Wait...What Just Happened?

Random Happenings

Sooji's POV

Omg. I can't believe I'm lost again! This school isn't even that big! I thought as I walked through the never-ending hallways...I stopped by a water fountain and took a sip. Hmm...public school water...gross...I pulled out my schedule and a map of the school from my back pack to try to figure out where I was and where I was headed. According to the map, the locker rooms SHOULD be...right...I took a few steps forward and turned toward the wall without looking up..."here?" I looked up to find a door in front of me that said "LOCKER ROOM" in block letters. Huh. Convenient. I must of not been wandering long, because as I put my schedule and map away the final bell rang. I opened the door and walked in. Just in time! I noticed it was a pretty long hallway that seemed to turn to the left at the end. Walking in with my head lowered and staring at the floor in front of me, I reached the end of the hallway, turned, and continued walking, trying not to be noticed. I heard some murmuring as I walked in, but I didn't look around. I honestly didn't want to interact with anyone. I was feeling anti-social after having to deal with Eli's childish behavior as well as seperating with Kevin. Kevin! Why have you abandoned me!!

"Oof!" I said as I smacked into a hard surface. A wall? I placed my hand on it before almost looking up and regretted it immediately.

"Hey! Where are you putting your hands, huh?" said a male voice that sounded all too familiar at this point. I quickly looked back down before the person in front of me could recognize who I was. Why is there a guy in the girl's locker room?? And a one at that! I turned to walk away, but was quickly pulled back by a hand on my shoulder.

"Yah! Who do you think you are?"

I stuttered as I tried to think of a way to get out of this situation. "I-I-I uh...I just..."

He lifted my chin so that he could get a better look at me. He smirked when he saw who I was. Aish...Eli.

God, what is it with him and that smirk! I blushed, not just because of his ability to make me react in ways I didn't think possible with smiles like that, but because he was !!!! I quickly closed my eyes so I wouldn't have to see things that my eyes were not prepared to see. He was still holding onto my chin when I felt him get closer. I felt his breath on my face. Slowly and steadily his lips reached mine. It was such a surprisingly gentle gesture that it took me a second to process what was happening. I opened my eyes only to find his face still so close to mine. I shoved him back with as much force as I could and he actually budged a little.

"WHAT THE HELL! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?! THAT WAS MY FIRST KISS! PABO!" I was so mad and embarrassed (I eventually realized that all the boys of my class, as well as some others, had seen me walk in and were now watching this scene unravel) that I didn't know what I was doing until I saw Eli laying on the floor in shock because I had pinned him down. I managed to take him by surprise by putting my taekwondo training to use. (I'm a girly tomboy living a high life with a well known, protective father, of course I've had my share of self defense training classes. I am apparently pretty good.)

I stood up from the floor, leaving a dazed Eli there and running out of the locker room. Once I was out, though, I didn't stop running. I ran and ran, not thinking of where I was going or what had just happened. Not thinking about how I'll probably not be taking PE today and not even thinking about whether Kevin was enjoying his art class. I ran to no particular place, until I was out of breath.

I fell to the ground and laid there, panting. What the hell just happened? And why? I finally came to most of my senses and realized I had ended up on the outside football field. No one was around. So, I decided I would just stay there until the end of the school day. I curled up into the fedal position because I was getting this weird pain in my stomach as an image of him filled my head, his lips on mine, his face so close to mine, and his eyes...his eyes looked...sincere. Wait, what? Eli, sincere?? All he's been doing throughout the day is bothering me...and now he decides to kiss me?! It couldn't possibly have been sincere. Who goes about bothering someone that they don't know and then kisses them! OH...wait...isn't there a saying, 'if a boy bothers you or is mean to you it means he likes you'...sooo he likes me? But...wait, what?...aish! I scratched my head completely confused. Even with my angry and incomprehensible thoughts, my heart was beating quickly. I had calmed down from my running escapade, so why was it beating so furiously now? Was it because of Eli? Couldn't be. All he's done is make me mad and apparently violent. Sigh. Too many unanswered questions. I'm tired. And with that, I fell asleep.


Okay...chapter 4 done...I'm just as confused about what happened as Sooji is...XD Please let me know what you think. I love comments. And if you like the story, please subscribe! KAMSAHAMNIDA!

I have no videos or gifs to share today. Sad day...

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Hey this is a really good story! :) lol I just had to point that out.
Please update soon~