Stalker And A Kiss



Please do not plagiarize, copy, nor claim this story yours.




Sunday Morning.

 Usually, every one of you would gather around the table for breakfast. The chairs were carved in perfection, with red and gold cushions, the table was really long. It nearly stretched at the other end of the dining room. A golden chandelier with diamond-colored bits was hanging on the center of the ceiling. Every candle was lit with burning orange, red and yellow colors. The food was very sumptuous that you can't help but drool. It felt like royalty.

 Your father would probably be reading the newspaper while he was drinking his black coffee. Your mother would probably be eating her sunny-side-up and drinking her iced coffee. While you and Sehun tried to act casual, poised and all. Then later on your father and mother will talk about business and stuff and both of you would keep quiet and make a nod or say ‘Yes, Father.’ as a reply. But today was different, your parents were gone, you can skip breakfast, you can slouch all day, and most of all… No more talking about business stuff.

 “SEHUN!!!” you screamed as you were running down the stairs and tripped, “Oof!” Sehun looked at you, lying on the staircase with pitiful eyes. He was holding a bunch of papers, which was practically your history essay. You saw him staring at you and sat up, dusting your clothes. “Poor Noona.” Sehun made a fake sigh. You looked at him while rubbing your temple. You then reached out a hand, telling him to give your papers back.

 “Give them back.”


 “I’ve worked hard for that!”

 “Give me a copy!”

 “Why?” You shot him a look.

 “I have to make an essay for History class too.”

 “We’re not in the same class! I’m sure that you have a different topic from ours.” You crossed your arms and gave him a straight look.

 “It’s all the same!” Sehun grumbled. “Then why don’t you write an essay of your own?” you stood up and put your hands on your hips. “I’m too lazy.” Sehun immediately answered, “And I have to write a really long paragraph.” “Well too bad you’re gonna make one.” You tried to grab your essay back, but thanks to Sehun’s quick reflexes, he raised it up high in the air. “Sehun!” you tried to punch him with your tiny fists, but sad to say, it didn’t hurt him. Not even a little bit. He started running to the living room with your papers. You ruffled your hair and chased him, “Give them back or die!” Sehun faced you and did a mehrong.

 Sehun never gave up. He was blocking you with the sofa while you try to make a way around it. You got on the sofa and reached out your hands to tackle Sehun, but he was too quick and ran away. You ended up falling from the sofa and bumped against the floor for the 8th time. “Urgh… I hate him…” you mumbled. You tried to stand up and eased the pain oozing from your behind.  You tried to catch up at Sehun who was running towards his bedroom door.

 “Sehun! Lu Han’s at the door!” you shouted. Sehun immediately stopped and ran towards you. “Where? Where?!” he asked in excitement. *Gotcha.* You shoved the papers away from him and ran back to your room. “Noona! You meanie! Meanie! Meanie!!!” he kept cursing you behind your back. “Whew…” you sighed as you leaned on your door. *Silly Sehun, never thought that would work…* You arranged your papers and placed them on top of your lavender-colored desk. *And why Lu Han of all people…? Are they really that close?* You wondered as your were fishing for some clothes in your closet.



 “Sehun! I’m leaving!” You were running down the stairs, fixing your hair. “Where are you going?” Sehun pouted and sighed by the fact that he’ll be all alone in the house now. The maids took a day-off today, so no one will be in the house except, well, him. “Practice. Don’t leave, okay?” you twisted the doorknob. “Arasso.” Sehun raised his right hand, pretending to promise you. “Bye now~” you exited the house. After that, Sehun noticed that the atmosphere seemed quiet and all. He jumped on the sofa and slouched as he turned the TV on. He got his phone and dialed a certain number.


 “…She’s out.”



 You were humming happily as you were making your way to the rehearsal studio. You put your white earphones on and changed the song to ‘Electric Shock’. You were twisting and turning as the song kept on playing. For a while, you felt a strange feeling that someone’s following you. You turned to look around, but nobody was there except a couple of people who don’t seem to look suspicious. *Meh…* You shrugged it off and continued walking. Again, you felt the weird sensation tingling. You turned around, yet again. “Who’s there?” you removed one of the earphones from your ears. You saw no one, so you put the earphone back on and continued walking.


 *Whew… That was close…* The figure sighed. He was leaning against the cold walls of a dark alleyway. He took another peek and saw the person he was following enter the rehearsal studio. He got his cell phone and punched some buttons on it.


 “She’s in…”

 “Then follow her, Hyung!”

 “Aigoo, Sehun… Can’t you wait?” he snickered.

 “Got to go, bye!” he shut the lid close and stuffed it back on his pocket. Kai got out of his hiding spot and neared the rehearsal studio.



