Chapter 13

Life As A TS Trainee

Daehyun's POV~ Baek Ah Yeon-Love Love Love

Mary and I walked in the dance studio to see everyone huddled up in the middle of the room. I poked Youngjae's side and asked him what was going on. 
"We received a letter from SM entertainment. It's about you and Mary," he said while I tried getting a glimpse of the letter. 
"They want to use your song, One Year Later," Jay said looking up from the letter. 
"Bwoh?!" Mary and I yelled in shock. 
"One of the SM representatives was at the festival and they heard you two singing. He asked about you two and heard that you guys composed the song. He wants to use it for Onew and Jessica," Jay explained while scanning through the letter again. 
"Seriously?" Mary asked with a smile on her face. Her eyes lite up and her face brightened. Jay nodded and handed us the paper. 
"They'll give you two full credit. All they need is your approval," he said as Mary and I exchanged looks. She smiled as I did too and we both agreed to give it to them. 
"Alright, I'll go inform them now," Jay said and walked out the door. I patted her back and said, "Congratulations to us."
She giggled and looked at the letter. I looked over her shoulder to scan through it and I could feel my heart pound, excited and proud. 
"Now he'll be able to hear our song and he'll know I've made it this far," she then softly said, almost like a whisper. I smiled and soon then, training began. Mary's mood was just so happy and jolly because of the news that she didn't even have a single sweat on her nor did she nag about how long practice was. She was smiling all day. I thought her smile was beautiful, I didn't get tired of it at all. 
"What do you guy say we end early and go eat out early?" Jay suggested while wiping off his sweat. "Treats on me."
"YAY!!!" We all shouted and began packing up. We weren't going anywhere far, so we walked. I noticed Mary was falling behind, so I slowed down to walk next to her. 
"You're a pretty slow walker you know," I said as she smiled and stepped over the cracks and lines. 
"I'm still pretty overwhelmed by the news," she said. I nodded and we both walked in silence, entering the restaurant Jay led us into. It was a korean bar-b-que restaurant. We sat next to each other and chatted as a whole group. 
"Just asking, but if SM wanted you two to transfer, would you?" Jay asked Mary and I. 
"I wouldn't because I was turned down for being late," Mary said as we laughed. "But unlike TS, if I'm late then I get off the hook."
"Even we've gotten used to you being late with Daehyun," Jay said. "But I don't understand why Daehyun's late when I know he's the first to wake up and I know for a fact he lives on the opposite side of you. Is there something going on between you two?"
I literally choked on my drink when he said that as the others laughed. 
"O-oppa! Why do think that?!" Mary yelled at him while Youngjae was patting my back to stop me from choking and coughing to death. 
"There's nothing going on between the two of us," I said bringing myself back from almost dying. 
"You two act as if I don't see you guys come into the building and get in the same bus," Jay said with a grin. "There's gotta be something going on."
"No there's not!!" Mary and I both yelled, getting attention from other customers. 
"Yah, there's no need to shout at me," he said and glared at us. "So Daehyun, tell us why you wait at the bus stop when you have a ride to practice."
"Are you sure he's waiting for the bus? Maybe he's waiting for Ma-"
"Shut up," I said through clenched teethes while covering Youngjae's mouth. "Say another word and I'll tell Manager Kang what you did and where you went last night without his permission."
He frantically nodded and I released him. I looked at the others as they gave me curious eyes, especially Mary. I felt my face heat up, so I sunk in my seat and looked down to the ground. 
"If you don't tell me then I'll ask Mary myself," Jay said and turned to her. 
"She doesn't know why," I then said as all eyes turned to me. "It's because I go and buy coffee at the cafe down that street, so I take the bus to practice."
"We have a cafe right next to our dorm," Youngjae stated. I stomped on his foot and gave a smile to the others. 
"The coffee is amazing there, better than the one near our dorm," I said with a fake smile. "You guys should try it someday."
They all looked at me with an eyebrow raised and shook their heads, saying they didn't believe me. 
"And I thought Youngjae was a pabo," Yongguk said with a grin. I just shrugged and soon the meat came out. Jay and Himchan were grilling while we just watched and drooled for the meat. We began eating and I could feel all eyes on me or either Mary. 
