


Narrator's P.O.V
"Chorong, wake up! We'll be late for our flight!" Mrs Park shook her daughter slightly.
"Ugh, omma. I told you I don't want to go." Chorong who was still sleepy stood up and stretch her arms.
"We have to, dear. Now go take a bath. Breakfast is ready." Mrs. Park said and left the room.
Chorong let out a sigh. "I guess appa will never change his mind." She walked towards the bathroom and took a towel with her.
"Yah. Do you guys see Chorong?" Myungsoo ask his friends.
"Moulla." Kangjun simply replied. 
"Why do you look so worried?" Wonho asked.
"It's just, she's acting weird from yesterday." Myungsoo bit his lip. 
"Wae?" Wonho furrowed his eyebrows.
"I don't know either." he said then leave.
"Yah! Odiga?" Wonho screams while looking at Myungsoo who's walking away.
Myungsoo then stop and turned back his head looking at Wonho. "I'm going to meet her." he said then continued walking. 
Myungsoo parks his car infront of Chorong's house. He then get out from his car and stared at the house. 
"Isn't anybody home?" he said to himself. 
He then walk infront of the gate and realise the gate is locked. 
"If Chorong is not home, where would she be?" he said.
"Duguseyeo?" ask an old lady who is watering the plants at her frontyard.
Myungsoo turned his head looking at her. "Oh, anneyeonghaseyo." he bowed politely. 
"I'm Chorong's chingu. I thought she's home so I went here." he said.
"You're her chingu? I guess she didn't tell you." she then close the pipe.
"What do you mean?" Myungsoo doesn't understand.
"They just moved." she said.
"Moved? Where?" Myungsoo widen his eyes.
"They said they move to America. I bet they're on the way to the airport now." she answered.
Myungsoo then remember how Chorong acted weird yesterday. He then quickly enter his car then runs the car.
"Yah. Chorong. Palli." Mrs Park waved at her.
Chorong just stand there, looking back waiting someone to stop her. Then Mrs Park walks towards her.
"Chorong-ah. I know it's hard for you but, please. We need to go now." Mrs Park wrapped her arm around Chorong's arm then dragged Chorong with her. 
Chorong just kept quiet, don't know what to say. She tried to hold her tears that was already filled her eyes.
Myungsoo still on his way driving his car with maximum speed. When he arrive at the airport, he immediately open the car's door and run as fast as he can. He's inside the airport, looking side to side but Chorong was nowhere to found. He asked the workers there and they said that the flight to America already departed. He was too late.
Goo Jirin's P.O.V
"Yah, he's not answering." Wonho said then he puts his cellphone on the coffee table.
"It's almost 7 p.m. and he's not coming home?" Kangjun said with a worried tone. 
"Yah. Geopjeongmah. He can take care of himself." Kai tried to calm them down.
What are they talking about? Myungsoo's not coming home? I bet it's something that happened yesterday. 
That night, everyone was asleep and I was still there in the living room watching tv. It's already 11 p.m and it's a bit creepy but I tried to contain my feeling.
Dung! Dung! Dung!
"Aish, kamchagiya!" I jumped when I heard someone knocked the door very hard.
I force myself to open the door with an umbrella in my hand because I was so scared. Then when I open the door, suddenly someone fell on me. I immediately grab his arm. The umbrella on my hand fell from my grip. That person tilted his head looking at me. I realise it's Myungsoo. 
"Oh, it's you the maid." he let go of my hand, tried to walk but he failed epicly and almost fell then I immediately grab his arm.
"Are you drunk?" I asked him, still holding his both arms. 
"Tch. N-no, I'm not." he then walk towards his room but he fell again because he was too drunk. I then walk near him and help him walk to his room.
"Ugh, you're heavy."  I muttered then I covered him with his blanket and left the room.
I rubbed my eyes and realise it's already 5 in the morning. Then I stood up and stretch my arms.
I then walk towards my makeup table and stared myself at the mirror. I fasten my hair into a bun and wear my glasses then left the room.
I look around and realise the others were still asleep. Then I walk towards the kitchen to have some breakfast. 
Narrator's P.O.V
You open the light switch then walk towards the drawer. Then you suddenly heard a weird sound from the bathroom. 
"What's that?" You peek at the bathroom and realise Myungsoo's vomitting at the toilet bowl. 
"Eww. Disgusting." You said gritting your teeth then went to the kitchen.
Then Myungsoo left the bathroom and took a sit at the dining room.
"Ugh. I drank too much." he said while massaging his temples. 
"Drink this." you put a glass of water and a pill infront of him. 
"What's this?" he looked at the glass then tilted his head looking at you.
"Just drink it." you said and went to the kitchen.
He then swallow the pill while drinking the honey water at the same time. 
"Feeling better?" you bring a bowl of ramyeon then sit across him. 
He then put the glass on the table. "Why are you treating me like this?" 
"Dae?" you are shock with his sudden question.
"Are you interested in me?" 
"Excuse me-" 
"You treat me like this because you want me to love you?" he smirked.
"Mwo?" you widen your eyes.
"Girls did this to me all the time."
"All girls are the same."
"Do you think I'll love you just because you helped me?"
"Just because Chorong left, and now you want to seduce me?"
You stood up from your seat slamming the table making Myungsoo to jump. 
"Michesseo?! Me? Like you? Yah! There's no way in hell I will like you!" you screamed.
"What's going on here?" Kangjun rubbed his eyes still half asleep.
You both spun your head looking at him.
"Nothing." you simply replied and left them. 
"Tch!" Myungsoo smirked while watching you walked away.
Goo Jirin's P.O.V
"Yah, do you know that Chorong moved to America?"  
"You mean, Myungsoo's girlfriend, Chorong?!" 
 "Of course! Who else?"  
"Oh my God, this is our chance!"  
I covered my mouth with my hand trying to hold on my laughter. What do they mean by 'This is our chance'? 
"Yah!" I suddenly heard a yelling sound.
I tilted my head looking at where that sound come from and I realise it's the girl and her gang who's gossiping about Myungsoo just now. I think they heard I laughed.
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blackpearlshidae #1
Chapter 4: Update soon pls❤♥❤
Is English you first language? O_O
OriannaGoldelle #3
Chapter 4: i've been waiting for your updates! thanks for updating ! :DD
haeroma #4
Chapter 4: pleaseee update asap authornim~
OriannaGoldelle #5
please update soon T___T
Update soon :)
b1a4cnblueblockb #7
Chapter 2: Please update soon. :D
OriannaGoldelle #8
update soon! it's interesting eventho it's only the first chapter :D
Chapter 1: Update soon!!!
Chapter 1: CRIES SO BAD