Chapter 2

Perfect Life

Lauren came in to Alique's room there she saw Alique "Tita Lauren!" Alique said as she run towards

lauren "Daddy said we're gonna go shopping" Alique said as she pulls Lauren at her bed and make her sit down

"Yes baby now let's go" Lauren said as she stood up and grabbed Alique's hand

They got downstairs so Alique bid her goodbyes to her daddy "Bye bye daddy!" She said as she kissed her daddy on his cheeks

"Goodbye baby" James said then he turns to lauren "Take care of my baby girl ok?" James said as he pat Alique's shoulder

"Yah! as if I would do anything bad to her" Lauren said as she stuck her tongue and pulled alique "Come on alique" Lauren said "Bye bye daddy!!" Alique said as she uses her other hand to wave at James

Alique sat on the back of the car "Tita I would like a pink dress like mommy" Alique said "Yeah sure we'll buy two pretty pink dresses" Lauren said as she started the engine and smiled

for the whole trip Alique was humming songs while sitting in an indian style Lauren noticed this so she asked Alique

"Hey Alique why are you so happy?" Lauren asked alique without looking at her only looking at the mirror where she can see alique

"Oh I'm just happy tita because my parents become together since i was born" Alique said as she lie down at the whole back seat with her arms stretched

"You're really smart girl for your age" Lauren said "thank you tita" Alique replied

After a matter of minutes they arrived at their destination so Lauren helped alique to got out of the car they went straight at a shop where they are selling gowns

"Hey tita i like this " Alique said as she points at a pink little gown exactly her size "Ok we'll buy that but first we have to buy mommy a gown" Lauren said as she kneeled on one knee to be at height with alique

"Okay tita" Alique said they searched for the most pretty gown in sale until they find a dress up to the knees with a cloth on the top ( "This tita" Alique said as she pulled lauren while staring and pointing to the dress

"Woah you have a nice taste Alique" Lauren said so they bought the dress with that they also went on a Jewelry store there they bought a nice necklace

"Hey tita we have to buy daddy a tuxedo" Alique said as she held her tita's hand and skip and skip

"Oh yeah let's go" Lauren said as she walked towards a tuxedo shop "Hey Alique how about this?" Ask lauren

"Hmm nope" Alique said "This?" Lauren said as she points to another tuxedo "Yes yes yes that!" Alique said **Will she be a fashion designer in the future?** Lauren tought

They bought the tuxedo and got back at the car lauren placed what they bought on the backseat near Alique

"Hhhheeey tita why we didn't buy you clothes??" Ask alique as she stand and went near the driver's seat
"Because you know it's their "Special Time" " Lauren said as she made air quatation as she says Special time Alique sat back at the back seat there she was thinking the whole trip what Special Time is

~Reid's house

"Now now now what to do what to do??? It's already 11:10 and i got no Sinigang for tricia" He said "AHHHH!" He added and sat in defeat as he put his palms on his face and remain quiet for a while

"Ahh! Sir?? Is something wrong" Their maid said after hearing James' shout "I can't cook sinigang for tricia"He replied as he let out a deep sigh

Then their maid opened one of the kitchen cabinets there she took out one little notebook and gave it to james "Sir that's the recipe book of Madam she left that for Maam tricia that's the best recipes for maam tricia" Their maid said as she gave it to james

"Thank you ate" Then at that James stood up and put on his apron and made a "Fight hand gesture" there he starts reading it and prepared the ingredients right away

~Tricia's office

"Ok meeting ajourned" Said tricia as she stood as well as her workers "Maam you got a meeting for Mr.Gonzales" said tricia's secretary

"Cancel it please" Tricia said as she fixed her things and put it in her bag "But maam this is an important meeting you just need to sign papers" Her secretary said "Aish alright" Said tricia as she rolls her eyes

"so where is the meeting?" Tricia asked as she got her car keys from her bag "Ah at a nearby restaurant" her secretary said "okay then" Tricia said

they got at the parking lot of the building so tricia made her secretary seat at the front seat and her at the driver's seat

"Aish it's our anniversary and i got 1 extra meeting not fair" Tricia whispered but Devon her secretary heard "Happy anniversary maam" Devon said "Why thank you" Tricia said without looking at devon

They got at the restaurant then there they saw Mr. Gonzales waiting for them so they approached Mr. Gonzales "I'm sorry we're late" Said tricia "No not all" Mr. gonzales said "So should we start signing the papers so we can get business done?" asked tricia as she sat down

"Why yes" Then mr. gonzales gave the papers to tricia then tricia signed it "Thank you Mrs. Reid" Said mr. gonzales "No problem" Tricia replied then to that they got out of the restaurant

"Hey Devs can you go home by yourself? here have this money" Tricia said as she opened her car and got her purse and gave devon 1,000 pesos "Thank you maam" Devon said then to that devon rode on a taxi since her house is far way

Then tricia drove back to her house where her lovable husband is waiting

~Reid's house

James finished cooking as he served the sinigang on the table then he called tricia with his mitten still on

but before even he could push the dial button a knock from the door was heard

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:OOO HELLO PO! Ako po si Alique! Nako, maraming salamat po sa pagpost ng story ko dito T_T Salamat po at naglagay kayo ng credits :D