Chapter 18

Perfect Life

It's already 4:00 so Devon decided to bid her goodbyes to tricia and alique

DEVON:Trish..It's already 4 so i should get going now or else my parents and siblings won't have dinner
TRICIA:Oh..Well here take this (pulls out 10,000 from her wallet)
DEVON:Oh T-Tricia it's too much I can't accept
TRICIA: Oh come on (puts money to devon's hand)
DEVON:Thank you your such an Angel
TRICIA:No worries (smiles)
DEVON:Good bye and Thank you! (go out)
TRICIA:Your welcome! (waves)
Devonwas already out of sight.
ALIQUE:Where is daddy? can we fetch him now?
TRICIA:No baby we don't fetch daddy now we better do your homeworks.
ALIQUE: Okay mommy I'll just get my things upstairs.
When alique was up stairs Tricia's phone ringed
TRICIA:Hello? (sits down)
TRICIA:Oh James!
JAMES:Can you prepare dinner well much more cause we got visitors
TRICIA:Sure who?
JAMES:Ivan and his family
TRICIA:Really? Okay!
JAMES:Okay bye hon
TRICIA:Bye I love you
JAMES:I love you too (hangs phone)
TRICIA:Alique? After we finish your home work can you help mommy in cooking cause Daddy will have visitors
ALIQUE:Okay mommy (puts down her bag)
TRICIA:ALright let's do this (sits down)

And so they finished doing alique's room and alique stand up stih a smile "Mommy can we cook no it's my first time to cook" she said as she looks at Tricia

"Of course baby your work is going to be easy so don't be too much excited" Tricia said as she put her thumb on Alique's nose

"But mommy It's still important to me since it's my first time." She said as she formed a cute pout on her face

"Okay mommy understands. Now let's go over to the kitchen to start the cooking" Tricia replied

"Okay!" Alique said as she followed Tricia

And so they are inside the kitchen "Here baby wear your apron." Tricia said as she gives Alique her apron

"Hey mommy this fits me" Alique said as she twirled around "Of course. We bought that just for you" Tricia replied "okay!" alique replied

"What should we make?" Tricia said as she looks at Alique who is trying to stand on a stool "Here let me help you" She said as she lift Alique so she can step on the stool

"Thanks mommy. I think we should make Adobo...and....Sinigang...and.....Hmmm" Alique was thinking seriously for the dessert

"Black forest cake?" Tricia said "Yes right right!" She said as she jumps up and down "Alique be careful or else you will fall" Tricia said looking at the recipe book

"Okay." Alique replied and so they cook the foods while on James' office

"Dinner at your house dude?" Ivan said standing up from his seat because their meeting is done.

"Yeah haven't i told you that a hundred of times? nah just kidding" James said as he too stood up

"I know i know I'll just call Ann" Ivan said pulling out his phone "Okay" James replied Going out of the meeting room

Back At Alique And Tricia.

"We just have to set this to 350c and bake!" Tricia said as she closes the oven door.

"Now what we have is. Adobo check"She said as she looked at the prepared adobo "Sinigang check" She added again looking at the sinigang "and lastly cake unchecked" she said as she put down the list she is holding.

"Mommy i guess we should prepare the toppings. the chocolate the icing the cand- no not candles hahaha" Alique said

"Why would we put candles"Tricia said as she closes the refrigerator door in where she got the icing and the chocolates.

"I just thought it's a birthday cake hahaha!" Alique said

"Alright let's now prepare this" Tricia said Getting the knife to cut the chocolate.

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:OOO HELLO PO! Ako po si Alique! Nako, maraming salamat po sa pagpost ng story ko dito T_T Salamat po at naglagay kayo ng credits :D