Moss Rosebud: Confession of Love (YoonYul)

Secret Garden

Chapter 13- Moss Rosebud: Confession of Love (YoonYul)




(Taeyeon’s POV)



After dropping off the last amount of flower bouquets at a baby shower, I went back on my moped and drove away with great speed. Jesus, what a day today was! Never have I driven to so many places with so little time in one day! The delivery orders were flying in like crazy! Whenever I come back to ‘Secret Garden’ to pick up more orders, the small humble flower boutique was even filled with so many men and women of all different ages! All were smiling and laughing with happiness.

I was happy that more have recognized this place but my question was how did people know about this place and why did they chose here? And plus, it was even more odd how suddenly our little shop was swelled up with new customers instantly. It happened ever since Yoona applied at ‘Secret Garden’. Her love and understanding for flowers was immense but was that big enough to leave an impact for others?


While driving on road, though now exhausted, I was smiling to myself behind my helmet. Just like what Yoona had said earlier, Tiffany did texted me back. As it turned out, she had a job interview with a marine animal trainer at our local zoo. When she came back home after that, her phone was dying but she couldn’t find her charger. I think that’s what Yoona was trying to say to me but as usual, I can never understand her sometimes when she talks. It’s cute but to be honest, it’s strange for a twenty-two year old to talk like that.

Unfortunately, our texting ended last hour when Tiffany had to go to feed the marine animals. Our last text messages were like this.


Me: Okay :) Talk to you later! And don’t let the fishies eat you!

Tiffany: Hahaha like they are dangerous! ;) Bye!


Ever since then, I was constantly thinking and repeating our conversations in my mind. A wink face? Is she flirting or is she stating us only as friends?

As I continue driving and thinking repetitively on the road with the bright sun now beginning to fall down beneath the mountains to go to sleep, I drove my vehicle behind the ‘Secret Garden’ and parked. Taking off my helmet first, I took the customer’s payments in envelopes and walked inside. ‘Secret Garden’ was finally in closing hours.


“Hello Taeyeon-unnie!” Yoona greeted me happily behind the cashier register. “How’s your day of work?”

“Tiring. I can’t believe today! Do you know how much we made?” I said out loud, waving around the thick stuffed envelopes with both hands. “I think almost a thousand!”

“Thousand?” Yuri said as she walked out from the storage room with various sizes of pots in her arms, looking at me with a big smile. “I think me and Yoona made about that much also! Perhaps maybe even more!”

“Wow…Is that a lot?” Yoona tilted her head in confusion.

“Yes!  It’s a lot for us! I mean…. we never made that much profit before,” I sighed.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to say it like that-”

“Nah, you’re fine Yoong!” Yuri came towards us with her arms still full of pots, reassuring Yoona. “Hey, why don’t you help me by setting them outside of our store? You know our flower display? Just set it by them and we will work sorting it out tomorrow. That’s enough working for one day,” she smiled at her.

“Okay Yul!” the young brunette smiled brightly and took a whole bunch of pots in her arms, skipping daintily towards the door where she exited outside. 


Looking at my best friend, I never seen her so happy and composed before. Before, Yuri was always stressed out and a bit sad too. Truthfully, the ‘Secret Garden’ was in the dumps and we were almost close to the idea of selling it. But I knew Yuri would never do that; she would never want to abandon her deceased mother’s dream. But now, with the rising popularity and sales for ‘Secret Garden’, Yuri beamed more than sun. But that was not the cause to make Yuri like this. No, now she smiled a lot more ever since Yoona have first worked here.


“Yoong? Yul?” I raised my eyebrows playfully. “What’s up with the pet names?”

“Hey, there’s nothing wrong with them!” Yuri said back defensively. “Yoona first started calling me Yul today and because of that, I called her Yoong back!”

“Say whatever you like,” I rolled my eyes, knowing that Yuri and Yoona’s little idea of pet names meant their relationship was more than just being friends. “You two look so alike that I guess I’ll have to call you two YoonYul,”

“Our nicknames are catchy aren’t they?” she chuckled, bringing her gaze over to the vast window where we both could see Yoona working.

“Aigoo…Even she’s working hard to set down the pots,” I laughed.


