The Fire Angel's Confusing Story (Part 2)

Secret Garden


Chapter 6- The Fire Angel's Confusing Story (Part 2)




(Sooyoung POV)



I made my way through the fairy busy produce section. The ajhummas standing by their products were screaming nonsense of their "wonderful" quality and all the other crap. They were still the same when I was 12 in the strange world.

Holding the green shopping basket, I went over to the snacks aisle. Shelves of delicious snacks were lined up neatly with their bright eye-catching colored bags.

Hmm... I thought as I scanned over the snacks. I think I'll make some ramen for us tonight. Delicious and cheap! Perfect!

I grabbed the two square red packets of ramen and dumped it in my basket. After I finished with my grocery shopping from buying frozen dumplings, chips, rice cakes, kimchi, and rice. I head my way towards the check-out aisles.

I should hurry. I checked my wristwatch and frowned. Ever since I left her alone, I felt a strange feeling in my stomach whenever I'm thinking of her. That nature girl better not mess up my house.

Shaking off the horror, I sped up my walking a little faster, heading for a corner where I thought that no one would be there.


"Geesh! Watch out!" I said, rubbing my head. "Oh! I mean I'm so sorry!" I widened my eyes in horror at my snappy self-earlier. "I didn't see you there!" I bend down, picking up my fallen grocery that has jumped from my heavy basket.

"Pft? Now you are sorry for me? What kind of a loser are you?"

That voice. I thought. Replacing with my surging anger, I snapped my head up to meet a petite brunette girl, crossing her arms with a piercing glare while holding her basket full of tropical fruits.

"Glutton pig."

"Spoiled mutt."

I cleared my throat at our much unexpected meeting. Why out of all of my friends and enemies, she has to come here?!

"What's up with the mangoes brat?" I said menacingly, pointing her basket which was overloaded with fresh ripe-looking orange fruits.

"Why do you care loser?" Jessica scowled, bringing her basket more to her side. "Mangoes are delicious! And expensive."

"Geesh, all that food for you?" I arched one of my eyebrows at her immense spending and clicked my tongue. "Jessica Jessica Jessica...   You could easily use your money to help out the poor. I'm sure they would like some mangoes too."

"Yah! Stop making me sound like a self-fish girl!" Jessica retorted. "And what's with all the cheap ingredients you got in your basket? That's what I would expect from a lowly waitress."

"Watch your mouth!" I held my hand up in anger. "Ugh! Thanks to you! I was forced to go to anger management class because you made my boss unhappy with my behavior around you!"

"Umm did you just say anger management class?!" Jessica snickered. "Haha! That just proves that you are a crazy pig!"

"Crazy pig?" I countered, shifting my stance as I walked up to her. "What are you? 6 years old? Yeah, I guess you are! You even whine like a baby at the restaurant!"

"Yah! I don't whine! Just to tell you, I'm one of your beloved customers!" Jessica retorted. "What are you doing?" She took a step away each time I came too close to her, showing off my superior height. "Stop it you Godzilla! I have to go now!"

I stopped my intimidation, remembering the nature girl in my apartment. "Shoot! I have to get back to her now before she causes anything!"

I was about to rush my way over to the counter until I felt a sharp grip on my sweater. "Who is her Choi Sooyoung?"

The rich girl's hand was stronger than I thought. I turned around in confusion to see her narrowing her eyes at me, giving off a bold expression of anger at me.

"What? She's my colleague who's staying at my home." I spoke with a little of confusion.

"Is she pretty? Do you have a picture of her?" Jessica demanded. "God why would she live with you?" She crinkled her face at me.

I continued to give her my confused look until I realized what she was talking about. "Oh I see... You're interested in my friend hmm?"

"What! NO!" Jessica yelled back. "I'm just wondering why she would want to live with you! She must be crazy!" 

Because she acts like a toddler lost in a history museum in our town.

"Whatever, I'm just going to leave. Talking to a girl like you makes me want to hurl up any time soon." I reeled back my arm forcefully from her grip and hurriedly walked towards the check-out area.

Fortunately, she didn't follow me. I could hear her "Hmph!" as she click clack those shiny heels away on the white supermarket's floors.

Whew! That was close! I quickly slammed my products by the cashier. I have to get back to Yoona now!

But I can't deny it. About Jessica earlier? She always looks so pretty when she was laughing at me. Even though she was teasing me, her laughter sounds so cute like a fairy's giggle. I thought my heart was about to die by just standing in front of her. 

Ugh, why did I have to mess everything up in our first meeting? Because of that earlier incident, I have to keep acting like this.

