Invasions of the Heart

Enticed: All's Fair in Love and War

     That morning in Ravenon, Lord Eunhyuk stood in front of his mirror, He’d worn a dark, fur-lined cloak and similar dark slacks, accented with red garments. Atop his head was a gold crown that pulled the look together.
     Once the dragonspawn was pleased with his looks, he walked away from his mirror and called his man-servant. Sir Siwon showed up immediately.
    “You called, my lord?”
     Eunhyuk gave him a look as if to say “duh”. The fiery king let out an irritated sigh. He was not feeling up to par. There was too much weight on his shoulders. So much was being expected of him.
   “Well, Sir Siwon, I would like to know how my invasion is coming. Have they made it into Emberhaven?”
   “I have received word that they’ll be there by nightfall.”
   “Princess Sadi is important in my goals, you mustn’t disappoint. You please me so far, do not fail me now!”
    “Yes, my lord.”
    Siwon bowed low and exited the room.



      Ren and Sadi sat under a tree, neither of them saying a word. The sky was the perfect shade of blue and the air was at its freshest. Sadi let her eyes roam around a garden. She gasped, which caught Ren’s attention.
      “What”, Ren asked her.
      She tugged on his hands and pulled him over to a patch of flowers as if she were a child. She had not noticed the smile on his face, but it was there. When she’d made  it to just the right flowers, she gawked over them.
      “Ren, can, you believe it? They’re glowing! Can you tell me what they are called?”
      He chuckled and pulled her closer to let her get a better look at them.
      “Yes I can. These flowers are called Chiahen Blossoms. They grow in the northwestern mountains, some of the land’s roughest terrain. They’re pretty rare, and your mother really wanted to have them. She braved the terrain herself to get them and she was one of the few who were successful.”
      The next thing you know, they were silent. Sadi glanced over at Ren who stared at her, intently. She thought for a bit, then she spoke.
      “Ren, you’re older than me by about two years, you probably remember better than I do. What was my mother like as a queen?”
      “Well, Sadi, how was she as a mother?”
      Sadi smiled and he gave a small smile back. If only she knew why I asked. I had never known my mother. If she was anything like Queen Moreana, then I wish I could have.
      Sadi waved a hand in front of his face. He snapped out of his thoughts, though she hadn’t  realized. As she continued to wave her hand in front of his face, he grabbed her wrist to get her to stop.
      “Hehe, sorry!”
      He didn’t mind. There was something he was going to tell her, but it slipped his mind when they heard loud rumbling sounds in the distance. Along with it, they heard a man’s cry. A cry for help or a battlecry, they could not tell.
      “Please tell me you heard that and I’m not going crazy!”
     “I heard that and you’re not going crazy”, she glared and he shrugged, “I only take orders, I don’t make them.”


They were thrown off, when they heard a loud crashing sound. A burly man ran through the bushes. Behind him trailed an entire group of six warriors. Great, Ren, fine time not to carry your armor!!

     “Get. Behind me”, he whispered to Sadi. She did as she was told without saying a single word.
     The first man came down hard with his broadsword. This move was not swift so Ren easily dodged it. A second soldier came by more swiftly. She used a basic handsword, which was a whole lot lighter. Ren pushed Sadi aside and moved aside himself. He wasn’t fast enough and a gash formed on his right arm, oozing thick red blood.
Ren spun and threw the sword to the ground.
     “Sadi, how ya holdin up?”
     He got no response. He turned around to see the same burly man grabbing Sadi, covering with his huge hand. She looked so scared. He kicked the lady warrior aside, minding the fact that he was a gentleman and she should not hit a lady (unless she was a warrior, of course). She tumbled over to the side, hitting her head on a branch and rendering herself unconscious.


He decided to handle the rest with magic. He focused his energy on the remaining five knights and held out his arm. Ren threw his head back as the familiar surge went down his arm and the pale blue energy made its way out into the open. It covered the intruders’ eyes with electric shocks and at once they all slashed and swatted at the air around them. Sadi was free.

“What’s happening, Ren?”

“Well, you are the object of a war, so I’d suspe-”

“No, you idiot, I mean with them.”

He looked at the soldiers.

“Oh, the energy, around their eyes is an illusion. They still think they’re fighting. The effect doesn’t last too long. I think we’d better be going.”

Sadi nodded.


Lord Eunhyuk was displeased. His own knights failed the task at hand. He needed Sadi and now he did not have her. Sir Siwon kneeled at Eunhyuk’s feet, awaiting whatever punishment he was to dish out.

“I gave you a simple task, Siwon. It was that simple!!! How could you let those goons mess it up?”

Siwon did not speak, only listened. He couldn’t utter a word either way.

“I will call the executioner!”

“No! No! No! Give me another chance, your excellency!”

“Fine, another chance, though, if you fail again I may not be so forgiving.”

Siwon bowed and shakily left his king in peace.


King Raylon looked worriedly at his only daughter. He then looked up to Ren.

“Thank you, Sir Ren, I am most grateful for you saving my daughter. You are to be rewarded.”

Ren looked at the king. He couldn’t accept such praise.

“Your majesty. I do not deserve such treatment. I did not bring my armor, weapons, or shield with me. I was careless, and if anything serious would have happened, I would not have been ready. I’m sorry but I failed.”

“Ren, I admire your honesty. You did more than enough. You took a blade for her. You will still be rewarded.


It was night and the princess had put on her nightgown and braided her thick hair to put it in a bun. She was walking back to her room. She had seen Ren keeping guard across from her room. She had been shaken up ever since the incident in the garden.

“Ren, I would really feel better if you stood in front of my door instead of across from it.”

He moved over to the spot she chose.


She nodded.

“Goodnight, Ren.”

“Goodnight, Sadi.”

She kissed him on the cheek. He was thankful for the dark, she could not see him blush. Sadi went to her room and turned off to sleep while Ren stood guard.

Little did the two know, Aron had been watching them closely. She wants him closer? She let him call her by her name? She kissed him on the cheek? I should have known that he would do something like this. I didn’t even want to pick him! It was unanimous. Oh, I’ll be keeping my eyes on them!






A/N: I am sorry for those who were waiting. I wanted to come back and I did so with full force!!! I will try to start updating regularly like with Facade so hold tight and it will be more bearable!!! I really hope you like this chapter. Please, peeps, I would like to see more comments, I’m feeling insecure... Do you like it? Should I stop while I’m ahead? I want your opinions! Byeee!!!

P.S. I see a Rated chapter in the future so yeah, I may actually need a co-author for that. Message me if you want to do so!!!

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[Enticed] Alright. This story, I was not aware people even read this...After my state tests, I'll add another chapter.


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xxxmariixxx #1
Chapter 4: This a great fantasy story, I haven't found very many at least not ambw :) I wonder if you would also think about doing a sequel to Facade? I would really like to see how Zaion and Baekhyun relationship could develop now their parents are not realy in the picture ...
AbriMathos #2
Chapter 1: Eep!! I can't wait!! This is gonna be fan-frickin-tastic!
rayvhengoldwater #3
Chapter 1: oooh this sounds cool