As the skies were colored dusky orange, the younger was working diligently even if she only has to set the flower pots down. With the sunset’s brilliant light shining over her little head, both of us watched her as if she was acting in a silent movie. Although we cannot hear her words escaping from her lips, the cheery animated expressions on her face kept us entranced. Each time she set down the flower pot, Yoona smiled and laughed with ease. The funny thing was that nobody was by her. Her only audience was the flowers on display.


“But she’s really cute when she works hard,” Yuri said, smiling at the sight of Yoona working outside. “And that’s what I like about her. She’s very diligent but always makes sure to have a great time,”

“Then admit it! You like her!” I quickly turned around and looked triumphantly at her, trapping my friend with my words.

“What? N-No!” Yuri denied; her eyes widened. “I mean, I like her as if she’s my younger sister! I couldn’t possibly g-gay for her!” she stuttered.

“Yeah right and as a lesbian, I can tell apart on who’s gay or not. And I will say this; you are so gay for her!” I yelled at her excitedly. “Remember what happened last night when I saw you two looking flustered and blushed together? And Yoona had her hands over ?” I smiled cheekily. “You two have probably kissed,”


“Oh…Is there something wrong?”


But Yuri’s yelling stopped as soon as the dainty silver bells rang, entering the younger worker inside. Her eyes were as wide like a doe as she looked at us curiously.


“Oh nothing is wrong Yoona-ssi,” I said, trying to hold in my laughter. “Yuri was just proving my point,”

“I guess so,” Yuri breathed out as she took this time to relax, only to punch on my head. Ignoring my cries, she walked over to Yoona, leaving me and my poor sore head alone.

“No apologies or a goodbye?” I muttered while rubbing the back of my head.


But there were no response to me. When I looked over, Yoona and Yuri were both giggling and chatting to each other. Yoona pointed at me and opened wide to laugh out loud after Yuri said something suspicious about me. Why that little…

But again, whatever Yuri was denying earlier, I could totally see the sparks in her eyes again. Deciding to leave their budding shy romance time alone, I went towards Yuri and tapped on her shoulder. As she turned her head around, I leaned forward to whisper very quietly in her ear, ignoring the curious look on Yoona’s face.


“What about your blind-date today? I thought you are going out with Taecyeon today,”


His name threw her off as she almost choked on her breath.


“Yul? Are you alright?” Yoona asked worryingly, coming in closer to us.

But Yuri held up her hand, stopping surprised Yoona in her tracks. “Yeah…I’m fine. Please give us one moment Yoong,” she gave a reassuring smile to her before grabbing me towards the back.

“What the heck? Shoot, I forgot about him!” Yuri harshly whispered back, giving herself a slap on her face. “What should I do? From our emails, he is looking forward to our date!”

“Well for one thing, that’s great that you forgot about him! He only wants you for your body,”


“Yuri, just listen to me,” I placed both of my hands on her shoulders. “Please just enjoy your night with Yoona today. Please? You don’t want your girl to be all sad in this lovely evening hmm?”

Yuri took a deep breath, glancing over to Yoona one more time before bringing her face towards mine. “Okay… I definitely do not want to see her sad alone. But how am I going to deal with Taecyeon?”

I rolled my eyes. “Geesh Yuri, you can’t even reject someone? That’s how too much of a kind person you are,” I brought my hand out. “Give me your phone first,”


“Aigoo, just gimme!” I groaned.


Judging from my glare, she knew that I would only stop nagging if she had just gave me her phone. Looking at me with her cautious eyes, Yuri carefully brought her hand behind and fished out her cell-phone from the back pocket. She then placed it on my outstretched palm. Looking for her contacts, I clicked on her blind date’s number and lifted her phone to my ear, waiting for the other line to pick up.


“Oh? Taecyeon-ah? Yah, this is her auntie Taengoo!”


Yuri’s eyes widened as she lunged forward to try to snatch away the phone. But I quickly ducked under and ran away from her, using my short height as an advantage. Ignoring her protests, I ran out to the main floor where Yoona was waiting timidly. Her eyes were also widened as she watched Yuri chasing me talking on her phone.


“Aigoo, you little punk… Hearing you apologizing to me all sweet makes me feel so disgusted!” I exclaimed in my ajumma voice while running away from Yuri. “Yah! Shut up!” I brought the phone in front of my mouth. “Don’t you dare contact my little Yuri again okay? Because if you do, I will be sharpening my elbows and stab you to death in your sleep! Arasso? Kkeunh-eo!” I hung up on the desperate and mildly confused man.

