Chapter 10. Laws Of Attraction

Year of the Zodiac: Story of the Rat

Yesung cleaned himself up and went to get drinks with his friends. He needed it after Nana decided to start the war with him.

Zelo tagged along just in case anything happened like it did when Dongwook had alcohol at his party.

"Zelo." Yesung slurred. He had three vodka shots and with his weird genetics being more susceptible to the effects of alcohol, he was already feeling it.

"Yes, hyung?" Zelo said, keeping him upright. He technically wasn't allowed to be there but when they found out the club owner was Seonwoong himself, everyone made an exception.

"That girl." Yesung said, "Nana, or whatever. She's so irritating." 

Zelo looked over to the others and they had since moved away to their own separate booths with random girls or their usual girlfriends, leaving Yesung alone.

"Why do you say that, hyung?" Zelo asked him.

"Did you hear what happened today?" Yesung asked back.

"No. Why?" Zelo replied.

"I set up the flour prank and that stupid girl invaded my personal space and I ended up under the flour myself." He slurred, downing another shot. 

"You cleaned up after yourself?" Zelo asked.

"Of course I did! Then I came here. That stupid girl wants to start a war then fine, let the war begin!" Yesung said proudly.

"Hyung, I told you she's not going to be an easy foe." Zelo reminded him.

"I don't care. I will get her and her nice little and I will crush her." Yesung said, taking Zelo's soda can and squeezing the life out of it with his hands.

"Do you just say she has a nice ?" Zelo asked him.

"She does. And her perfect little figure. And that irritating smirk that she gave me. And those devious eyes. And how she looked so happy thinking she was victorious. Well, I'll show her." Yesung ranted on.

Zelo didn't miss the fact that Yesung had combined his thoughts of Nana's body and his threat against her. He knew that his hyung had at least given her beauty some thought, which was saying something since he never looked at anyone as more than a target to pull a prank on. Ever.

He smiled as he thought about Nana with his hyung, not that bad of a pairing once they got over their initial dislike of each other. Though, that would get messy quickly, whenever Yesung hyung started a prank war with someone, the stakes were raised. And no one was safe.

His target would be Nana, but if there was collateral damage due to her ignorance or his inability to plan for it, then Yesung hyung wouldn't care.

Zelo sighed as he realized this. It meant he would need to warn everyone somehow, he pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contacts. Regrettably, he scrolled over the one name that he knew would get the word out the quickest.

"Hyung. You wanna go home or stay for more?" Zelo asked him.

"I'm staying." Yesung slurred and ended with a burp.

Zelo nodded and sighed, that made it official, he had no choice but to ask the gossip queen to help warn everyone about the impending war. He texted Jessica, Yesung hyung has a new rival. Nana Jung. She declared war on him today. Spread the word to everyone, watch out. Remember the last war he had?

A few minutes later, he felt his phone vibrate. He checked it, Done. Thanks for the warning. She sent him. He let out a sigh of relief, at least now he couldn't say that he didn't warn them.


"You know.." Yubin started, as they laid on Nana’s bed beside each other.

"What?" Nana asked her as she continued to glare at Yesung’s name on the student website. That stupid guy kept getting on her nerves.

He was stupid, insignificant, immature, irritating, insolent, insubordinate, the list of adjectives went on and on in her head, getting more and more derogatory. 

"He seems to get you fired up." Yubin pointed out.

Nana turned to her, "And your point is?" She asked.

Yubin shrugged, "Nothing. Just saying. He seems to get you going. Like you made him fall for his own prank. No one has done that before." Her friend told her.

"What do you mean?" Nana asked.

"Exactly what I said, no one has gone against Yesung and won before. Which is why all the people that fall for the pranks just accept it. He never hurts anyone by it and everyone is okay with a hassle once in a while." Yubin explained to her.

"He never gets the same person?" Nana  asked.

"He never gets the same person within the time span of a month. Unless they start a war with him." Yubin told her.

"Which I just did, didn't I?"

Yubin nodded, "Yup. So if I start to avoid you a bit when we go past hallways and stuff, sorry. But I do not want to be collateral damage." Her best friend said.

"Thanks for the love, Yubin." Nana said sarcastically.

"At least I'm being honest. But anyway, have you heard about that party?" Yubin asked her.

"Which one?" Nana asked back, she had heard about all the parties. Jessica was planning one in two weeks and that stupid Soyeon was having a sleepover for her girls this weekend.

"You know the annual one thrown by Heechul and his boys at the end of the month." Yubin reminded her.

"Oh, it's that time already?" Nana said.

"Yup, what do you want to do this year? I'm probably going with Siwon, do you want him to bring his friend for you?" Yubin asked her.

"No. As nice as Tae Jun was, I think I want to be single for Heechul's party." Nana said.

"Why? That would be a first for you." Yubin said.

"I don't know. I just feel like being single at his party this year. More prospects and opportunities this year or something." Nana explained.

"Well, I hope it pans out then." Yubin told her.


Author's Note:


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Chapter 27: Finally commenting on this XD I always have the tab up I just never write my comment XD but omg. That . Yesung and Nana... Omg. Ah, this was so good!! I'm bummed to see it end~~ D; but I have 11 more to look forward to ;D but love Ailee's and Hyori's little congratulatory party XD love that their the match maker people XD pic spaaaammmmm!!!!!! We're you freaking out when you found out they were in Hawaii?!?!

And speaking of cute little rat... Read that comment Brani posted... And omg!!!! Already imagining Joong Ki's cute af cow form!!!!!!!! Kyeopta~~~~~~!!!!!!!!! >w<
Chapter 27: rianne ahhh such a great story I am excited for your other parts ^^
bb_outrageous #3
Chapter 27: OMG *o* Who's the guy with the perky ?! Donghae?!
Lol ... okay got a little distracted there but you can't blame me.
Yay~~ Unni you finished <3 No more hardships with dealing with feels and writing for Yesung xD
That ... *o* Hot damn. Dominating Nana. Yesung finally met his match bwuahaha. Has to learn to be equal.

P.S. Cute little rat? Cute little creatures means ... adorable baby cow for Joong Ki?!?!?! <3?
2491 streak #4
Chapter 27: I loved this first installment!! :D The way Nana and Yesung went from hating each other to loving each other through the pranks was just hilarious and fluffy at the same time. x] I'm very excited for the next installment and I can't wait to see what happens next!! :)
Chapter 22: Oooo yesung is becoming nice

good luck on your exam
princesscloudz #6
Chapter 22: aw...i wonder what happen in her past love.
Chapter 21: Oooo that was hot hehehe
bb_outrageous #8
Chapter 20: Unnniiiii~~~~
I'm back. Wow youre almost done already. Just six more chapters to go xD I knew you could do it. Not bad for someone with no Yesung feels whatsoever.
<3 mwuahahaha~
princesscloudz #9
Chapter 20: wow!i cant wait!