The Aftermath

An Angel in Black
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“Oh my god… Oh god… OH MY GOD!”

“Calm down!” Sooyoung yanked her best friend’s arm before the latter could start jumping up and down her bed. “Seriously!”

“How am I supposed to calm down?!’ Yoona answered excitedly. “I mean… OH. MY. GOD. You and Kris!”

She rolled her eyes and laughed. “You act like I won a billion dollars.”

“Close… Very close.” The younger woman stuck out her tongue as maturely as she could. “Seriously, Soo. It’s not every day you can find love.”

“That’s true.” Sooyoung conceded, pausing for a moment or two to take a sip from her can of Coke.

It was her turn to roll her eyes good naturedly; the two girls lounging on her bed after having just eaten lunch. “So how do you feel?”

The taller of the two arched an eyebrow. “What do you mean how do I feel?”

“How do you feel that the once cold and mysterious Kris Wu confessed to you yesterday morning? Are you guys together now? When’s your first date? This is so exciting!” She squealed yet again.

“How else do you think I feel?” Sooyoung said in a teasing tone before pausing. “I don’t know if we’re together now though…”

Her jaw dropped. “What? Why? Didn’t he tell you that he loves you? And you said you love him back, right?”

“We did.” The brunette began. “It’s just the relationship part we haven’t really talked about… I think we’re just going day by day, taking our time. We’re still young after all and it’s still very early in this… whatever this is.”

Yoona nodded. “I guess that works. So, when’s the first date?”

Her best friend arched an eyebrow again. “Pray tell, why are you asking?”

She batted her eyelashes a little too innocently. “I’m just curious. That’s all.”

“Well, I’m not telling.” Sooyoung made a face when the slightly younger woman pouted. “And no, that won’t work on me either.”

“You killjoy.” The brunette pouted even more, sighing when it didn’t work again. “Anyway, do you have plans for the rest of the day?”

“Yeah. I’m heading to Jonghyun’s after.”

“…You are?”

Sooyoung nodded. “Why?”

“Nothing.” She quickly shook her head. “You two hanging out today?”

“Yeah. I kinda promised him I’ll hang out with him more.” The brunette smiled before swinging her long legs off the bed. “I should probably go so I’d get there early.”

Yoona merely nodded and smiled in reply, seeing her best friend to the gate and waving goodbye as the latter left. She could only heave a sigh as she worried about what the future could bring, specifically how Jonghyun would react once he found out about Sooyoung and Kris. Jonghyun was her friend too and she was almost certain, save for the confirmation, that he liked Sooyoung. Yoona didn’t want to see him hurt. But Sooyoung was her best friend too and it was obvious that Kris made her happy and that she really did love him.

Only time could tell how everything would go.


“There you are!” Jonghyun grinned as he opened the door, revealing the visitor he had been waiting for. “I was beginning to think you’re not going to come.”

“Ye of little faith.” Sooyoung mock glared before showing him the grocery bags in her hands. “I even stopped by the grocery so I could buy food.”

“Are you going to share those?”

“Well, no.” She rolled her eyes at the look on his face. “Hey, Lee Jonghyun! Of course I’ll share! What do you think I am?”

“A bottomless pit.” The brown haired man replied without missing a beat, taking the bags of groceries from her. “Come in.”

Sooyoung grinned, closing the door behind her. “So what are we going to watch today?”

“What makes you think we’re going to watch movies today?” He teased as he brought the groceries to the den, settling them on

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KamiliaBBC #1
Chapter 19: my sookris feels came back. i love you author-nim for creating a great story as this.

back to the story. changmin? for some reason, i have a feeling he's the son of the man that killed kris's parents. its just my guess anyways, so yeah. and i feel bad for jonghyun tho- i mean, i dont expect him to make some plan to steal soo from kris or whatsoever, i just wish he'll be there for soo when she's in need or even better, be there for kris. jonghyun could give advise to kris when he's in trouble with soo or something. i mean, jonghyun knows sooyoung better, considering they've been friends longer than soo did w kris.

anyways, please update soon!!! hwaiting! <3
YoonAeRim #2
Chapter 19: Soo happy that you finally update this story. Honestly, this is one of your stories that kept popped in my mind whenever I open AFF. Hope you would continue this story, eonnie ^^

Author-nim, jjang! :D
Di_soo #3
Chapter 19: AAWWW i have been waiting for so long and finally you back!! Thank you. I thought you will abandon this story, i love you author-nim!
shironuu #4
I love it already and I just started reading it!
syoololo #5
Chapter 18: i like this story much. ohh i can't imagine... it's so sweet how kris treat sooyoung really nice and it's really romantic *_* i like this fic and love you too orz. i'll wait for the next part ^_^
Chapter 18: Ooooh le wild shim changmin appears!
right i love this fic. I love youuuuuu lol updaateeee
Chapter 18: oh prom-that sound interesting. are more sookris and changsoo