“Yah! Kim Taeyeon!” Yuri yelled as she finally caught me, grabbing her phone back as she pushed on my shoulder away. “Why did you-“

“Yuri-yah, shhh…” I placed my pointer finger on her lips, causing her to be even more agitated. “Your auntie saved your problem! At least thank me and just enjoy your little date with our cutie Yoona,”


My words especially ‘date’ had certainly made an impact when Yuri couldn’t reply, leaving her dazed and a bit shy. Yoona on the other hand fiddled and played with her fingers, not making any contact between Yuri and even I.


“Wow, just look at you two! Shy and innocent!” I remarked, laughing to myself. “I’m going to go home now. Good work everyone!” I made a playful bow before I began to walk outside with a big smile on my face. 


Ah, it's so much fun to be a Cupid sometimes





(Yuri’s POV)


After that midget left us alone in the store, there was an awkward silence between me and Yoona. She must have so many questions in her head now! I immediately tried to find any kind of reflecting surface I could use to check if my cheeks were blushing red or not. Fortunately, they were fine. A date…I heard it many times but when Taeyeon said to ‘enjoy your little date with our cutie Yoona’, my heart was beating crazy as if I’m meeting my first love.


First love? Aniya! She just started working here for two days! I can’t be falling in love that fast!


I let out an exasperated sigh as I glanced at my cell-phone, remembering Taeyeon’s little act earlier. “That little danshin...“



I looked back to where the cute stuttering voice was and couldn't help myself but to smile; once again, there was that adorable curious gaze in her doe-like eyes.


“It pretty much means a shorty. Almost like a midget. Doesn’t Taeyeon look like one?”

“Oh. She kind of does look like a midget,” Yoona chuckled. “D-Danshin right?”

“Danshin. You say it just fine,” I patted on her back. “Hungry?”

“Starving Yul! My stomach has been making sounds for the last two hours!” Yoona whined, moving her hands down to her tummy to express her hunger.

“Don’t worry Shikshin, we will have dinner very soon! Just tell your tummy down there to be patient,” I brought one of my hands down to tickle lightly on her stomach, causing her to burst out laughing.

“S-Stop that Yul!” Yoona giggled, trying to push away my hands. “W-We have to eat now!”

“We will! But first, you will have to help me cook dinner,” I was having too much fun tickling her because for one, her laughter sounded so sweet that I just want to hear more of it. But because I was hungry too, I stopped tickling her.


“Yeah, it will be fun! Don’t worry, I won’t force you to make stuff like foie gras or soufflé,” I began to walk over to the back where the staircase was. “Come on Yoong!”

“Wait wait!” Yoona said as she hurried over to me. “What’s a f-foi…foi graw and s-so-up play?”

“They are French cuisine! Don’t be so worried about them!” I only laughed at her adorable pronunciation and walked up the staircase. “And it’s foie gras and soufflé,”

“F-Fowa gra and sou-f-flay?” 



(Yoona's POV)


As we both climbed up the stairs together, I and Yuri were talking about this 'French' cuisine which has weird names. No matter how many times I said 'frog raw' and 'souphlay', Yuri only laughed and shook her head, repeating those strange names again with perfect fluency. 


"What am I doing wrong?" I pouted, crossing my arms. "I think I'm saying them right!"

"Hmm, well you are pronouncing them right but it's just that your accent is so funny!" Yuri laughed.

“You’re mean! Don’t make fun of me like that!” I huffed and looked away from her, feeling upset that she would act like this to me. “Some words are really hard…”

“Aniya Yoong I didn’t mean it like that!” Yuri frowned. “I’m not making fun of you. You are really funny! And also, your accent is really cute,” 


Speechless, I felt my cheeks rising in warmth and color again. Thankfully, we arrived at the top so Yuri’s focus was on unlocking the door, not on my obvious pink cheeks. 


“Umm, so you live in your store?” I asked once my blushed cheeks began to resume back to normal. 

“I have been living here since I was little. Not the most glamorous life but I could have not asked for any better home than here,” Yuri replied.

“Ah, well this place is really lovely,” I nodded at her reply and smiled; flowers and gardening has been a real part of Yuri’s life for a long time.

“Thank you,” she smiled. With an audible click, Yuri turned her key in 90 degrees in the keyhole, opening the door wide. “Come on in,”


As I walked past through the opening, following behind Yuri, I began to slip off my sneakers while she was taking off her flats.


