An unexpected meeting...

The Mysterious Jo Jonghwan

A few days later, the 7 members of 100% were getting ready to leave. Everyone was ready to go except for Jonghwan, who was still packing his luggage. Minwoo entered his room.

"Yah, hyung. Don't you know how to knock before entering my room?" Jonghwan asked in annoyance as he continued to throw things into his luggage.

"Mian, Jonghwan. Just wanted to tell you the others are ready and they're waiting for you." Minwoo said as he stood by the door frame, staring at Jonghwan.

"So in other words, you're basically telling me to hurry up." Jonghwan said as he continued to throw other things.

"In simple words, yes."

Just as Minwoo finished his sentence, Jonghwan zipped his bag.


With that, he grabbed his bag and walked out the door. Minwoo shut the door behind him before following Jonghwan. They exited the building and walked towards the van, where the others were waiting. When Rokhyun spotted them, he rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Why are you two always late?"

Jonghwan just shrugged as he just put his bag in the back of the van before sitting in the back with Rokhyun, Changbum, and Hyukjin.

"Sorry, Jonghwan was still packing." Minwoo explained.

Rokhyun glared at Jonghwan, who just ignored him as he looked out the window. Soon, the van started to move.


You woke up early in the morning and headed straight to where Eunbin and her mother was. You ran up to them.

"Yunmi!" Eunbin exclaimed as she gave you a bear hug. You smiled as you returned the action.

"Say, what brings you here Yunmi?" Eunbin's mother asked.

You broke the hug as you and Eunbin stared at her mother.

"Just wanted to go on a walk with Eunbin umma." You replied.

Eunbin's mother laughed before nodding. You and Eunbin got on your bikes and rode away.


About 2 hours passed as the 7 boys were dead tired. Well who wouldn't be? Though they're almost there. The driver was kind of getting sleepy. His eyelids were kind of getting heavy as he was driving. He tried to fight it and continued driving. But it gotten worse. He continued driving as his eyes were closed. But he didn't know that you and Eunbin were riding your bikes and the vehicles are closing their distance. No one recognized it yet as the driver was kind of in dreamland and you and Eunbin were chatting. Hyukjin wondered why the van seem to be accelerating slower than before. He glanced at the mirror in the front to find the driver driving with his eyes shut. Hyukjin scoffed as he looked at the front mirror. He gasped after he discovered that you, Eunbin, and the van would collide anytime soon. 

"Watch out!" Hyukjin shouted, loud enough to wake the driver and startled the other 6 members.

"Huh?" The driver blinked but his eyes went wide after he realizes that the van and the bikes would crash soon.

He slammed the honk, startling you and Eunbin. Eunbin screamed as you quickly turned your bike to the left and Eunbin followed close. The driver turned the van harshly to the left as it almost hit the tree but was saved as he stepped hard on the brakes. The sudden stop caused all 8 guys to be pushed forward. You and Eunbin fell off your bikes. 

"Oww." Eunbin said as she looked at her elbow, that had been scraped and was now bleeding.

You looked up and glared at the van. You weren't really hurt because you wore a jacket and jeans. While, Eunbin was wearing a t-shirt with some shorts. You got up and stomped towards the van. Eunbin knew that face of yours. She knew something bad would happen. She got up quickly and ran after you. Once you reach the front side of the van, you hit the front harshly, showing how angry you are. The driver noticed so he got out of the car and stared at you.

"Yah! Are you blind, ahjusshi? Can't you see that you almost got me and my umma killed?" You exploded.

Eunbin caught up to you.

"Yunmi-yah, it's alright. Let's go." She looked at the driver.

"Mian, ahjusshi. We weren't focused on where we were going." She said as she bowed to him. Your jaws dropped as you stared at her in disbelief.

"No. It isn't our fault. He's the one who has to apologize to us." You said.

The boys were watching and listening. Jonghwan got really annoyed so he exited the van. Minwoo was about to stop him but it was already too late. He stomped towards you.

"Your umma was right for apologizing, punk." He said.

The other 6 members gasped as Eunbin was startled by the sudden voice as for you, you whipped your head at him.

"What did you say?" You asked as you glared at him.

"You heard me little punk."

You were about to go punch his face but was stopped by Minwoo.

"Woah. Sorry for my little dongsaeng's behavior. He's like that."

Hearing those words you put down your fist. You stared at Jonghwan.

"Well, what seems to be the problem?" Minwoo asked.

"Shouldn't you already know?!"

"Alright, We're so sorry about the accident. Our driver got a little tired and he accidently dozed off while driving. If it weren't for Hyukjin, then he would've hit the two of you for sure." Minwoo eyes landed on Eunbin, who was blushing at how handsome the two were.

"Well, hello, ma'am." He greeted with a smile. Eunbin blushed even more.

You stared at the two with disgust before turning away. You and Jonghwan made eye-contact. Both of you guys were glaring at each other. You broke the glare as you realized it's almost lunchtime. You decided to let it slide for now since you weren't in the mood to fight. You glanced at Minwoo and Eunbin. The two were talking so you presumed they had already introduced themselves.

"Alright," You started as the two stopped talking and stared at you, "I'll let it slide this time, but if it happens again, I can't guarantee your safety. Got it?"

Minwoo smiled before nodding. You nodded before grabbing Eunbin's wrist and walk away. Eunbin secretly waved a bit to Minwoo as you were dragging her. Minwoo smiled and waved back at her. The two of you got on your bikes and rode off. Jonghwan was glaring at you for the whole time until you disappeared. Minwoo stared at Eunbin until she disappeared.

"Yah, don't you think that girl was pretty?" Minwoo asked Jonghwan.

"Which one? The girly one or the boyish one?" Jonghwan asked.

"The girly one of course. Her name is beautiful. It's Jung Eunbin."

"So?" Jonghwan rolled his eyes. Minwoo turned to him.

"Say, I've never seen you ever called a girl a punk before. No. Actually you've never called anyone else a punk before except that boyish girl. Say, you like her or something?"

Jonghwan made a face before going back inside the van. Minwoo shook his head before going back inside the van. The driver got back inside and drove off.


There, another chappie 4 ya! :)

Hope ya guys like the meeting. Though it's kind of not a really good meeting but oh well. Enjoy~!!!! XD

Peace! *V sign* ;)

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leekarla #1
Chapter 9: Please update
Oh an yes, update!! My Jonghwanie feels!!!
Chapter 9: Andy's mom is a . So she's that one mom who hates the girl!! LOL. Like Gyu Jun Pyo umma!!
Fanficsftw21 #4
Chapter 9: man those diary pages are sooo how should i say this, it feels like stepping into the past u no?
that family of Andy's BETTER NOT MESS WITH EUNMI! D:<
update soon! :D
Chapter 9: I love the diary entries! I just hope Andy's family won't mess with her.... The father seems nice though....
Chapter 9: I don't like Andy's family...they're pretty rude!
it's really cute to read the diary entries :3
Chapter 8: the OC's mother seems like a really nice person, she's really cute :3
I hope Eunmi will accept Andy soon...
I wonder why she never stepped into the room before...
great update saengie! ♡
Chapter 7: Bumjin lol but omg soooo cute and fluffy!!!!!❤
Jaeryeolover #9
Chapter 7: Awwwwww~~ So sweet!! and LOL at BumJin... kahkahkah~
Chapter 7: omo saengie,I missed you!!! ;A;
that fluff moment was so sweet :O
lol Hyukjin's and Changbum's imitation was priceless xD