"Um excuse me ma’am? It's $32.47?"

I looked back to the teenager boy who was gawking at me. I curved my mouth into a grin at his reaction at my presence. I didn't say any word until I handed him my money.

"Keep the change babe. You probably need it for your girlfriend." I smiled and flipped my hair over my shoulder as I leave the awkward boy with my grocery.








Sooyoung's Home

"I'm home!" I yelled when I slammed the door shut, carrying my groceries to my kitchen to place the plastic pounds on my small kitchen counter. "Yoona?"

I called out her name one more time but I didn't hear anything. Oh crap.

I first rushed into my living room; it was still in a perfect condition. Then I walked in to my shower/bathroom; it was fine too.

Where could she be? I checked my bedroom cautiously and it was still untouched; no mess and no angel.

Like an alarm calling, I heard a soft whirring of a machine next door. The last room I haven't checked yet was my laundry room. I walked with great speed and grabbed the door knob, throwing the brown door back with a clank when it hit my walls.

"Yoona! Why haven't you answered me?"

The entrance that I made startled Yoona inside of the room. But I was even more in shock than her when I saw her elegantly sitting on top of a laundry machine.

"Uh... Hi unnie?" Yoona crossed her long legs on top of the laundry machine, trying to look casual. "Did you know that sitting on this thing is really comfortable?"

"Oh yeah?" I said, getting more and more curious in her troubles. "What is it called Yoona?"

"Uh..." She said, desperately tries to look around the room for any clues. "The bubble machine?"

"Bubble Machine?" I repeated her lame answer. Blood rushed in to my brain. "Don't tell me you just put a large random amount of soap detergent in there!"

"Soap d-e-ter- What?" Yoona tipped her head to the side.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh don't try to be so cute now! Move!" I barked at her. When she wouldn't move quickly, my hot anger caused me to shove her off, opening the top of the shaking machine.

"Wait! Please don't lift it-!"


Clouds of white soapy bubbles blasted at my face. I screamed at the foamy bubbles on my face, taking a step back.

"Sooyoung! Grab my hand! I'll pull you out of there!"

I desperately tried to reach for her hand, but since I couldn't see, I slipped on the slippery floor, falling on my painfully.

"Ow!" I yelped. The wet floor was making everything worse, making my legs and arms sprawled over as I slipped each time, trying to get up. I wiped the soap out of my eyes; the laundry room was completely enveloped in fresh soapy bubbles.

"Unnie! I'm so sorry! Please help me!" Yoona was on the ground with me too, yelling and screaming since she was blinded too. There was bubbles all over her nice clothes and her hair too, giving her hair a white Afro look. As she continues dancing on the floor, I saw a volcanic eruption of bubbles streaming from the machine.

"YOONA!" I screamed through the roof of my tongue. "YOU AND I ARE GOING TO HAVE A LONG TALK AFTER THIS!"







A few minutes later after my exploding lecture to Yoona, I was cooking in the kitchen, clicking the stove up to lit up the fire. When the water inside of my copper-dented pot was bubbling, I put the ramen noodles inside, muttering quietly to myself to release my steam.

During the laundry machine accident earlier, me and Yoona were screaming and kept slipping down on the floor like bawling pigs in a mud pen; the only difference is that we were screaming because of the bubbles. THE DETERGENT BUBBLES!

To solve that laundry machine problem, I fixed it by pulling the plug out; just a simple tug and the machine stopped erupting. I changed myself to a set of fresh blue shorts and tank top from my closet. I gave Yoona my oversized t-shirt and blue shorts to change in my bathroom. After my yelling, she only nodded and walked to the bathroom, holding my clothes under her arm. Once she entered, I could only her shuffles inside.

Suddenly, I heard the door clicked open. In few seconds, the nature girl in pajamas walked out into the kitchen, sitting down on the rounded dinner table with a shameful expression on her face.

I tried to look away from her, adding the powder into our meal as I tried to control my surging anger. "So? Do you now understand why I don't want you to touch anything? It could have been dangerous!"

"I-I I'm sorry Sooyoung unnie." Yoona replied back with a quiet voice. "I was just so curious and-and I saw that machine! It looked so interesting and-"

"Save it." I cut her off, pouring the finished noodles into two bowls. "Your excuse won't make up for it."

"But Sooyoung." Yoona called my name again innocently. "I am really sorry. Can you forgive me?" She gave me her sorrowful expression by widening her big innocent eyes and pouting her lips.

Damn. No! No puppy dog faces No puppy dog faces!