“Where should I place my shoes then?”

“Just right in front of the door. You can place them behind mine,”


Following her directions, I placed my shoes down behind hers and looked up. Her apartment was quite small compared to where I live with Sooyoung and Tiffany. There was a small kitchen, living room, and two doors leading to two rooms. One should be a bathroom, but what about the other? Her room?


“Small right?” Yuri laughed uneasily; I could tell she was being nervous.

“I don’t mind! Your home is amazing,” I reassuringly smiled at her. “Don’t be embarrassed Yul!”

After my words, Yuri let out a sigh in relief. “Thanks, I was really worried on what you might think. Well, I’ll be heading to my kitchen to prepare our meal. You can go wait in the living room while I get things ready for us to cook,”

“Okay Yul!” she and I parted away to different locations.


Walking towards the living room was an old red couch and with a small coffee table in front of it and a small box called a television. There were some picturesque pictures of art, hanging up on the wall delicately. Of course, there were some flowers there too.


‘Angel angel! Good evening evening!’ the pink roses on the coffee table greeted me.


Happy to have some company, I sat down on the couch and leaned forwards towards the charming group of flowers. Pink roses doess mean perfect happiness so they are always jolly and positive-minded.


Hello! How was your day?

‘Marvelous angel angel! What about angel angel? Angel’s cheeks are pink pink’ they giggled.

My cheeks again? I brought both of my hands up to place them on my blushing cheeks. Oh my, Yuri does make me go crazy

‘Yuri Yuri? The flower girl girl? Angel and flower girl in love love?’ the roses asked playfully. 


When their innocent voices asked if I and Yuri were in ‘love’, I shook my head, causing the sweet roses to sigh in slight disappointment.


Maybe...We are not lovers, but I want to be! I sighed also, looking down slightly to play with my fingers as it was my habit to do so whenever I'm embarrassed or disappointed. I'm afraid though...What if our relationship turns manipulative like me and Seohyun? She seemed so much like my past lover except…she is not a coward. Yuri is not like that cowardly angel at all. 


Before the flowers could reply, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning my head around, I found amused Yuri standing in front of me. With her hair up in a ponytail she was wearing her pink apron, making her cute. She was also holding something in her arms.


“You seem to be having a great conversation with my pink roses,” Yuri teased.

“Well they are great conversationalists! Always so happy and cheery,” I looked back at the pink roses and giggled, quietly telling them to hush down their twinkly laughter.

“Hmm…That description sounds like someone I know who I have been working the whole day with,” Yuri said, causing me to smile shyly as I knew exactly who she was describing. “Come on,” she threw an apron on my lap. “Put it on and our cooking will begin!”

“Okay!” I said, excited to be by Yuri's side again. 


I slipped on my pink apron and walked behind Yuri to her small kitchen. Because it was small, I had to stand behind her in front of the counter.


“While I’m going to bake the chicken in the oven, you can wash these vegetables so we can make them into a salad,” Yuri said.

“Okay!” I nodded. “But where am I going to wash them?” I asked when I set my head down on her shoulder from behind, looking around to find my washing station.

“Right here silly!” Yuri patted on my head on her shoulder and pointed towards the sink. "Wash them well!"

"Thanks Yul and I will!" I said as I began to walk over to my washing station. "I will be the best vegetable washer you ever had!" 




After an hour of cooking, dinner was finally ready! While I set the dishes, utensils, and glasses of water down on the coffee table in her living room, Yuri was downstairs in her flower store to find the seat cushions for us to sit on the floor.


Sorry pink roses but I have to move you away I said, picking up the pot from the coffee and secretly hiding it randomly in one of the cabinets in Yuri's kitchen. No matter how nice and cheery you are, you are going to be very nosy! 


They whined greatly but didn't argued back since they knew I'm right. Walking back towards the coffee table, I finished setting up the table.

I don’t know why Sooyoung always pushes me away whenever I want to help her in the kitchen; cooking is fun! But I only did the work that requires no knife work like washing the vegetables and mixing them in a bowl. That was okay though because I never even handle a cooking knife before! But working in the kitchen besides Yuri was just more than fun though. Through our silly jokes and made-up songs we did while cooking, there were some moments where I couldn’t tell if this was a casual move between friends or not.