"You guys should eat too or else Daehyun and I will eat it all," Mary softly said while nibbling her silver chopsticks. 
"Unnie, I'm curious about someone," Hyemi said with round, curious eyes. "I was with Zelo and we went to watch a movie then I saw you at the theatre. I was going to say hi, but I saw a boy with you, who was it?"
"Movie? Theatre? Boy?" she said while staring into space, thinking. "Ahh~ Jonghwan oppa?!"
"I don't know, I'm asking you," Hyemi said as Mary gave a sheepish smile. "Is he your boyfriend?"
"Boyfriend? Why does everyone think that?" she asked as I looked at her. *I would like to know too.*
"So he's not?" Zelo asked as she nodded. 
"He's a childhood friend, there's nothing going on between us. I only see him as a brother," she said, making my heart lift up in satisfaction. 
"Zelo, don't you think there's something fishy going on?" Hyemi asked as he nodded, then an idea popped up and I smirked. 
"I think there is something fishy going," I said as they both looked at me with blank looks. "Why were you two watching a movie? Alone? Late at night?"
They blinked frantically and gulped. "Perhaps there is something going on between you two."
"A-Aniyo...n-nothing's going on," they both said stuttering while shaking their hands in front of them, denying it. 
"Zelo, you know the rules. You can't sneak out of the dorm late at night," Yongguk said as Zelo's face turned pink. We all laughed at him and I noticed Mary sighing of relief that she didn't have to continue with anything about relationships, Jonghwan and me. A good hour went by fast and we headed home. I, on the other hand, walked Mary to the bus stop. 
"Oppa," she suddenly said as I looked down at her. "Is it true that you live on the opposite side of me?"
I nodded and she continued, "Then why do you come all the way to take my bus?"
"Didn't you hear what I said? I buy coffee every morning near the bus stop," I lied as she narrowed her eyes to think. 
"I never see you with a cup of coffee though," she said as I gulped and tried to think of another lie. 
"Uh, I drink it all in the morning-"
"All of it?" she asked, now looking at me with narrowed eyes. 
"Yes! I drink all of it before you come," I said as she giggled and gently pushed my head to the side. 
"Pabo," she said and walked away, then turned around, now walking backwards. "If you want to go to practice together then just say so, you don't have to lie."
"Bwoh? I'm not lying though," I said as she rolled her eyes with a smile that made my heart melt. 
"Keep it up, but it won't work on me. I have a little brother remember and he lies all the time. You and Youngjin aren't that different," she said and turned to walk straight forward. I chuckled and we waited for the bus. 
"I'll be honest with you. I only walk to the bus stop to see you and to go to practice together. No matter how cold it is, I'll always wait for you," I said, breaking the silence. "I want to make sure you're safe too."
"Oppa, you're too nice," she said with a soft smile. "I feel like you care too much for me that you don't think about yourself."
"Others come first," I said. 
"Fall is here and soon then it'll be winter. You have to take care of yourself," she said. She then grabbed my hand and held it in hers. "Even in this weather your hands are freezing."
"But with you, you give me the warmth I need," I then said, which caught both Mary and I by surprise. She released my hand and looked me in the eyes. 
"Oppa," she softly said. "Do you..."
I waited for her to finish her sentence, but she sighed and slightly smiled. "What do you say we get some coffee tomorrow before heading to training?"
My heart dropped a bit because I knew what her question was, 'Do you like me...'
"Sure, sounds great," I said and smiled to her. 
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Chapter 34: cute story but i had wished for more idols and drama..P.S i feel really really really sad for jonghwan
Chapter 34: such a cute story :) by the way you have nice grammar! it's kind of sad that it's over already, but I loved it nonetheless :)
Chapter 34: Oww so cute <3 ^^ Nice story ^^
Chapter 34: Waaahhh good story!! ^_^
IloveInfinite7 #5
Chapter 34: Luv this story!
Chapter 29: To be frank, I really hope that Mary and Daehyun can be together.. they are so compatible....
Chapter 26: That's really sad....
Chapter 21: the doctor is mary's father?? wow
bobaliciousjenny #9
Chapter 12: Poor grandma... I hope she's okay. Anyway 화이팅-.^
Chapter 9: hm.... i hope her grandmother is ok i ^ i