 The music was booming inside the rehearsal studio. You started off with a preparation move and danced at the beat of ‘Time Control’. Sehun taught you all the steps and with the help of watching the EXO members dance this in their summer activities, you’ve finally mastered it. Well, except for some part in the chorus which you still can’t do. You were dancing so gracefully yet you are having this feeling that you were being watched, again. Since you have something on your mind, you can’t focus on what you were doing so you paused a bit, leaving the music playing.

 You were sweating and all so you got a towel and put it on your head. You sat at the corner of the room and wiped your head. You finally stood up and went back to dancing.



 *Woah… Time Control?!* Kai sneaked in the building and watched you dance all around the room. He leaned closer and closer so that he can watch you closely and clearly. *Amazing… I never knew she could dance this good, or did I just underestimate her…?*

 *Oops. Got that step wrong.*

 *I wonder where she learned all these steps… Maybe Sehun?*

 You took another break. You weren’t usually taking breaks as often as possible. Maybe it’s because you’re not in the mood… or you’re just tired from chasing Sehun all around the house. You even broke something, but you didn’t care. You can even replace it anyway.  You sat cross-legged and panted heavily. Kai’s gaze softened at your sweaty self. He wasn’t used to seeing you tired and all. You were always hyper and ready to backfire him anytime he annoys you. He noticed you standing up and heading towards the door. He immediately hid himself as you went out of the room.

 When he felt that you were gone, Kai took a peek. He sighed and got back to his business, but to his shock, you were standing in front of him. “What are you doing here?” You innocently blinked at him as you were holding your bottled water with tiny droplets of water falling from your hands. *Heh… Cute. Wait what? Cute?! Did I just say that?!* Kai flushed red and covered his face. “What’s with you? And what are you doing in here anyway?” you twisted the cap open and gulped some water. Kai cleared his throat, ready to answer all your questions. “I was, uh…  I just finished practicing.”

 “Oh really?”

 “Yeah, really.” Kai smirked. He hoped you bought it.

 “When I went in here, I didn’t see you. Not even a single soul.” You closed your bottled water and got in the rehearsal room again to get your things.

 “Maybe you just didn’t notice. Or maybe you need glasses.” Kai made two circles in both his hands and put them on his eyes, making him look cute – but stupid.

 You chuckled, “Aish. Leave me alone. I’m tired.” You closed the zipper of your shoulder bag and put the strap over your body. “You want a massage?” Kai asked, making groping hands.



 “Pfft…” you snorted. He chuckled and kept on making those groping fingers, you shoved them away. “Come on, where shall we go?” You opened the door and got out of the building while Kai stood there still. He innocently blinked at you. “What?” you asked him. “We…?” Kai asked. “Ha?” you gave him a confused face.

 “You mean… B-Both of us?”             


 “All,” he gulped, “A-Alone?!”

 “Well, if you want Sehun to go with us then – “

 “N-No! …No.”

 “Well then, where will we go?” you asked again.

 Kai tapped his chin and pretended to think while you raised an eyebrow at him. “I know exactly where we’re going…” Kai smirked.



 You and Kai were strolling at the pavement near Han River. *How’d we get here anyway?*  You eyes landed on Kai, who was, as usual… Killing fan girls. He was strutting casually and cool as ever. You felt disgusted and kicked the back of his leg. “Ow!” he was hopping with one leg raised in the air. “What’s that for?” he asked in between gritted teeth. “I thought it’s only going to be the two of us?!” Two of us. Kai blinked at you like an idiot. He examined you from head to toe. *Hm… She’s acting weird. She’s not her usual talkative, cold self.* Kai smiled secretly. *I’ve finally got to know the real Minyeol…*

 “You jealous?” Kai asked, who put his hand around your neck. You shot him a look, “I’m not. Why would I?” you asked as you were removing his hand from your neck. “So you want me all for you?” Kai leaned close, yours and his nose nearly touching. Your eyes rounded as your blood rose from your cheeks. Kai smirked and leaned even closer. Now he was a few, few inches away. You can feel his breathe every second. You can’t help but shut your eyes close and managed to answer back, “I… I d-don’t…” you stuttered.

 Now everyone was looking at both of you. Kai wouldn’t take his eyes off of you. He was gazing so intently at you. You just kept still, rooted on the ground. Not attempting to even make any move. Kai searched your brown eyes. *You’re so… beautiful…* He held out one hand and cupped your burning cheeks. Your eyes widened, again, at the sudden skin ship. You started to heat up as Kai leaned even closer. *I-Is he trying to kiss me? N-No way!* You stared back at him. *B-But I can’t help to keep on looking at him…My heart's racing so fast, it hurts…* Kai leaned even closer. *This’ my chance…* He targeted your soft, pink, luscious lips. Both yours and his lips touched for a moment when –


 The whole moment was interrupted by a phone call from none other than Sehun. Both your eyes rounded and went back to reality. Kai and you realized the whole situation and parted with flushing faces. You blinked a few times and got your pink cell phone which was ringing for 5 minutes. “Y-Yoboseyo?” you stuttered.