Like this one time earlier, when I was working hard to mix all of the sliced vegetables well in a bowl, Yuri would stand behind me very close and laugh, telling me to relax after she saw how hardworking I was to even mix a salad. I did relax eventually but it wasn’t because I followed her advice; it was her breathing when she slightly talked into my ear, causing it to turn slightly red.


“Now we can finally eat!” Yuri said as she opened the door and closed it behind her, placing the seat cushions down on the ground. “Come and sit down so you can eat Shikshin,” she patted on the ground as she took her seat. 

Snapping myself out of the thoughts, I smiled back and sat down opposite from her. "Thank you for the meal” I exclaimed before diving in.


It was a simple meal; baked chicken with an organic healthy salad with French dressing. But even so, it was delicious! In the first few minutes were no words exchanged; we were first tasting and savoring our food.


“Whoa, you really are a hungry girl,” Yuri commented when I finished my plate. “Was it good?”

I nodded happily and took a sip of water before I replied. “It was really yummy! I wish I had some more though,” I admitted.

“Go ahead then, there’s plenty more in the kitchen!” Yuri chuckled and continued to eat her dinner at a normal pace. “Take as much as you want,”


After she said that, I bolted off with my plate towards the kitchen. After getting seconds with great heaps of chicken and salad on my plate, I came back towards the table to only find Yuri laughing from side to side, moving her body uncontrollably as she laughed out loud.


“Mwo? What is it now?” I pouted as I set down my plate, wanting to know why she’s laughing so much.

“N-No it’s just t-that-” Yuri said as she tried to control herself by covering with her hand. “Yah, Im Yoona! Do you know how funny you are after you were running towards the kitchen as if you were in a marathon? And then you came walking back as if you were taking a stroll in the park?”

“I was walking slower because I was being careful to not drop the food!” I defended myself, crossing my arms.


But Yuri only continued to laugh. Even though I don’t really like being teased, I laughed back because Yuri’s laughter was as the humans sometimes say on earth ‘contagious’. I noticed that her voice slightly goes up whenever she laughs or giggles in anyway. It made me smile whenever I hear it because it’s such a cute sound. My favorite sound.

After Yuri was finally done laughing, we went back to eating. Our conversation first started around our work today. How the flowers smelled great and how lovely and wonderful the customers were even on such busy day. But then after that, our conversation somehow began to turn into about us; we talked so much that we were far done with dinner.

After placing the dishes away, Yuri and I were both sitting down on her red couch and sipping some coffee. From there, we discussed about our favorite music, clothes, color, activity and many more. For some questions like music and movies, I spitted out answers I learned from Sooyoung and Tiffany when they kept talking about ‘No Breathing’ and EXO for example.

Little did we know, as we were too busy talking and eating, the rain begins to drop down itself on earth while the orange skies turned dark blue.


“Huh, rain seems to be coming frequently this week,” Yuri remarked as she turned her head around to look outside through the big windows. “Oh, I guess it’s getting pretty late,” her voice trailed.

“Late? Rain?” I said after I finished my coffee. Also turning my head around, I frowned at the sight. “I guess I have to go then...” No no no! I don't want to leave already! We were just getting beginning to know each other more though...

“I don’t think you should leave yet though. It’s pretty dark outside and also it’s raining so I’m going to call a taxi for you okay?” Yuri said as she began to stood up, stretching herself before grabbing her phone.

“Thanks Yul!” I gave her my smile before she walked away to the small kitchen to make her call.


Taxi? My ears picked up at that familiar word. I was curious at first to know why that word seemed awfully memorable but I pushed it away with thoughts of my heart pounding happily when Yuri was being so caring for me.

But while Yuri was making the call, the rain began to pour down even harder. As the sounds of each rain drop pounds on the streets and sidewalks, those little pattering sounds brought me back into that special memory of last night.




"Sorry... But I just wanted to thank you for accepting me as your worker. I love it here."

"Oh! I should be thankful to you! With your brilliance and love for flowers, many came to stop by today."

When Yuri said that, I sighed out comfortably. "You are really nice and patient with me you know?” I confessed.

"I am?"

I nodded and laughed lightly, "Yeah... Most people would be annoyed or fed up with me." I frowned. "I'm very difficult to have around."

"Really? Well, I think you are really beautiful, inside and out."


