Chapter 10

Let's Dance!

The small café was lively as usual. At a table in the back, an elegant woman was sitting here. She looked at her watch before taking a glance at the door to see if the one she is waiting for arrived yet. When she finally saw him she waved at him. Unwillingly, the young man rejoin her.
“Once again, you seems so excited to see me” she said
“Who wouldn’t?” he answered mockingly.
Then as he was sitting, two girl took seat at a table next to them.
“Junko, let’s sit there” the taller one said with a high voice
“ Ok Changminko! “ the other one said
Jaejoong tried his best to hold back his smile. If his relation with Yunho wasn’t involved in this plan, he would have burst in laughter. He took a quick look at BoA. It didn’t seems like she noticed the two newcomers. Everything was going well for now, but it wasn’t over yet. If he misses that chance it could turn into a disaster.

Junsu’s POV

*Few hours earlier*

“Girl’s clothes!?” Changmin said with surprise.
Yoochun and I nodded. The two other looked at us with a confused look.
“ We have to go now. We’ll explain everything to you on the way” Yoochun said.
Luckily, Yunho had a car. We got to the parking lot and head toward the shopping center. Once that everyone was in, I started explaining the situation:
“ So Yoochun told you we received a mail from Jaejoong right?”
Yunho and Changmin acquiesced.
“It was saying he needed our help and there was a list of instructions. First thing is to found something that can film and that is not too big.”
“You got that?” Yunho asked
“Yeah, we got a small camera. Second thing is to find a disguise. He insisted that dressing up as a girl was the best.”
“What?!” the two guys said at the same time.
“I know it’s weird but we don’t have choice. Also he said it was better if Changmin and I were the one who dress like that…”
“Eh?! Why me??” Changmin whined.
I sighed. I thought the exact thing when I read it.
“ He said it’s because Yunho and Yoochun would look scary as girl…Anyway he said we have to go to the café on the main street and film him discreetly.”
“I don’t understand at all…” Yunho said
“Me neither, but Jaejoong said we will understand once we get there...”
Few moment later we arrived at our destination. We quickly got off and went to the first shop we saw that sells girl clothes.
“Junsu, you should wear something tight.” Yoochun said as we were searching through the stalls
His statement took me by surprise.
“What the hell are you talking about!?” I quickly replied
“I’m talking about the pants. Your duck is a advantage we need to use in order to make you look like a girl.”
“You sound like a designer from a fashion TV program …That’s scary…” I said feeling my face blushing at his comment. Why was he talking about my !?
“ Oh my! That hoodie will be perfect to hide your flat chest! You’ll still need a bra tough…” Yoochun continued, totally ignoring me. After a few minute, he had created a whole outfit.
“Whoa! The hoodies are two for the same prize! We’ll take one for Changmin too. He should wear a skirt tough…You know his legs are really long so it’s gonna look good.”
He suddenly stop searching to look at Changmin who was as astonished as me.
“ Min, we’ll have to shave your legs.” Yoochun said with a serious tone
“No way!” Changmin shouted
“Alright let’s pay and hurry up to get the wigs!”
We looked at Yoochun walking with all the clothes in his hands while Changmin has a desperate look on his face.
“How come Yoochun feels so at ease with shopping?” Yunho asked
“ Don’t know…You better ask him” I answered
Few moment later he returned with the bags and he dragged us to another shop. He chose the wig carefully to match our outfit. After less than an hour we were already back in the car driving home. Everyone was silence while Yoochun seemed to be in quite a good mood.
“Yoochun?” I asked
“ Yeah?” he said with a big smile
“Hum…Since when are you such a shopping freak?”
“After a day of shopping with Jaejoong, you’ll never be the same again. Believe me”
He sighed before adding.
“He’s going to be so proud when he’ll know I’m the one who designed your outfits!”
Once again, Yunho’s face saddened at the mention of Jaejoong. I noticed that he has been like that since the beginning of the day. I don’t know what Jaejoong is planning but I hope that it will got them back together. We were getting close of Yunho’s apartment when Yoochun told him to stop. We had arrived in front of a pharmacy. He got off the car and said he will be back in a few minute. When he came back he had small plastic bag. He hand it to Changmin. The young man face suddenly change.
“Why Yoochun!? Can’t Junsu have the skirt? I don’t wanna give up on my manliness!” he cried.
“ No, Junsu have the nice , you got the nice legs. You’re already giving up your dignity anyway…” Yoochun said.
Changmin let an heavy sigh before looking outside, ignoring us. After getting to Yunho’s apartment, it was time for us to prepare. As I was putting on the clothes we bought, I couldn’t help but hope that Jaejoong really had a good reason to make us dress like that.

