아름다운 스트랜저... (Beautiful Stranger)


“Okay guys stand in a line” The tall guy with that intense stare and blonde hair commanded

“1,2,3. We are One! We are EXO!” the twelve of them greeted while putting their thumbs up

*What’s with the thumb, and who is EXO? Weird people* you thought

“Ya what did you say!” The one with the slightly tanner skin shouted, making you jolt up. You stare at him in surprise

“Jongin calm down! Can’t you she she’s frightened” the guy with somewhat owl looking eyes grabbed the guy with tan skin who name you suppose to be ‘Jongin’ from the collar.

The twelve of them then introduced themselves to you, there are two giants one slightly taller than the other by a few centimetres, the one with the intense stare name is Kris, while the one which seems to be happy all the time is Chanyeol. Moving on, the guy with jet black hair, who also seems to look scary name is ‘Huang ZiTao’ but he preferred to be called Tao, the guy standing beside him is Byun Baekhyun or Baekhyun.

“Nice to meet you Tao and Bacon~” You chimed,  somehow you couldn’t pronounce Baekhyun’s name properly

“HAHAHA SHE CALLED YOU BACON!!!” Chanyeol slapped his knees while laughing.

“I…I didn’t mean it… I just can’t pronounce it properly, I’m sorry” Baekhyun patted you

“Nah, it’s okay I always get that” You smiled *maybe these guys aren’t robbers*

The guy standing beside Baekhyun goes by Xiumin, but his real name is Kim Minseok. You were fascinated by his cheeks, you reached your hand and squished them rubbing it together

(Like this)

Xiumin stared at you with bewilderment “YAYAYA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!”

“Errr… s-sorry, I was just wondering if those were real or not” You pointed both of your index fingers together “They just look so squishy, hehe sorry” You rubbed the back of your neck

Next, it was Chen. He goes by Chen but his real name is Kim Jongdae, he have really high cheek bones. Beside Chen was Joonmyun or Suho, he’s the guardian of ‘EXO’ he’s really kind and has an angelic voice *wow no wonder he’s Suho*

Then there’s Jongin.

“Hi I’m Kai, nice to meet you my lady” He knelt down on one knee and took your hand and kissed it.

Bewildered, you grabbed a pillow near you and hit his head. *Psst this one’s a jerk*

“Owww we’ve got a feisty one” He smirked

You rolled your eyes .

“Is it time for me to introduce myself yet??” the guy beside Kai asked

“Oh sure continue”

His name is Lay or ‘Zhang Yixing’ *hmmm… he looks like a unicorn*

“Hello I’m Do Kyungsoo, but I go by D.O” the owl looking guy said *such big eyes…*

Next it was the extremely hyper one amongst all of them

“HELLO NOONA MY NAME ITH OH THEHUN NICE TO MEET YOU!!!!!” He had slight lisp which you think it’s cute

You notice one more guy that hasn’t introduced himself yet…. *wow he have such a cute face*

Despite his cute features , he stares at you blankly. The stare was even intense than Kris’s that it sent shivers down your spine *errrm…. Creepy. * you thought

“I’m Luhan.” his voice was cold.

“Well I guess that’s all of us!” Kris said.

“Erm.. so .. about you being in my room .. How did you get here” you questioned

“You see, you dropped your house key at the Hello Kitty café, we happened to pick it up” Suho showed you your key *Weird I don’t remember dropping my key*

“How did you find me?” yet another question was asked from you

“We followed you, simple” Kai said

“Oh…..” You trailed.

“So I guess you can go now since you’ve returned my key.. My brother wouldn’t like it if he sees twelve guys in my room” you opened the door of your room and pushed them out of the house

“Bye~~” You slammed the door *Hope I won’t see them again*

*Weird.. I don’t remember dropping it… or maybe I did.. OH WELL~~* You skipped to your room and decide to continue with your afternoon nap /요로룽전화왔어요~~ 5 6 7 8! 빤 다…/ *Arggggh who called? And Looked at the ID 가람이 (Karamie)*

You picked up your phone  without hesistant


“shees calm down, I was asking you if you want to go out”


“HanKang River”

“Oh sure I’ll meet you there”

“There’s no need I’m at your door right now”


You walked to your door and peeked at the eye hole, no one’s there.

No one’s there…”

“Look again”

You look through the hole … *JACKIE CHAN????*

You opened the door and was your mouth was cupped by a masked stranger.

You tried to wiggle loose but it’s a fail, the masked stranger is too strong.

“LET GO OF ME!!” you tried to say between his hands but it came out as “MMET HMM OFM MEE”

You looked at your side and saw a paper pasted on your door from the peep hole *what’s that…* You heard the masked man snicker *that snicker…. ARGH PARK HYUNCHUL YOU’RE DEAD*

Karam let you loose, You grabbed that bastard’s collar ready to punch the living hell out of him for pranking you.

“PARK. HYUN. CHUL.” Karam went inside your house and you started chasing him like a bull who has just seen red.

“Okay, okay enough!” He surrendered “Go change, I’ll wait for you at the living room” He shooed you away.

You tied your hair into a bun and grabbed your tote bag, And stepped out of your room.

You wore this

“Wow looking fine there Sul~” Karam whistled .

“Okay let’s get going shall we!”

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-At HanKang River-

“Waaa~~ it’s so refreshing~~~” The river’s view was magnificent and the cold autumn air breeze through, making Sulhee’s hair fly in every direction.

Karam nudge Sulhee “Let’s rent bicycles !” He dragged her to the near by bicycle rental shop.

“Ahjusshi two bicycles please” The shop owner of the shop then handed two keys to Karam. Sulhee picked a simple neon green bike and Karam picked a black bike

“Let’s go!” Sulhee pumped her fist up.

Once ready, both of them started cycling around, Sulhee can’t balance at first but with a couple more tries she got the hang of it already.

“You know I saw those twelve guys that we saw at the café at the lobby of your house today” Karam started a conversation while slowing down a little to catch up with Sulhee. Sulhee stiffened at the thought of EXO *should I tell him?*

“Karam… errmm.. You know those twelve guys.. they actually sort of ‘broke’ into my house yesterday.” She started off and told him the whole story from beginning to the top.

Upon listening to the story Karam was in suspicion *How could they break into her house without Jae hyung finding out… how…* “Yah” Sulhee waved her hand in front of Karam “Snap out of  your little daze” Suddenly a small grumble was heard *Opps*

Karam raised one of his eyebrow “Looks like we’ve got a hungry bunny” He poked Sulhee’s stomach “Kaja!” They returned the bikes to the rental shop and headed off to a nearby restaurant, little did they know a group of guys were following them. 

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It's been months since I last update ㅠㅠ School was hectic , but since my finals are over I can continue writing again ~~~~ 

And school's about to end in around two weeks time so YEAAAAHHH. 

 here is lost looking Baozi 

 and Krisyeol :3 hehehe

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@Affection_in_Sonelf Thank you~ ^ㅂ^