After her words, I became silent. Did she really mean it? I’m beautiful? I shouldn’t fall under love so easily after what happened with me and Seohyun. And also to add, Yuri is a human while I’m an angel. Me loving a human…Aren’t humans in love more dangerous than angels in love? If so, I don’t ever want to be in that pain and depression again!

Feeling myself getting emotional, I blinked my eyes several times to keep them dry. Suddenly, I felt her warm soft hand lightly touching my face. It was only for a bit as she was brushing away my wet fringe away from my eyes. At first, I flinched because I wasn’t expecting her to do this but as I soon relaxed myself when I stared towards her brown eyes; so beautiful. Her action of brushing my hair wasn’t like of a friend or a sister. I knew from my heart that she was touching my hair like a lover; down my wet strands carefully and tenderly.


"It bugs me how bangs can cover somebody's eyes, it's a pet peeve of mine." Yuri finally said.


Unfortunately, Yuri was done brushing away my bangs. I don’t know why I did this but after Yuri slid her hand down the side of my face; I quickly placed mine right away on top of hers before she could bring hers to the side. Gently holding her hand on the side of my face, I gradually brought it up more until it reached to my cheek.


"I love your touch," I said quietly, closing my eyes as I held onto Yuri’s hand.


With the flowers watching and awing at us in a silent manner, I gently began to her hand with my thumb, feeling the smooth tanned skin. I breathed softly, not wanting to make any sounds except to only hear the rain, the flowers, my heart, and Yuri’s breathing. This feeling…It felt so warm and comforting; it’s healing my heart which has been twisted and tricked by my past lover.

Dazed in my little daydream, I suddenly began to hear the flowers giggling quietly in the background. I heard their little whispers echoing around as they all said the same thing.


‘Flower girl girl kiss angel angel’


With my eyes still closed, my skin tingled because I could feel Yuri’s lips coming closer; her breath was ticking my face. My first kiss with a human? We have only knew each other for a day but oh this felt so right though…Waiting patiently, my heart began to beat faster, the flowers began to giggle quieter, and the rain began to drop faster.


Ring! Ring! "Yuri-ah! I'm here!"


Like an alarm, I and Yuri immediately pulled away from each other at the appearance of Taeyeon. While Taeyeon was questioning Yuri to ask what we were doing, I stood quietly with my hands on both sides on my face.

What happened? What caused us to do this? I thought. With a frozen look over my face, I hesitantly took a sniff; the air was suspiciously heavily scented from a certain flower.

Oh no! I must have accidently triggered that flower’s scent but how? I wasn’t even concentrating! I was beginning to get lost when Yuri first called me beautiful!

Before I could go and find that flower, I was brought back to reality when I was getting a tight painful hug from one of my beloved friends from above, Tiffany. Surprised but also happy to see her, I looked around to try to find Yuri only to find that she has to leave to her bed now. I was at first sad but I then tried to erase my negative thinking when I was around Tiffany.

After I changed, Tiffany was ready to walk with me back to my apartment. As I walked behind her past through the door, I whispered very quietly towards the store.


Moss Rosebud…I’m talking about you! You sneaky little flower.


[Flashback End] 


“Yoona, the taxi is here!”


Her voice startled me when I opened my eyes, finding Yuri standing beside the couch. But I was even more surprised when I saw a blanket over my body.


“Did I fall asleep?” I asked when I sat upright, stretching my arms while yawning.

“Yeah…The taxi driver told me he’s the only taxi driver in this area on a shift and that I would have to wait because he has to drive this person to Los Angeles,” Yuri checked her phone again before putting it back in her back pocket. “But he’s seriously fast! It has only been twenty minutes since the last call I guess he was coming back or something,”  

“That short of time but you still gave me a blanket?”

“Of course! I felt bad because you were sleeping on my couch with no blanket! At least it was to make you feel more comfortable at my home,” Yuri shy smiled.

I smiled softly back, feeling touched of her actions. “Thank you Yul…And I already feel so comfortable with you here at your home,” I stood up and began to walk closer to Yuri. “Thank you for inviting me to dinner here,”

“You’re welcome Yoong! You should come back here-oh”


Her words were slightly cut off when I gave her a hug, placing my head on her shoulder. I didn’t say anything and neither did she but we didn’t have to; this was our first hug.  Our skin contact with each said it all. Our dinner date had brought us closer to being more than friends.

