stand up before she take your wedding dress and push you into the changing room.

“You look soooo beautiful ____.” You smile bitterly when Yuri compliment you right after you step out from the changing room.

“When do you get here, Yuri?” You look at your maid in honor.

“Just now. Can you leave both of us for a minute?” Yuri said to the stylist.

Right after the stylist leave both of you, you burst in tears and hug Yuri tightly. Yuri just pat your back.

“You will be happy with your husband, ____. Don’t worry.”

“I love Junho and I didn’t even manage to tell him that. What have I done, Yuri-ah.” You cry hard.

“Shhhhh…Don’t cry. It will ruin your make up. Believe in yourself, ____.” You sniff softly when the stylist get in. she blabbering when she have to touch up your make up back.

Your memory shatters into pieces when you felt someone hug you from behind. You turn around and hug your husband back.

“What are you looking at?” He ask.

“Nothing. I just remember about yesterday event.” You smile before hit him.

“Yah! What’s this hit for?” He holds both of your hand firmly so you can’t move.

“You and your friends are sooo evil. How dare you guys trick me! Bwoh?! I’ll attend your marriage?” You bit your lips.

Your husband laugh and cup both of your cheek before planted a soft kiss on your lips.

“I just want to teach you so…Did you already got your lesson yet?” You punch your husband chest lightly before hug him.

“Of course. Yah! Lee Junho, you better don’t do like this anymore in the future or I’ll leave you.” Junho chuckle before he plant several kiss on your face. You just giggle.

You smile. How scared you are yesterday when you walk towards aisle. You didn’t even look at the groom. You just pray that this ceremony to just end quickly or you will pass out.

“Lee Junho, do you…” You turn to your right side right after you heard the groom name. You see Junsu, Nichkhun and Taecyeon who just laugh silently at you.

It just felt like a dream. You just can smile when its turn out that Junho is your husband. At your wedding night, it just fills with the tears.

Even both of you tired, you just felt that Junho must know about your feeling towards him and so you just told him “I’m sorry” and “I love you” words.

Yesterday night you also know that it’s Taecyeon who give you the note and arrange for you to meet with Junho at the jetty but he just didn’t expect things turn out to opposite from what he planed. But Sae Ra turn out to comes to our wedding and congrats us sincerely.

I just pray that she will meet her prince quickly and I saw that Nichkhun is the right prince for her.

“Kim ____, will you be mine forever?” You look at Junho who look at you full of love. What a question. You roll your eyes before said...

“I do.” 




A/n: Yeay~~~ already finish..
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Hoping to finish this tomorrow >.


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KimchiSmile #1
Chapter 7: Awww this is like the second or third time I've read this and it's still enjoyable and touching. Love it!
lengleu18 #2
Chapter 7: Such a sweet story
Chapter 7: wow XD just wow
Chapter 7: Still loving this fanficion~~
I love this ending! ^^ write more junho fics!
@daegunpandagurl: Thank you!!! *big hug*
And i'm also a big fan of Junsu because he have a very amazing voice ^^
daegupandagurl #7
wOAH LOVE THIS STORY, coz my nicknanme is in there hehehe and im big stan og junbros (junsu junho) love it !!
@music4eva: Thank you~~~~^^
And thank you for read this story too...
@complex_sarang: And thank you for comment ^^
Its my goal to finish this story today haha...
Don't know if i'll be able to since there's many obstacle keke