Dinner with his parents...

The Bet

You placed your feet on the floormat as you stepped out of the shower. A fluffy white towel wrapped around your body covering areas that don't need to be seen. You glanced towards the two boxes that were stacked on top of each other.

What exactly did you get me, Rain? You walked to both of the boxes and removed the letter from the purple box. The envelope was small and had a piece of tape keeping it closed.

You pulled the envelope open and pulled the white card from its home. The letter said:

Dear ______,

I decided that the biggest hint is dinner tonight. My parents are going to be at tonight's dinner, don't be late. Wear the outfit in the red ribbon's box, bring the purple ribbon box. It's a surprise. ;)


You glanced down at the purple ribbon box. The purple rose meant dark intensions for tonight, it has to mean the same thing. 

The box underneath the purple one was meant for tonight's dinner. You pulled the it out and opened it. 

A black dress with black flat shoes sat underneath white tissue paper. The sweet smell of roses filled the bathroom by the rose scented candles sitting underneath the black laced . Your cheeks began to burn. What did that man want? To show his "toy" to his parents?

"How did he even know my cup size?" You asked yourself aloud pulling out a strapless bra from the bottom of the box. 

The man has obviously done his research.


The moon shone over the night sky, but it couldn't be seen because of the city lights. A rmajor reason you wanted to move out of the city.

A skyscraper from a worm's eye view was about to make you feel sick. It looked like the building was swaying like a man who had some alcohol but not enough to make him sick. 

"Are you _____?"

You turned your head around, a man, at the building, was holding the door open. "Well, are you?"

"Yes, I'm ______."

"Great, come in, Rain is expecting you." He said pointing inside the building, you walked it. Rain stood at the lobby, his hands shoved into his tuxedo pockets.

He stared at the curves of your body; the way the dress hugged your body and the way your hair was done, it made his cheeks turn red.

"Well, I didn't expect it to be that tight on you."

"Rain, what do you want me to do with this box?"

"Oh I forgot about that, let me get someone to take that up for us."

He took the box and gave it to the man at the desk; he whispered something you couldn't hear. Once he turned back around to you his eyes were fixed on your body once more as he walked towards you. He glanced past you to see a couple waiting at the door for someone. He leans in and embraces you. "My parents are here." He whispers into your ear. 


The restraunt is crowded, over fifty people stand outside of the door with coats on their shoulders or their dates reassuring that they'll get in.

Rain rushed past the crowd, you and his parents trailing behind. From what you could see, there was paparazzi standing at the enterance of the restraunt snapping pictures of Rain. You stood behind Rain's parents.

Both glanced at you and smiled. "It's okay to be a little camera shy, but I think you should go be up there with Ji-hoon." Mrs. Jung whispered to you. 

"I'm not a big camera person; I generally prefer sitting out of the spot light."

"I see, then what made you date Ji-hoon for so long?"

"Umm..." Come on, _______, think. You don't want Rain to do anything to you. "I guess his personality: smart, charming, and helpful."

The woman looked at her husband and smiled.

"I guess we did something right."

"Come on, _______. We have to get to our dinner reservations." Rain yelled.

Everyone turned to you and looked at you behind his parents with big red apple cheeks.


All of you sat at the square four person table comfortably away from the window of paparazzi. Rain continuously told them lies on how great of a girlfriend you've been, like cleaning and cooking, ect.

You just smiled and nodded awkwardly. You remembered a movie you saw once. It was about these four animal friends who landed on the shor of Madgascar, and in the movie, the side characters were monkies and penguins. The leader of the penguins would say, "Smile and wave, boys, smile and wave."

Your smile grew slightly bigger to the thought at the movie. 

"Now that shows a happy girlfriend right there." Mr. Jung states. He smiles at you, and you smile back, not knowing what he's talking about. 

"Have you discussed anything on marriage, yet?"

The both of you just turned red.

"No, umma, we-um-haven't discussed anything on any matters, yet."

You began to drink water. 

"Well, hurry it up! I want some grand-babies to spoil!"

You choked on your water.

"_______, are you alright?" Rain asked concerned.

"I'm," cough, "fine." You coughed for another two seconds. "I'm gonna head to the-" another cough, "bathroom."

Quickly, you ran to the bathroom without a second thought.




Author's note- this took me forever to write.....

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