I took in a breath as I could still smell various flowers’ scent from her shirt. But among many, I could recognize one special scent that caused me and Yuri to be like this. 


“Do you like me?”



I could Yuri’s body tensing within our hug, causing me to smile secretly. Because of last night, when I accidently triggered the moss rosebud to release its unique fragrance in the store, I finally knew today that Yuri likes me. Even though I was being hesitant throughout the whole day whether to dare myself to love one another again, my heart was begging me to try. Even if I wished to never go back to that time of sadness and despair, I would never get myself out of this trap until I seize the opportunity to get out. And that chance to run away from messy past was Yuri, the only human who could make my heart flutter with joy and love.


“Yuri,” I said her name calmly, lifting up my head so our faces were only inches apart. “Please tell me if you like me or not because I like you,” I smiled. “Ever since I first saw you in this store, I never knew I would fall in love with a flower shop’s owner. Your immense love for flowers is great but your personality along with it is even better. Not only you’re just beautiful but you are very caring and nice enough to accept me who I am even if I don’t know like what the u-umbre-ella is or how to say soupplay.” After I said that, Yuri giggled. “Remember that last rainy night? How both of us felt when we were alone? I want to let you know that I felt more loved by you when you called me beautiful, inside out. This is all I have to say. I could say more but it will take all night.”


With my confession, Yuri was speechless. Her cheeks were blushing and her expression remained surprised. I waited patiently for her to answer. Pondering to myself, I wondered why this was taking long. She was looking into my eyes as if this was the first confession to her she have heard from the other.


“Yoona…” she said her first word since after my confession. “I’m going to cut this short okay because it will take all night also. Even if you don’t know how to work with a cash register or know what an application is,” she brought her face closer, peering into my brown eyes. “You are the most beautiful and loveliest person I have ever fallen in love with,”  


After she had said her confession, both of our faces were coming close together. With our noses grazing with each other, I brought my lips close to Yuri’s, kissing her lips tenderly. At the first contact of our lips, I could feel electricity surging throughout my body. We pushed each other lips softly, emitting small sounds from Yuri’s mouth. We kissed like this for a long time until Yuri had to pull away. She breathed in and out to gain some air but she was doing so while staring at me. Also taking my time to breathe, I looked back at her eyes. As we both shared our moment of staring, Yuri turned the corners of her lips into a smile.


“Hey…I think that taxi driver would have left by now. Want to stay over?” Yuri said as she lifted her arms to wrap around my neck.

“Sounds like a good idea,” I replied as I wrapped my arms around her waist, bringing her body closer to mine. “But let’s get ready to go to bed after one more kiss. Please?”


Yuri chuckled and nodded, leaning her head towards mine to kiss my lips once more. 



(All POV)


While Yoona and Yuri were both passionately kissing each other in Yuri’s home at night, outside of the flower store was a vintage yellow taxi-cab parked beside the sidewalks. With its engine still on, the driver inside the car looked up towards the second floor of the flower shop; the windows of the second floor were bright.   


“Way to go Yoona,” TOP chuckled. “Looks like I’m not needed here after all,”


And the wind angel sped off with great speed with his taxi cab into the rainy night. Rain does not always mean depression or death. It also means life, new beginnings, and rebirth.






YoonYul are official here! ^-^ Yay! Long update! Happy? I was typing mad as I finally got my writing flow back! *celebrates* 

Next Update: TaeNy's street date! 

I will be gone on a two-week hiatus because I will be going to a camp where I can't bring my laptop or smartphone :( Shucks. 

Until then, have a nice day everyone! :) 


P.S I changed the font size so it's slightly smaller. Please comment below if it's too small :) Thanks 

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Chapter 17: Marigold: Cruelty, Grief, Jealousy is in progress :) Please just wait a little more!


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Chapter 18: Update please author :)
angelic01 #2
Chapter 18: please update please
angelic01 #3
Chapter 18: please update please
Chapter 18: please update soon
hkinki #5
Chapter 18: Welcome back please update them all :)
googletranslate #6
seems interesting! i'll read it now!
Chapter 18: Yasssss!!!! Tq author-ah for the update!!!!!!! ^o^ Damn! I've been waiting for this for i-dunno-how many years already. :) I'm glad you did it. Pls update soon author-ah~ ^^ *put some aegyo*
Chapter 18: T________T
Auhtor update!!!!