 “Noona! Where are you?!”

 “I-I’m with Kai at the Han River…” you glanced at Kai who refused to lock eyes with you.

 “Oh okay. Wait! You’re with Kai?!” Sehun exclaimed. *So my plan worked.*


 “May I talk to him?”

  You handed Kai the phone who shoved it away and walked as far as possible from you. “Kai-hyu – “ “What do you think you’re doing?!” Kai shouted his heart out. “Wha… Hyung?” “Road kill.” Kai muttered. “I was just going to get to the good part when – “ “You kissed her?!” Sehun screamed. Kai was silent for a moment. Yes, he was going to kiss you if Sehun didn’t interrupt. “I hate you.” “Hyung?” Sehun worriedly asked at the other end of the line, “Do you… like Noona?” Sehun asked out of the blue. “Wha…” Kai flushed tomato red again. If it wasn’t for the dare, Kai wouldn’t do this… Or does he really have feelings for you? Who knows. “Just… Ugh, I’ll call you back, okay?” “Arasso.” Sehun was the first one to end the call. Kai glanced at you who was red all over. You hid your arms at your back and twisted your right toe from your back. He walked towards you. You lifted your head to see Kai smiling down at you.

 “It’s getting late. Let’s go back.” Kai got your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours. “K-Kai…?” you looked at him, blushing. He put a finger on his lips and pretended to hush you, “Shh… Since I’m your boyfriend, I should take care of you. Right?” Boyfriend. It struck you. You remembered what Sehun said; he told you that you now have a boyfriend, and he was referring to the charismatic, cool, sweet and handsome Kai. *Of all people… Why does it have to be Kai…?* Lu Han was right. You did asked yourself that. But you felt no guilt… For the first time.



 The two of you were walking down the streets of Seoul until you reached your house. Both of you stopped in front of the gates. Kai finally untangled his fingers from yours. You felt a bit sad and wished that he would stay here beside you, even for just a minute. Kai looked at you and made a cheeky smile, “So… Uh, would you accept me as your boyfriend?” he asked while he put some strands of your hair behind your ears. Your heart fluttered, but you replied – “No.” “Aw, but why?” Kai pouted. “You haven’t proven yourself worthy.” You said with your cold face again, trying to hide your redness. “Haven’t I proven myself worthy?” Kai asked. “No.” you said with a straight face, “You have to do more than that.” You said.

 Kai leaned near you and kissed your forehead, which made your heart skip a beat. “How’s that for more?” Kai smiled evilly. “Hmm… Not enough.” You giggled. “Yeah right.” Kai walked away and waved. You waved behind his back. Everything was awkward now. When you realized that it was getting dark, you went inside the house.



 “Noona! You’re back!” Sehun beamed. “Eh? What’s with you?” He asked, looking at your flushed face. “I hate you, Sehun.” You said. “What? First Kai-hyung hates me, now you. What did I do?!” You giggled as you walked back to your room. 




 Mehehe. Mehehe! When I was writing this chapter, I was all like - 



 Lol! D.O's face xD

 Note me about my wrong grammar and typos and stuff, pretty pwease? -does aegyo-

 They suspended classes, so I had enough time to write a chapter... or two.

 Sehun had nice timing, huh? =w=

 Anyways, I hope you fangirled... or fanboyed (If there's such a word) at this chapter~ 

 I'll try to update as often as possible.

 I heard that Siwon and Dong Hae (From Super Junior) went here in the Philippines. And, ugh... I hate it. I didn't even get the chance to meet them in real person. -cries on a dark corner- I hope I meet them someday... (If that would ever happen xD)

 I really, really love you all~!!!



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10/14/12 - EXAMS!!! TT3TT I'mma be on a hiatus...


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Chapter 13: hello authornim... are you okay...? you haven't bern updating for so long..
Chapter 13: :')Thats such a cute scene, them eating together them him "sleeping" with his head rested on her lap.
Chapter 12: Yah! I even searched it a log time ago because I was so addicted in the teaser song of EXO. It's so awesome. I think EXO's verson will be pretty awesome too! <33

Anyway, thanks author-nim for the update!
Chapter 12: MWAHAHAHAHA OMG Let Out the Beast is an eargasm full of amazingness!!!!
I'm gonna die when it comes out~!
And their album god they need to come back so i can spazz over them like i do with bap. LOL

Anyway, thanks for the update~
Chapter 12: What? There's an english version? :O U. SEND ME LINK. NAAAAAOOOO!! OAO
Chapter 11: Geeeeeeeezzzzz! The date is ruined. >:/
Advanced happy birthday, author-nim! ^^
Huh? What mess? :/
JinyoungsBlingGirl #10
Well, if im not mistaken EXO and other kpop bands will go visit Philippines in/on January. ^^ its confirmed though.