All Assigned

Enticed: All's Fair in Love and War

King Raylon of Emberhaven called all of his knights and his daughter, Princess Sadi, to the throne room. The knights were lined up and Sadi took her place beside her father. Sadi took in the whole room. She honestly had no clue as to why she was being called.
“I called you all here today because a select few of you will be taking on a very important task. Your place in the kingdom and as representatives of noble families will be on the line.”
The knights all stood at attention, but you could easily see the want- and displeasure -on some faces. Sadi looked at her father attentively as he spoke. Again, the princess wondered what the ‘special task’ had to do with her. She wasn’t a knight, she didn’t have to fight battles. She wasn’t the one who had spent nearly ten years learning to wield a sword.
“Lord Eunhyuk has declared war upon our fair kingdom. His goal is to take my daughter as his bride. She needs protecting”, a few of the metal-clad soldiers shuffled, “I will select a group of knights and they will then elect a member that they see fit to be the princess’s personal and man at arms. Fair enough?”
“Yes, your majesty”, the men spoke in perfect unison.
King Raylon thought for a second as the princess watched him intently. He pointed at each knight he wanted to be in the protection group.
“Sir JR, Sir Aron, Sir Baekho, Sir Minhyun, and...Sir Ren. You will be known as Nu’est. You will be the ones to protect my daughter with your life. Now you shall elect her .”
The Nu’est knights all huddled in a group to discuss. As this was happening, a question itched in the back of Princess Sadi’s throat.
“Father, if you don’t mind my asking, what are some of my freedoms and some of my limitations?”
“Those are to be discussed once they have elected.”
The selected knights broke their huddle and turned to face the king. “We have made our choice, your highness. Sir Ren shall be the princess’s ”, Sir Aron spoke.
The blond haired knight stepped forward and bowed to the royals.
“It is an honor to be in your service”, Sir Ren said softly.
She didn’t know what it was, but Sadi looked Ren in the eyes and her heart sped up. His eyes drew her in. It wasn’t until her father waved a big hand in front of her face that she realized she was staring. She couldn’t help it. His big brown orbs were captivating.
“Yes, father?”
“As promised, we are going to discuss your limitations and freedoms”, Sadi shuffled a bit then looked to Sir Ren, who avoided her gaze, “ The rules for this are quite simple. The princess is not to leave the kingdom’s boundaries. If she is to leave the castle she must have a guard with her. The guards have to be on alert whenever she is out of sight. If she does not return from out of sight, I am to be told immediately.


“Those were limitations, now for the freedoms. She is able to have friends and acquaintances from other kingdoms visit as long as they are checked and searched for any sign of treason.”

The party agreed to the terms and King Raylon dismissed them. Sadi walked ahead as the knights followed her down the corridor. Her head was held high, her shoulders pushed back. She didn’t know why it was that Lord Eunhyuk wanted her or why he posed such a big threat but she wasn’t going to argue if she needed her father’s best knights.

As they were walking along, Ren picked up his strides to catch up to the princess, still at a respectable distance but ahead of the others. Sir Ren stared at her. The princess was not oblivious, as she felt his gaze burning at the back of her head. When she looked back, though, he looked away.



In Ravenon Palace, Lord Eunhyuk paced back and forth in his sleeping chambers. He was racking his brain for an idea. His right-hand-man, Sir Siwon only watched as the man mumbled words in an unknown language.

“What do I do, Siwon? I only have so much time. I need her to slip the ring on her finger. I need her to go through with the ceremony! You do not understand, rogue, you just do not!”

“Well then, explain it to me.”

“I explained it once and I shall not again. I can only tell you that I would turn the world upside down to get her. She is the one he wants and therefore the one I want.”

Siwon had not understood what his king was going on about, but it was obviously important if he were to be so stressed out about it.

“Siwon, send out the command to my first troops! I want an invasion and I want it now! They should be there by the next night!”

Sir Siwon had no choice but to accept the command and let the troops know. He was worried for his Lord Eunhyuk even though he had not known what for. This was obviously something that meant more than the world to him.

The first group of rogue warriors set out for Emberhaven.

A/N: This is the official chapter one for this story! In the Forward, you can see my publishing schedule! I really hope you come to enjoy this story!!! I really think I can make this a good story for you! If the pace is too slow or fast to enjoy, just let me know! I want to make sure that it’s enjoyable to all!!! Thank you so much and don’t forget to comment, upvote, or subscribe if ya want! Peace and Love ~<3
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[Enticed] Alright. This story, I was not aware people even read this...After my state tests, I'll add another chapter.


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xxxmariixxx #1
Chapter 4: This a great fantasy story, I haven't found very many at least not ambw :) I wonder if you would also think about doing a sequel to Facade? I would really like to see how Zaion and Baekhyun relationship could develop now their parents are not realy in the picture ...
AbriMathos #2
Chapter 1: Eep!! I can't wait!! This is gonna be fan-frickin-tastic!
rayvhengoldwater #3
Chapter 1: oooh this sounds cool