Making New Friends

Random Happenings

Sooji's POV

Eli looked taken aback by what I had just said. I don't blame him. It's not every day that someone calls a complete stranger an idiot (especially not the new kid to the taewondo president). Ahhhhhh!

Thankfully, before Eli could say anything, Soohyun spoke up, "See! I'm not the only one that thinks that!" giving the former a playful smack. 

Eli ignored him and turned his attention back to me. 

"So you think I'm an idiot," he asked, clearly annoyed.

"Well, judging from the conversation I just overheard and your previous actions from today, I'd say that my first impression of you isn't exactly a pleasant one," I retorted as my heart raced in my chest.

"Oh, so you've been watching me closely, huh?" he asked cheekily with a mischevious smirk on his face. 

"NO!" I said a little too defensively, "I just happen to have been in every morning class with you and saw as you slept through every single one." 

"So, you HAVE been watching me? Does this like me?" he teased, with that irratating grin still plastered on his face. 

"Ugh! I give up!" I sighed exasperatedly, "This conversation is pointless!"

"HA! So I AM right! You DO like me!" Eli laughed. 

Facing the front of the room, I turned back to my work that laid blank on my desk. My face was growing hot. I wasn't sure if that was because I was angry or embarassed... I decided it was both. 

I did my best to ignore Eli for the rest of the class period, but he made it extremely difficult. He had apparently decided to make it his personal mission to get back at me by annoying the hell out of me.  

Finally I was saved by the bell and I met up with Kevin outside the classroom. 

"Well, P.E next right?" I said, glad that I at least had Kevin to hang out with. 

He smiled at me appologetically, "Actuallyyyyyy, I got put in Art class for this period. Mianhe Sooji-ah."

Oh great. So I get to suffer through P.E alone. To apologize, Kevin hugged me.

"It's ok, oppa. I'll see you after class. Have fun!" I smiled sadly and waved as I began to walk in the opposite direction of where he was meant to go. I hope he'll be okay...

And with that, I headed off to try and find the locker room.


Soyoung's POV

I was the last one out of class as usual. I saw Sooji talking to Kevin, but as I started walking toward them, I saw him hug her and then she walked off in the other direction. It was the first time I had see her leave Kevin's side all day and with her gone he looked nervous. He kept looking around like a lost little puppy. I laughed to myself and walked over to help him out. 

"Oppa, do you need help finding your next class?" I asked.

"Ne!" he said, a relieved smile appearing on his face. 

"What class do you have next?" 

"Art," he replied.

"Oh I have that too!" I said with a smile,"I'll show you the way. Follow me oppa." 

I lead the pretty boy through the halls until I found the familiar door that led to the art room. 

"Here we are," I said holding the door open for him and then following behind. I went and sat down at my usual table with the two other girls I share it with. 

Kevin shyly followed behind me. "Is this seat open?" he asked. 

"Ne, you can sit here next to me oppa," I told him.

"You can call me Kevin," he said a small blush covering his cheeks. He seemed a little shy, but maybe he was just uncomfortable in the new surrounding without his favorite dongsaeng. They seemed really close during lunch... He had been pretty chatty with her around. 

"Soooo, Kevin, you like art?" I asked him, politely starting a conversation. 

"Well, I've never actually taken any classes," he confessed,"This was one of the only open electives when I transferred here and I didn't really want to have to take cooking. I burn everything. Even water..."

I giggled, how is that even possible?? but nodded in understanding. "Thats all right. We will make an art fanatic out of you in no time," I smiled.

He smiled in return as the teacher called for our attention. She informed us that, for the first two weeks, we would be drawing a portrait of the person sitting next to us and that we could choose what medium we wanted to use: paint, charcoal, pencil or whatever else we felt like using. She said she didn't mind if they weren't exceptional since we were just a beginning art class. She just wanted to see how creative we could get.

I was really excited for this project. I had always been good at art and portraits were my favorite. I looked over at Kevin to see what he thought of the new project. He looked at me and said, "Well, forgive me ahead of time if my portrait of you is not very good."

"Oh don't say that. I'm sure it will turn out great!" I said giving him an encouraging smile. Our teacher told us that before we began with the portrait, we had to start practicing drawing different body parts from a sheet she gave us. We spent the rest of the class period drawing random eyes, mouths, ears, and noses in our sketch pads. When I looked at the page with the mess of facial features, it was actually a little creepy, since they were all disconnected and seemed to be floating about the page.

Kevin was surprisingly good for not having had any practice beforehand. I sneaked a peak at his work when he wasn't looking and saw that he had managed to copy the image almost exactly into his sketch book. 

"Good job," I said impressed. 

"Oh thank you," he replyed shyly, slowly trying to block his art from my view with his arm, as a blush creeped up his cheeks again. He seemed to be very modest, I noted. He was taller than me, but I am pretty short, so that's not saying much. His brown hair was swept to the side and arranged neatly out of the way of his eyes. To be honest, I felt like he was prettier than me. Not fair...and he's a boy... He was adorable. No doubt about it, but I wondered if his looks got him in trouble. Some kids are just rude, and the way he was looking around earlier made it seem like he was afraid someone might jump him at any minute.  

Looking at the cute, shy boy a sudden thought popped into my head. I wanted to help him gain some confidence, granted I wasn't super confident myself, but I made up my mind that one way or another I would help Kevin.

A/N: wolfgirl221 Co-author here! This is the first chapter that I have written for the story!!  Yay! I know it's not too exciting but we are just getting the story started. I'll write a longer chapter next time! Please comment and subscribe to the story if you are enjoying it :)

Editing: DONE! Hopefully I haven't missed anything...if I have...let me know. T.T

Too funny...

As I continue to watch more videos and find more gifs of Eli, I can't help but think, "He's one y derp king." XD

MORE ELVIN! Can't help it...

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Hey this is a really good story! :) lol I just had to point that out.
Please update soon~