You've been a very bad girl, Sasaeng!

We're living that Good Life!



Seungri’s POV
After a nap from about 10 hours, he finally awoke again. With a grunt, he walked out of his room up to the Dorm’s living room, where he found the other members glued to the TV “Something interesting on there?” “Definitely, take a look….” murmured Jiyong. And then he saw it. Scandal! His mouth opened wide and he just didn’t know what to say. “That… no… I… I didn’t!” His thoughts went to Mira, and he sighed in relief as he figured she was not in South Korea and hopefully wouldn’t see this. Just then the pictures on TV changed, and something about Jiyong having a girlfriend showed up, and a picture of some lady showed up. They both stared at each other, not knowing what was going on. “I think someone wants to trick you two.” Seunghyun said from behind them. Jiyong sighed. “What are we gonna do now? HOW ON EARTH ARE WE GONNA EXPLAIN THAT TO THE GIRLS?” He was almost yelling. “Jiyong, just tell them the truth. They are not stupid, right? They’ll understand!” “Hyung is right, Jiyong. That’s just what we should do!” Seungri agreed. Suddenly, the door bell rang. Seunghyun swiftly went over to the door to open it.

He stepped back a bit when he saw who was in front of him. “OH! Jade… Mira, you’re here!” he said, loud enough for Seungri and GD to here.

“Surprise! Surprise!”


Your POV
Even though you heard the news, you couldn’t stop this day from happening. Big Bang’s Manager gave them a break for the whole day and he was also the one picking us up from our apartment. He didn’t seem to know about anything, so Mira and I couldn’t ask him anything either. We had presents for the boys, and balloons and tried to be as cheerful as possible, when Seunghyun opened the door.

He looked quite surprised, and not in a happy way.

“Oh! Jade… Mira you’re here!” We smiled shyly. “Hi Seunghyun!” Mira said, a little too cheerful maybe. We didn’t exactly expect them to run to the door now, after what happened, but that no one seemed to move was quite odd. The Manager was the one to speak up first and enter the dorm. “Hey, Seunghyun, are the others not here?” “Living room…” the blue haired man mumbled and then disappeared off to somewhere.

You and Mira followed the Manager to the living room, trying to keep your smiles on your faces, but it didn’t work out too well. “Ok. What is going on here?” the Manager asked as he noticed the mood in the room.

Daesung just pointed at the TV, which was still , with the news all over, Jiyong and Seungri sitting in front of it motionless.

 You waited some seconds until the Manager realised what on earth actually happened, and then he quickly led you two out of the room and locked the door behind you.

You heard whispers from inside, and now and then the Manager would start yelling something quite inaudible, and Korean, but then was calmed down again, just to start shouting once more. After a while the door opened again, the Manager exited with a sad look and let you enter. You were now alone with Seungri and Jiyong.

You made your way over to Jiyong, who instantly pulled you into a tight hug. You tried pushing him away as you felt tears roll down his cheeks. “Jade….” He whispered, but you didn’t let him say anymore. You finally succeeded in pushing him away from you and just looked at him expressionless. “Explain yourself, Kwon Jiyong. Are you in a relationship with that woman they show all over TV?” Your expression was stern, as was his. “No. I do know the girl, she modeled for my solo album, and we’re friends! There’s nothing more and nothing less. We went to have lunch a couple of times, but I swear this is no relationship! I swear! I love you Jade, and only you, I would never do something like that.” He had tears in his eyes as he said that, and you were sure he’s actually saying the truth. A phone rang. Jiyong looked up as he noticed it was his. “Answer it.” You said softly. “It’s her”, he said. “Yeoboseyo?” “Jiyong? Have you… Have you seen the newspapers?” “Yes, I did. Quite some trouble we are in- look, I- my- my girlfriend is here, and she just saw it on TV and I don’t think this is the right time to-“ “Pass the phone to her.” She interrupted him quickly. “W-what?” “You heard me, Jiyong!” He looked confused but he passed the phone over to you. “Hello?” “Hi,” a soft voice of an adult woman, probably close to her thirties said cheerfully. “I’m Ji Na, I’m one of the models for Jiyong’s new album. I’m really sorry you had to see all this on TV. Don’t worry, Jade, Jiyong and I are not in a relationship, not even close to one - I’m married and-“. Now it was you who interrupted her.  “How do you know my name? And how can I believe that just because you are married you’re not in a relationship with him?!” Ji Na chuckled at the end of the line. “Oh, really, I won’t betray my husband now! You know, the pictures don’t show- but I’m pregnant. And now don’t go assuming it might be Jiyong’s baby, of all things! I got pregnant 8 month ago, that was before I knew Jiyong. And I know your name because dear Jiyong keeps talking of you. He fell head over heels for you! Of course you cannot fully trust me though - the only thing you can do is believe that what I say is true. You don’t know me, and I don’t know you. But I don’t mean to harm you or your relationship with Jiyong. Jade, I would like to meet you, you can get to know me and try to believe me and trust me - I’m not a bad person!” Her voice was so friendly and so… reasonable and sympathetic, not believing her would have been impossible. You agreed to meet up, and 5 minutes later you sat in Jiyong’s Bentley, on the way to the meet up place.


