Eunmin's diary...

The Mysterious Jo Jonghwan

You entered your house with a sigh. Of course, there's no one to greet you at home because you live all by yourself. You took off your jacket and placed on the couch before sitting down on it. You buried your face into the palms of your hands.

The house that you live in was your mother's house before she moved in with Andy. So, this house was abandoned ever since. You started to move into the house when you're 12. 

You started to think about Andy. Everything about him. When he told you that you were his father, you wanted to cry and run towards and give him a bear hug. You wanted to tell him how happy you were to see him but you can't. It's all because of what he did to your mother.

You shook your head before standing up and walk upstairs. You passed by a room. Curious, you opened the door. You poked your head in and saw nothing but darkness.

You reached for the light switch and turn on the lights. You gasped at the room. This was the only room you never set your foot in. The room was filled with cobwebs. You pushed the door all the open as you carefully step in.

You spotted a picture frame and walk towards it. You picked it up and frowned when there's cobwebs covering it. You blew onto it which caused all the cobwebs to be blown away.

You gasped at the picture. It was a picture of your mother with Eunbin's mother. You smiled a bit when you saw your mother and Eunbin's mother smiling towards the camera while hugging each other's neck.

You shifted your gaze from the picture to look around your mother's room. You spotted a chest. You set the picture frame down before making your way towards the chest.

You kneeled down in front of it and stared at the lock. You wanted to know if it was locked or not so you lifted the lid of the chest. To your surprise, it was unlock. You continued to lift the lid before setting it on the floor besides you.

You peeked into the chest and smiled when you discovered it was where your mother had placed her most memorable sacred items in here. You reached into the chest and pulled out a flower-decorated book and opened it.

The first page said, "Eunmin's Photos." You knew it was your mother's handwriting because it was written in cursive. You smiled at how beautiful and neat your mother's handwriting was.

You flipped through a few pages. Your mother was indeed beautiful. Now, you know why your father might have fallen for her. You decided to look through it later.

You looked in the chest. Staring at everything but one particular book caught your eye. You carefully reach for it. This book was decorated with only one flower. It was yellow with a blue ribbon on the corner.

You flipped the book open and read the first page. It said, "Eunmin's Diary". You got excited. You really wondered what your mother's life was like. Eagerly, you flipped through the pages until you reach the first page of where the diary starts.

Dear Diary,

I'm so eager to write in you. Yes, I know I'm only 17 but I'm still eager. I really love to write so I'm really eager. Oh, I'm so sorry about my behavior. I really want to thank Eunmi unnie for buying this for me! Gee, you don't know how much I love her! Seriously, she's the best unnie you could wish for! Okay, so I'm a junior at TOP High. I'm pretty much a straight-A student.

You know what's the funny thing? I've never dated a guy. All I do is study, study, and study. Yeah, I'm pretty much a nerd. Well, everyone says I'm beautiful. Funny, because all I wear is a simple dress to school everyday. Oh, if you haven't noticed, I love flowers. Especially red roses to be specific. So, I basically wear a rose-decorated dress to school everyday.

Okay, now to talk about my school life. To be honest, I really love school. Such a shame that I'm graduating next year...but it's okay. At least, I'll be going to college! Well, Guess what happened? You know how every school day is just like every other day? Yeah. Well, that was what it was like at first but something else happened!

I was walking to school and was crossing the street. Of course, I looked both ways before crossing. I was in the middle of the crosswalk when a black car drove straight towards me. A few students shouted at me about that there was a black car heading towards me. I heard them and spun around towards the car. My eyes widened when I discovered it was only a few feet away from and was also coming full-speed towards me.

I screamed before losing my balance and my books flew in different directions. To my luck, the car came into an abrupt stop a foot away from me. I let out a breath of relief before gathering the books besides me. I was about to pick up my English book when someone else picked it up for me. I looked up and froze when I met the man's eyes. You wouldn't want to believe how handsome this man was.

I came back to reality when he called me. Since he didn't know my name, he called me Miss. He apologized for almost running me over and helped me up. Omo! His hands are so soft! When I stood up, he bent down and picked up all of my books for me. The man dusted the particles off of my books before handing them back to me with a smile.

Not to mention, he really has manners. This man is exactly my type. Judging from the the way he was wearing a suit, I presumed he was not a student. Probably a business man. He bowed to me and apologized again. The man asked if I was alright, I told him that I was fine and thanked him for asking. Too bad, he had to leave already.

I was a little disappointed when he had to leave already. What's more disappointing is that I haven't even know his name yet. Way to go, Eunmin, way to go. I told myself. I guess it's fate that the fact that he was the principle's nephew. The man was here to learn about the school. Like, what it's like over here? Is this school a great place to learn? And so on.

I learned that his name was Lee Sunho but he goes by Andy. We actually made eye-contact. When we did, my heart was beating fast. As I read in books, the feeling I'm feeling is love. Who knew I would actually experience this. He smiled at me and I spazzing mentally. The girls around me started to scream their heads off.

I shook my head at them but I couldn't hide my smile. Judging from the way my cheeks are heated, I knew I was blushing. Man, whenever I look up at him, he already had his eyes on me with an amused(?) smile. Omo! Curse myself for being shy around him. I couldn't help but blush throughout the whole assembly whenever he caught me staring at him.

After the assembly was over, I couldn't help but think about him throughout the day. I even wrote his name in my notebook. Aigoo! What's going on me? Is this what they called love? Aish! Even I feel like I want to see him again tomorrow. Aigoo. Aish! Sorry, diary but I have to go and help Eunmi unnie with the chores. Bye, bye! ^^

Sincerely Yours,

Kwon Eunmin


Another chapter! Hope you guys like it! Anyone excited about Eunmin's diary entries? Don't worry. You guys will read more about it. In fact, maybe all of it. But I'm warning ya that her entries are long due to her obsession with writing. Anyways, see ya guys later! ^^

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leekarla #1
Chapter 9: Please update
Oh an yes, update!! My Jonghwanie feels!!!
Chapter 9: Andy's mom is a . So she's that one mom who hates the girl!! LOL. Like Gyu Jun Pyo umma!!
Fanficsftw21 #4
Chapter 9: man those diary pages are sooo how should i say this, it feels like stepping into the past u no?
that family of Andy's BETTER NOT MESS WITH EUNMI! D:<
update soon! :D
Chapter 9: I love the diary entries! I just hope Andy's family won't mess with her.... The father seems nice though....
Chapter 9: I don't like Andy's family...they're pretty rude!
it's really cute to read the diary entries :3
Chapter 8: the OC's mother seems like a really nice person, she's really cute :3
I hope Eunmi will accept Andy soon...
I wonder why she never stepped into the room before...
great update saengie! ♡
Chapter 7: Bumjin lol but omg soooo cute and fluffy!!!!!❤
Jaeryeolover #9
Chapter 7: Awwwwww~~ So sweet!! and LOL at BumJin... kahkahkah~
Chapter 7: omo saengie,I missed you!!! ;A;
that fluff moment was so sweet :O
lol Hyukjin's and Changbum's imitation was priceless xD