... electricity?

Read the directions and directly you will be directed in the right direction.

 After resisting for so long you just gave in and went to eat with Sensei Gackt-San . " Why does this is always happen to me !!! Is life really just out to get me I'm stuck here with my professor my EVIL professor " , you thought to yourself but suddenly you noticed he still had a hold of you but he wasn't holding you by the wrist anymore he was holding your hands. Even after entering the restaurant he still had a strong hold on tour hands. You haven't felt softer hands in your life , butterflies started flying in your stomach you felt chills down your spine, and your breath it shortened. " What is this nooo noo noo noo ok ~ your not well you had a few drinks it's been a while since you've been around a guy yea thats it oh and and don't forget YOU HATE HIM!", you were screaming at yourself inside.

" LET GO OF ME !! gash you really are a creep", you yelled at your professor as you yanked your hands out of his. " BE QUIET WE'RE IN A REALLY NICE PLACE", he scolded at you. " Like I said Out of the university you can't tell me what to do and if I want to scream I will AHHHHHHHHHHH HELP HELP!!!", you started screaming. "Stop your making a scene !!", He was already getting frustrated , you just screamed louder it was kind of amusing seeing him angry at the fact that he couldn't control you out here. Suddenly you his hands went behind your head and your screams where interrupted by his soft lips!!! You were in shock, you couldn't believe it your teacher just kissed you !. " ARE YOU F****k CRAZY!???" was the first thing that came out your mouth when you pushed him away,  you noticed he was also in shock "HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA", he started laughing, " I am sorry I didn't know how to shut you up and you were making a scene people were staring HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH !".

You were so angry that you threw your glass of water at him got up from your chair and was ready to storm out, " F*** you", you screamed at him . " Wait don't leave I said I was sorry", he said as he grabbed you by the wrist spinner you around but now you were centimeters away from each other, " I said sorry soo deal with it and plus that's was payback for my suit". You couldn't believe what he just said, " I smacked a tea out your hands so you .....kiss me in front of everyone ....... you e!!????!!???", you started stuttering being this close to him it made you feel awkward.

" hey desperate times call for desperate measure besides it wasn't that hard stop being a wuss man up", now he sounded like himself, now he sounded like Sensei Gackt-San the disrespectful, stupid guy! " Is this what you do in your spare time torture people's life it's not enough to make my life hell in school you have to do it.........", you stopped talking , Gackt was just staring at you no facial expression no nothing just a stare you didn't know what was going on what was he thinking.

Suddenly time froze you couldn't feel anything else you couldn't see no one else all you saw was Saturo Okabe not Sensei Gackt. He leaned in closer , you felt his arm reach around your waist. " what's going on!?", you thought but your thoughts were interrupted by the feel of soft lips   .     You lost control you felt a burst of electricity inside you.You finally let go and embraced the kiss....             

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Really? Thank you it's appreciate it I will asked why?
Yesungswife #2
I love this story
Hell yea lol dude nooo nooo it gets my kinda funny lol not for now ... And wow I really my chapter gave you pudding face I'm honered :|
LMFAO GACKT GOT JOKES! My face the entire time: the Donghae-cat 'I see no difference face' aka PUDDING SMILE! I'd shizz bricks if he was that close to me and what's with this 'slams against wall, looks you in the eyes and does what he wants to' theme. Please don't write any ; I wouldn't be able to look at you the same way. Or save it for your dongsaeng.