"It is your first day." I sighed in defeat, turning around to fetch a tray holding two hot steamy bowls, two cups, and a gallon of milk. "And first days are always hard."

"So you forgive me?"

"Yeah." I gave her a smile. "I forgive you. Just don't ever do something like that again! Though, it's kind funny if you think about it."

The younger girl smiled brightly and gave me a laugh, once again turning the atmosphere warmer. I walked towards the table and set the food down, placing a cup and warm aroma-smelling bowl in front of her. I gave her my chopsticks while I am using the cheap wooden ones I got from a cheap traditional Korean restaurant down my street.

"Eat up!" I said when I my chopsticks down into the ramen. My stomach grumbled at the sight of the food. I picked up a clump and started slurping the noodles, enjoying the spicy taste.

"Man!" I exclaimed with beef-flavored soup coming down my throat. "Eating at late night is the best!"

While I was eating my late dinner enthusiastically, Yoona was still in her curious mode, poking her noodles with her utensils. I tried my best to not snicker at the girl, but her serious face and her full concentration was just hilarious!

"What is it unnie?"



"Just eat!" I yelled, pushing the bowl more into her direction. "I made it so this does not taste like any other brands. Or are you worried because you think the "worms" might come back to life?

"Shut up!" Yoona glared at me. But I smirked at her, even imitated my noodle as a wriggling worm. "Oh! Look Yoona! My worm looks so delicious! Watch me eat it." I said as I slurped my wriggling worm up.

"Okay okay! I'll eat it! Just please stop making fun of me!" Yoona begged. I watched her as she took a slurp on one noodle, watching her reaction with the same anticipation like earlier.

"So... How was it?"

It took about a second for her taste buds to kick in, letting her taste the savory steamy broth inside of from the noodle.

"It's yummy!" Yoona exclaimed and chewed more on the noodles. "Thanks for the food! You are such a great cook!"

"Thanks." I said. "Oh? And drink some milk too! It helps to keep your face less bloated after eating ramen. Especially if you are eating this at late night!"

"Ne Unnie!"







After dinner, I took our dishes to the sink and reminded myself to do it tomorrow. Together, we brushed our teeth later in my bathroom but it took more than 10 minutes due to teaching Yoona on how to use a toothbrush and to not swallow the minty toothpaste but she did it anyway about 3 times!

Later, from my room, I brought out extra blankets and pillow for Yoona's couch. The nature angel was sitting on the couch, constantly blinking her eyes rapidly in order to keep herself awake. I placed them near her side, awaking half-tired Yoona. .

"I brought your blankets and pillow. You can sleep now."

"Gomawo." Yoona nodded, snuggling her long body under the fluffy blanket. "Ah this is nice." She sighed in comfort, burying her head more onto her pillow.

"What time do you have to wake up?"

"2:00 pm." She yawned.

"Okay, so I'll walk you there so you wouldn't get lost and-"

"No!" She opened her eyes fully, snapping back at me. "I mean its okay unnie." She lowered her voice after seeing my surprised face. "I know where she is."


"Uh- I mean I mean store!" She tried to cover but her cheeks were blushing hard, causing me to raise my eyebrow.

"Okay...?" I took a step back away. "At least I'll write down a code for you tomorrow so you can come back home arraso?"

"Ne." She nodded and closed her eyes again. "Goodnight Sooyoung unnie! Thank you for taking care of me. Thank you for being so nice to me."

She took a deep breath and went to sleep. I walked back to my room, first shutting off the living room lights. Once I was in my room, I turned off my lights and flopped onto my bed.

I don't know what she just did to me but when she called me nice, I felt a strange feeling in my heart.

You see Jessica? I am nice after all. I echoed in my mind. Why did you have to hate me after that incident? I couldn't control my anger and you should have been more polite. I closed my eyes. I think it is a sin to fall in love with a human who needs to learn how to show compassionate love, not lust.



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Chapter 17: Marigold: Cruelty, Grief, Jealousy is in progress :) Please just wait a little more!


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Chapter 18: Update please author :)
angelic01 #2
Chapter 18: please update please
angelic01 #3
Chapter 18: please update please
Chapter 18: please update soon
hkinki #5
Chapter 18: Welcome back please update them all :)
googletranslate #6
seems interesting! i'll read it now!
Chapter 18: Yasssss!!!! Tq author-ah for the update!!!!!!! ^o^ Damn! I've been waiting for this for i-dunno-how many years already. :) I'm glad you did it. Pls update soon author-ah~ ^^ *put some aegyo*
Chapter 18: T________T
Auhtor update!!!!