Our Past

Breaking As One

“Sing louder! Aish! Your voice has to be clear!” The voice teacher yelled.

Changmin raised his voice higher, but couldn’t make it clearer. “Cut!” She said. The music was immediately stopped, and sweat rolled down on his tired face. His throat was hurting, but he still continued.

“What is happening to you, Changmin?! Your voice is getting uglier and uglier by the day! Is it your girlfriend?! Aish, I don’t know what to do with you!” The teacher went out of the practice room; fuming. Yunho approached him with the same expression, but this time, his expression was mixed with pity also.

“Changmin-” He started, but Changmin pushed him away. “Go away.” Even his brother he can push away at this problem. Hurt was now seen on Yunho’s face, but it seemed like he understood because he left the practice room with a calm face.

Changmin crumpled like paper on the floor, and slid down with his hands on his face. His tears were slipping down, and he couldn’t explain what he was feeling. After all, it was a mixture of sadness, madness and embarrassment all in one. He screamed in agony. He slammed his fist on the floor, and immediately, his fist hurt. But to him, his heart was the one that was hurting. His career was falling into pieces, and he could only think of one person that has caused this to happen.

But behind those doors, he didn’t know, Sooyoung’s heart was wrenching in pain. It was because of her that Changmin couldn’t focus on all his dances? His vocals? Her heart was slowly ripping into parts, and tears came sliding down on her crestfallen face.

Changmin… Sooyoung cried. She heard it all. From start to end. Now she couldn’t handle what was instore for her. So she slid down on the floor, and squeezed her shirt for comfort. But her shirt screamed that it couldn’t. Our relationship is falling apart… Somebody help me… Somebody help him… Somebody help us… Somebody help Changmin! Please… That’s all I ask for… She cried desperately. Changmin and her cried together, with sorrow filling their hearts. What could be next?


Sooyoung couldn’t sleep well that night, so she waited for Changmin instead. He always came home on 12, but now it was what? 1 in the midnight? Where was he?

From outside their room, -since they live together- you could hear Sooyoung’s soft cries. What was she doing, you ask? She was praying. Praying for her and Changmin. To not end their relationship just like that. Sooyoung loved him, and Changmin did, too. But was it working for the both of them? With Sooyoung having her own career, and with Changmin being a trainee, it was hard. Hard to be even together. Where was their relationship heading to? Nobody knew.

Changmin went home. Sooyoung heard the door slam, and she immediately took her sketch pad and headed outside.

‘Changmin?’ She wrote.

He heard her footsteps and looked her way. His face was terrible. He had bruises all over his pretty face, and he was holding onto his stomach.

“Go away. I don’t want to see you right now.” Changmin hoarsely said.

Sooyoung felt her world spin, and she couldn’t breathe. What…? That was the one on her mind.

When Sooyoung didn’t react, Changmin yelled at her, “I told you to get out of my way!” He pushed her. Sooyoung fell on the floor with a scream. Changmin? This wasn’t the Changmin she loved so much. Who was this? Her back and hip hurt from the impact, and her tears were back. They came strolling down on her cheeks, and her hair was in the way of her eyes. Her sketch pad slid down to the corner, and she fearfully looked at it.

Deep inside of Changmin, he couldn’t believe what he did, but when he started, he couldn’t stop at once. It was the alchohol he drank. It was taking effect on him. And it even made him hurt his girlfriend. He saw her looking at her sketch pad, and he smirked.

Changmin headed towards it, and grabbed it with his hands. “This…” He simply stared at her with cold eyes, as if they haven’t met, “Is trash.” He ripped the pages one by one by his hands, and the paper he ripped fell on the ground; into two big rips.

Sooyoung found herself protecting the sketch pad as she stood up and hurriedly went towards him. Changmin yelled at her, “Get out of my way! We are over!”

With that, Sooyoung’s legs had became limp, and she fell on the ground. Over? That word was repeating in her mind. No way! She never thought of this. She had never seen this coming, that they would break up. She always thought they would have a perfect ending. Like those fairytales from movies. But this, this was a cruel fairytale. A cruel fairytale that would never end, for her and Changmin.

She actually never told him, how much she loved him to bits, how much she was dying to see him every single day when he was away from her, how much she needs his comfort everyday, how much she’s hurting when he’s working so hard, and he only gets nothing. She also wanted to tell him… That she couldn’t speak. By mouth that she loved him very much. That she hates it when she can’t talk to him like other people. She wanted to tell him all that. But he was too clueless to even notice her sickness.

She couldn’t take it anymore, and her eyelids were starting get heavier and heavier. With her last breath, her eyes closed.

I’m waiting for the final moment you’ll say the words I can’t say…

I love you…


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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
Chapter 3: I've subscribed it :D update pleaseee
Chapter 3: wad da hell. sooyoung's can't speak? oh Gosh sequel with happy ending please :(
Good luck for the contest! ^ ^
Thank you so much for entering. <3 I'll read this later on~
Chapter 3: i already know that she is mute since the first chapter but what made she mute?
sequel pls!
Chapter 3: damn now you're making me curious over their current situation and what made she mute?