
The Bet

The morning was bright and shiny. The handcuffs were undone and you could smell something good. There was a smell of pancakes, and you got out of bed to find Rain in the kitchen, wearing a pink apron......only an apron.....

When he turned to you, your cheeks burned. He glanced to the side of the room and smiled.

"So....did you have fun last night?"

You stood there awkwardly remembering the lack of clothing. He suddenly handed a white robe to you with his name stitched in english. 


You wrapped the robe around your body. Rain stood there silently watching his pancakes cook.

"How come you didn't tell me about your parents?" 

"You're the first one they actually like."  He smiled. "The date was originally you and me, but mom called and wanted to spend time with us. I told her a lot about you."

"Well, isn't that creepy."

"Of course. Why don't you go relax on the couch in the living room and I'll bring you something to eat."

"Alright." The lower half of your body ached in pain, and the last thing you wanted to do was move.

The couch felt soft, and you laid on your side. Your eyes began to feel heavy. The T.V. was yelling about dramas when Rain came into the room with a glass of milk and buttered pancakes, he found you sleeping peacefully. He set the food down on the coffee table and picked you up before walking you back into the bedroom. He laid you down on the king sized bed and kissed your cheek. 

"Love ya, dumpling."


You woke up in the dark, and your stomach growled. "Did I eat anything?"

Trying to move, you found yourself embraced in someone's arms. You could feel him breathing on your neck and the beating of his heart. 

Rolling over, you came face to face with a sleeping figure in the bed. He mumbled in his sleep, "No, mom, I don't want another cookie."


The figure began to stir until his dark brown eyes opened. "_______?"

"Did I fall asleep?"

He yawned and released you from his grasp before turning on a light. He was shirtless and only wearing heart patterned boxers that were making the shape of his stand out. His long hair stood in all wacky directions. 

"You crashed on the couch, and I brought you to bed. By the way, dumpling, you owe me breakfast and a kiss."

"Can I pay off the kiss now?"

A smirk crawled onto his face as he wrapped his hand around your body, and lightly kissed you, which began to grow deeper. However, the kisses were lighter than the night before, they were sweeter and softer.

You were so into the kiss that you didn't realize how much time had gone by before Rain broke it off for air.

"I think that was one of the best kisses I've ever had." He whispered. 

The moment was perfect..........until your stomach decided to growl loudly.

"Someone must be hungry."

"Well, if this someone doesn't get fed, she'll eat you alive. RAWR!"

Rain smiled at your playfullness. "You're too cute."

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