Mira’s POV
Mira went to Seungri, to ask him what happened, to ask him if it was just a rumor. She couldn’t get the words over her lips though, as she saw his sad expression on her. He looked… guilty.

Mira didn’t move. She just stared at him.

Just. Stared. Up until Jiyong and Jade left. Jade hugged Mira and gave her a kiss on the cheek, while Jiyong whispered something into Seungri’s ears. “Don’t it up now, Maknae!” Mira could hear it.  

“Spit it out now!”
He took a deep breath.

“Mira, I’m so sorry. I can’t explain what happened. Even I am still shocked-“

“Shocked by what YOU did YOURSELF? Oh so… you do say you did it?”

He nodded. Only slightly, but he did, that was enough for Mira.

She turned around and ran out of the door.


But he didn’t catch up to her anymore, she was gone in the concrete jungle of Seoul.


Seungri’s POV

He sat back down and sighed.

Daesung heard the door slamming and entered the living room.

‘Ri - What’s wrong? I know you like her, a lot… I can’t believe you did this to her - and won’t even explain yourself! Ri, what have you done?”

‘That’s the problem, Dae. I don’t know. I really just don’t know what happened! I went to a club and drank, and maybe it was just too much, maybe my body just couldn’t handle it, so I did what I did. I know that is no excuse - but, , I just really don’t know! I never dank enough to forget everything - I mean, I would remember if I had but I just really… I don’t know!’

He held his head in his hands, desperate. He knew it was wrong of him, so wrong! He didn’t want to hurt Mira, hell, he loved her! And still… Why would he do that?
Daesung touched his shoulder, making him look up again. ‘Ri… You know, do you think… do you think a fan could’ve put pills in your drink to make you… do what you did? To make you forget everything and have with her?’ - ‘You mean… someone drugged me?’ - ‘Maybe. I read online - you know hyung and I sometimes hang on sites and read what netizen say - that some fans are really very… radical, to get what they want. I mean, there is definitely a possibility. I don’t know how that whole drug thing works, but let’s go tell the police. Ri - I know you wouldn’t just hurt Mira like that. I believe you when you say you don’t know what happened. And it is very curious that pictures of you and a girl in bed appear just in a night you can’t remember and just after you met a girl you love, isn’t it? It never happened before!’

Seungri looked at him in shock… ‘Let’s go!’


Mira’s POV

Mira was wandering the streets of Seoul, lonely as she was. On every corner was a newsagent and everywhere were photos of Seungri and that girl. She couldn’t stand that. She sat down on a random bench in a mall and just started crying. She did feel pitiful - and others seemed to think the same, or no, maybe these people staring at her thought the opposite. Suddenly, one of the girls walked up to her. ‘Stay away from Seungri Oppa, or you’ll regret it. And he will as well. You’ll pay.’ Mira looked at them in disbelief.

The girl turned away, waving her hair, almost hitting Mira doing so. That sent her over the edge. She wiped her tears and stood up, her voice (KLINGEN) from the walls ‘HEY! YOU! ! Whatever the you mean with that, forget it RIGHT AWAY. I’ve seen your face. I will remember it. And if you ever hurt Seungri - I swear to god YOU will regret it. I don’t know how girls in Korea deal with these things, but a small cute fight is definitely not my style. I don’t minde ruining your pretty little face, so better be careful.’
The other girl was shocked by what she heard, touching her face in fear for it. She never expected that to happen.

Mira took a vicious step into her direction, making the girl yell and jump away. She said one more thing before hurrying off though. ‘Well, forget what you just said, it’s too late now anyways!’ The only thing that stayed was her evil laughter in the air.

“I need to hurry back to the dorm - It probably wasn’t Seungri’s fault at all! It wasn’t his fault, it was theirs!” The sudden discovery made Mira regret her behaviour towards Seungri. She needed to apologize. She has been horrible. The man she loves is in trouble, and she only troubles him more.

After about an hour or two, she was back at the dorm.

Daesung, still in coat and still wearing shoes, opened the door to her. Seungri’s coat and shoes were strayed all over. “Mira - you’re back!”




If you're lucky I'll update again in a few days xD

Also continuing with 5 times the fun, and a couple new ideas. BUSY BUSY

schools in the way though *sigh*


Hope you like it <3

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Chapter 5: Thx very much :D what kind of inspiration?? Tell me if I can help ^^