Chapter 1

Perfect Life

Saturday July 23 ((kunwari Saturday >:)) ))

"Babe" that word and a kiss on the cheeks awaken Tricia from her sleep "Yah James Reid why so early??" Tricia asked james as she yawned and stretched her arms "Did you forget?" James Asked

"Ah! I'm so sorry Babe" Tricia said "I'm really sorry" Tricia as said as she cupped James's Face "Happy 5th anniversary" Tricia said "Happy Anniversary too babe" James replied when their lips are about to meet a little girl's voice was heard

"Yah mommy and daddy! It's still morning you can continue that later" Alique said as she covered her eyes with her hands while standing infront of the opened door

"Why you little come here!" James said as he ran towards alique and lift alique as he tickled her on the way to the bed

"Yah*laugh* daddy*Laugh* Stop *laugh* it"Alique said in between laughs, when alique recovered from James's tickles she sat between her parents and greeted them "happy anniversary mommy and daddy" as she looks at tricia then at james

"Aww thank you our little princess" Tricia said at Alique as she ruffles her hair "Yah mommy!"Alique said "Ahaha I'm sorry baby" Tricia said after a matter of minutes talking, Alique decided to leave their room and have her shower

"So my dear should we continue?" James teasingly asked tricia "Yah! James Reid don't be such a naughty husband" Tricia said as she grabbed her towel and head for the shower "Aww" James said with puppy dog eyes "No James that won't work" Tricia said as she closed the shower's door "You'll be surprised later " James said to himself as he showed his evil smile

~At Alique's Room

Alique was combing her hair while James came in "Baby?" James said as he slowly opens the door "Yes daddy?" Alique said as she Turns her head and puts down her brush "Baby can you help daddy later?" james asked as she sat on her daughter's bed where alique is sitting "What kind of help daddy?" Asked alique as she used her knees to go closer to James

James whispered her plan to Alique and Alique just nodded with a smile "So later ha?" James asked "Yes sure daddy" Alique said "Thank you baby" James said as she kissed alique at the cheeks as he leaves her room

~Couple's Roomie :DD

after a matter of minutes tricia was done from her shower so James come in their room "Babe?" Asked james "Yeah?" tricia replied "Can you not go to work today?" James said as she hugged tricia from the back and his chin resting on tricia's shoulder when tricia is buttoning her tuxedo like suit "Eh? why we're only half day" Tricia asked with suspicion "But you're the boss you can just leave your work to your secretary" James said as he swayed making tricia being swayed too

"Yah James Reid that would make my workers think I'm a lazy boss" Tricia said as she removed James's hand from her waist and walked to the mirror

"But baby only this day Lauren will come" James said as he follows Tricia "But babe I'll be home early hey won't you come to work" Tricia asked as she cupped James's Face "Yep I won't because .. oh it's nothing" James replied "Oh okay" Tricia said as she looked at her watch "Oh babe I'll be late tell Alique i went to work" She said as she kissed James's lips "Okay!" James said as he kissed Tricia back Tricia Went out of their room rushingly going downstairs "Bye honey!" James said as he waved at Tricia and gave her a flying kiss

"Bye" tricia said as she gave james a flying kiss back as she started her car's engine

James finished his shower and dressed his casual clothes so James called lauren "Hey Lauren where are you?? you need to come now for the preparation" James said as he finished his clothing "Yah Yah I'll be there " Lauren said "Now goodbye I'm Driving" Lauren said as she hang up her phone

James went downstairs where she saw Alique fixing her old dress "Baby why are you wearing that?" James asked Alique "But daddy about that you said" Alique said as she looks at her father "Ah not that Auntie Lauren will buy you clothes ok?" Said James "Oh yay Auntie Lauren will come over" Alique said as she jumped up and down "Now baby go change to your casual clothes because Auntie Lauren and you will go shop" James said as he stood up

"Ok Daddy" Alique said as she run like a lightning to her room

A doorbell was heard James answered the door "Thank goodness Lauren your here already!!" James said "Eh why? I know is me and ALique is going to shop for dresses and a tuxedo?" Laurens said as she came inside "yes yes so is everything ready" James asked "Ah yes yes the musicians Garden everything but one more thing is the dresses or what you will wear " Lauren said getting her checklist

"Umm ok! now you and alique go shop now I'll prepare something" James said instructing lauren "Yah yah but where is Alique??" Lauren asked "In her room" James replied


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:OOO HELLO PO! Ako po si Alique! Nako, maraming salamat po sa pagpost ng story ko dito T_T Salamat po at naglagay kayo ng credits :D