Chapter 1

Dating My Crush (?)


“Oh my God… I wish Mrs. Lee didn’t go home already…” you rushed to Teachers’ Room. The room was very far from your class. So, you decided to run! Today is the deadline of your Science project. You promised her to hand it today. It was very hard since you do it by yourself. No one wanted to be your partner. You felt so sad. After ran like a marathon athlete, you entered the room and saw Mrs. Lee was writing something.

“Huhh..Huhh….Uhmm… Mrs. Lee, this is my Science project report.” You said before you took a deep breath.

“Oh… thank you Sora-ah...” Mrs. Lee said. “You may go home now.”

“Thanks again Mrs. Lee” you replied with a satisfied smile. You back to your class to take your bag.

“Ughh… I wish this school will have some elevator or lift or somethingg~” you muttered. Finally, you’d reach you destination.

                The clock showed it’s already 2:30 pm. All the students left the school since 1:40pm. You want to go home late because yeahh… your Science report just now of course.

“I better have my lunch now…” you mumbled while take out your food. Your eyes was like ‘ Oh my Kimchi Fried Rice~~~’.  Jyeahh~ you realllllyyyy love Kimchi Fried Rice, especially when it’s from your lovely amma.

                “Clack…clack…” Suddenly you heard a sound of walking people. “Maybe it just another student who goes home late just like me” you mumbled. But, the sounds like walking towards you. You feel soooo way nervous.

“CRIIIEEEECKKK~” your class door opened. You saw a guy walking towards you.

“I’m waiting for you honey…” he said.

“Who are you????!!!!” you asked him with a loud voice. You pretend to be brave in front of him. But, actually your heart was like having World War. You felt so scared.

“You know I had a crush on you, baby…” he said. Wait a minute. Crush???  Ahhaa! He’s Jongdae! Your Sunbaenim. He had confessed his feeling to you. Not once, but everytime he saw you, he will keep saying “I’m crazy for you!” or “I love you!”. You think it’s disgusting! “I love Yok Sungjae okay??!!” you shouted. But, only your heart heard it.

“Heyy~ I’ll repeat again Jongdae-ssi. I DON’T LOVE YOU! EVER!!!” you shouted loudly.

“I’ll love you as much as I can baby…” he said. He walking… and walking… and walking towards you. Now, you’re very panic. There’s one more step left before his face meets yours. I mean… hey! Your nose nearly touched his.

“BUSHHHH~~!!!” someone punched Jongdae’s face. Ohh Myy Godd~! It’s Sungjae!!!

“What you want to do with her, jerk?!” Sungjae asked Jongdae angrily.

“Well, I’m dating my girlfriend. Waeyyoo???” he replied Sungjae’s with some smirk.

“No!!! He’s lying! He tried to kiss me!!! And I’m very HATE HIM!!!!” you shouted out loud. You slowly moved and hid behind Sungjae’s good body while putting your hands on Sungjae’s waist unconsciously as you felt so scared.

“Okeyy… any more words, Mr. Kim Jongdae???”  Sungjae asked with a smirk. Jongdae slowly tip-toed and ran away from the class. Huuhhh~ Luckilly.

“Thank you ahh Sungjae-ya…” you thanked him.

“You’re welcome…” he replied with a grin. ‘Ommona! Why my heart is beating so fast?!’

“Ughh… wanna have some Kimchi Fried Rice???” you asked Sungjae softly.

“Ughh… maybe…” he replied and begins to sit in front of you. You felt so thankful because he would like to eat with you.

“Waaaa~ it’s smells good! Did you cook it?” said Sungjae.

“No, actually my omma cooked this to me. I’m busy lately so, yeahh…”

“Shall we eat now?” he said with his beautiful smile curving.


He started to eat. ‘If he knows…’ you mumbled, but he didn’t hear it. You had a crush on him since kindergarten. It’s probably nonsense but… yeahh… you believe in your FIRST LOVE. He’s Yok Sungjae, age, 18 years old. He lived with his parents and his noona, Yok Seungjung. You often stalked him every day when you’re 12 years old. But, since you saw him go out with another girl, you begin to give up. But, today it’s a new day. You can feel something lovely will happened to you if you always besides him. ‘Am I falling for him again???’

“Oughh~ what are you thinking Sora-ah?” Sungjae cleaned his throat and asked you.

“U…U…Ummm… Nothing.” You replied and continued to eat.


==========================END OF CHAPTER 1======================================


so, how was it??? it's too fast rite? x) i knew it..

oh... one more thing i would like to say...

just ignore my grammar error as MY ENGLISH ! ><"

don't forget to leave some comments!! :D

thanks for reading!!!!

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nice story ^^
PrincessMJ #2
Chapter 8: please keep on writing... love story <3
Chapter 6: Update Soon! Great Story! Sungjae-ah, propose(?) to her already!!!
akiya41 #4
Chapter 2: wahhhh new update :D and , and , can i tell u something ? -yo is use to add more politeness :> just giving some basic info :> anyway , luv it . update soon ~
akiya41 #5
Chapter 1: only these 3 words can described what i feel . I LOVE IT >.<