
The Fallen Angel

It was just last spring when I met him.


That day I just saw a troll stomping in the woods, killing every flower and tree that got in its way. Anger welled inside me. Those flowers and trees are innocent, how could it just stomp on them and kill them? Unbelievable. But what can I do? I'm just a human.

Trolls are actually mytical creatures with the body size of about a 4-storey building but a bit slow-witted. Trolls don't think much, just more action and dumbness. They have tusks like an elephant, but much bigger and stronger, nothing can break their tusks. But of course when two trolls fight there'e still a posibility that their tusks will get broken by the other troll. But this also means they can kill you with just a stomp of their feet. So you really don't want to anger a troll if you want to live.

I decided to calm myself down in the garden. I've always like the academy's garden. It's like a secret garden to me, nobody ever goes there, except the gardeners of course. Most of the students in the academy are all busy with their studies or whatever it is they do.

I can only find peace while I'm inside the garden.

The academy's garden is located in the back of the main building, with white picket fence and about the size of a football field since art stream students need come here to draw and finish their project. A variety of flowers and trees poked out from the ground.

As always, I sat under the cherry blossom tree, feeling the dropping petals soothing my face. Then something unfamiliar brushed my cheek. I sat up, startled, thinking who or what is it that startled me.

Then I saw feathers. Not angel white feathers, but black feathers, feathers like that of a raven's. Dark feathers fall around me and brushed my cheeks.

A face appeared in front of me a second later like all the feathers I just saw were just my imagination.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" A boy with wine red hair looked into my eyes and asked.

The first thing that caught my attention were his eyes, black eyes that shine like stars in the night sky. Fox-liked eyes make him look more attractive. Eyelashes that was said to be too long for a boy.  Lips that look like cotton candy. V-shaped face with soft pink blushes on two cheeks.  He looks taller than me, and when he smiled the ends of his mouth slightly goes up.

To put it simple, he has perfect features like an angel.

He wore Chunggim Academy's High School Section black uniform with a blue necktie.

In Chunggim Academy's High School Section, different color represents different grades. Red for the 10th grade, orange for the 11th grade and blue for the 12th grade. I'm in the 10th grade so my necktie is red. The boy in front of me has a blue necktie on so he must be in the 12th grade. But that's strange, I've never seen him before in this academy. Transfer student?

"Hey, do you hear me?" He waved his perfectly manicured hand in front of my face. Voice like bells ringing perfect melody notes.

What is wrong with this boy? I don't mean normal "wrong", but another "wrong".

I just got this feeling that this boy is.......well, wrong. He looks human, but there is also something inhuman about him....

Maybe I started at him for too long because he cocked his head and said, "Why are you staring at me like that? Is there something on my face?", and pointed to his face.


Well, that didn't happen often. Everytime I stare at someone they either looked scared or just run away from me. This was the first time somebody didn't flinch at my stare but stare back at me. 'This boy....'

He suddenly his hands to me, with a smile on his face, saying "My name is Jung Jin Young, but you can just call me Jinyoung. Nice to meet you."

I stared at his hands. What should I do now? I've never encountered this kind of situation before! Ottoke...

"You're Raphaelle from the 10th grade right?" He saw my hesitation so he asked me my name. I nodded. But that's strange, how does he know my name? I didn't remember telling him before...

"I heard quite a lot of rumours about you once I got here." He answered the question in my heart smoothly, its like he knows what I'm thinking all along...

".......So what are you here for?" I try not to sound suspicious. Even though this boy looks kind and sincere, but I cannot let his looks blind me. I have to be really careful, there's already a lot of bad rumours out there about me and my special sight.

"Nothing really, just going around the academy and enjoying the view. I was just transferred here all the way from Chungbuk Chungju, you know." Jinyoung put his hands behind him and try to look innocent.


I just stared at him.

"Or maybe you could bring me around the academy?" He said to me.When I didn't response, he just grabbed my hand and pulled me up. I gave out a little shriek.

"Ah! What do you think you're doing?"

"Opps, sorry. Didn't mean to startle you." He looked at me apologetically with eyes like a hurted animal, but still grabbing my hand without a trace of letting it go.

That's when I saw it. Just a second, or maybe a milisecond, I saw black wings that are half-transparent sprouted behind Jinyoung.

Wait a minute.

Black wings. Black eyes. Red hair like fire.

No, this couldn't be, I haven't seen one of them again since the day I got my sight.

On my birthday after I got the sight, the first I saw was dark feathers. A whole bunch of dark coloured feathers rested on my bed. Nine-year-old me didn't know at first that that bunch of feathers were unnatural. I just went close and play with it. How could a bunch of feathers just appear in your bedroom and on your bed? Strange right?

After a few days then only I knew what I saw. Those feathers were from wings, but not just from any ordinary wings, it was shedded from an angel's wings.

And only one kind of angel have this wing color.



This boy is one of the fallen.



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DeullieSa34 #1
Chapter 1: Oh~~~~ nice story:-* she can see so much things~~ I wish i can too~~good job authornim~~ update soon~~