*Later, at the café*

I was walking toward the entrance taking quick glance at people around us. It didn’t seem like they noticed us. “Changminko” and I were at few metres from the door when we saw Jaejoong going in. We quickly followed him. In the message he send, he said we should act like we don’t know him. We entered the café as well and tried to find him. We immediately spotted him at the back sitting with a BoA. She was probably the reason for us to be dressing like that. Otherwise she would have recognize us. Changmin took a deep breath before heading toward them.
“Junko, let’s sit there” he said with a high-pitched voice
“Ok Changminko” I answered trying to sound as girly as possible.
I sat down before looking at Jaejoong. He was definitely making big effort to not laugh. Trying to ignore our table neighbours, Changmin and I started talking. How are we supposed to film them? Luckily, BoA stood up.
“I’m going to the restroom.” she said
The three of us watched her walking until the door of the bathrooms was closed behind her. At that moment, Jaejoong started laughing like crazy.
“Oh my god, guys!” he said “The disguise is perfect! If I wasn’t expecting for you I wouldn’t have recognize you.”
“We know, we know. Now tell us how are we suppose to hide a camera from her.” Changmin said looking for it in his bag.
After some arrangement we manage to find a way to put it out of sight without covering it too much. Just I was replacing the bag a little I saw BoA coming out from the restroom. I continued chatting with Changmin while Jaejoong acted as if nothing happened. As she sat back she asked:
“So how are your parents?”
Jaejoong seemed surprise by the question.
“They are doing well. Why are you talking about that?”
“I was just interested about them.”
“They don’t need your concern”
She looked down a little.
“Why are you so cold?”
“Why? You’re the one who is blackmailing me! And all that only for a old high school story.”
“It’s not like that…”
“Should I remind you what you said?”
“It was the only way to get you back…You don’t know how hurt I was when you quit me. For a guy in top of that.”
“I don’t think to making me broke up with him and threatening to disqualify my group is the best way to get me back.”
As we were listening to the conversation, Changmin and I tried to keep talking to avoid looking too suspicious. Even tough I wasn’t fully paying attention, I now know why they broke up. Since she’s one of the judge she could easily take us out of the contest.
“It’s the only way I found” she said
Suddenly Jaejoong got up.
“I’ve heard enough. Junsu, Changmin. We’re going” he said
Both of us were startled when he called our name.
“We haven’t eat yet…” Changmin complained with is normal voice.
“It doesn’t matter. Give me the camera.”
As he was handing it, I could see BoA staring at us and at Jaejoong with a shocked look. I was myself surprised. I thought that we were so obvious that she would have notice something was suspicious.
“We now have a proof of what you did.” Jaejoong said to her
She stayed silence.
“You have two choice now: we show this the responsible of the contest and you’re definitely expelled or we keep this as guarantee you’ll act straight and won’t disqualify us.”
She got up as well and took her bag.
“Can’t believe you did such a stupid thing” she muttered “Fine, I won’t kick you out, but don’t expect me to give you a perfect note at the competition.”
Boiling with anger she rushed out, leaving us here. Then Jaejoong looked at us with a big smile.
“I love you so much!” he said before hugging us. “I couldn’t have do it without you. Thanks!”
“It’s alright” I said.
I was so happy that Jaejoong was coming back to us. Everything was alright now.
“ Hum…Hyung? Give me the camera” Changmin said with a worried look
Jaejoong hand it over. The young boy clicked on few button before slapping his forehead.
“What?” I said anxious
He looked at Jaejoong then at me before saying:
“It didn’t film.”
“What did you say?!” Jaejoong said with his eyes wide open
“I think we didn’t click correctly on the button…or something like that”
“I knew it was too easy.” I said sighing
Everything has went too smoothly. Of course we had to make a stupid mistake…
“But it doesn’t matter, right? The moment BoA doesn’t know about it, it’s alright” Jaejoong pointed out.
“ That’s true. Anyway we should go meet the other.”
Jaejoong expression changed suddenly. He was certainly stressed to see Yunho. I gave him a tap on the back and we got out of the restaurant. The two guy were sitting on a bench on the other side of the street. Jaejoong hurriedly crossed and we followed him instantly. In less than a second he was already in Yunho’s arms. The beautiful boy was crying and begging Yunho to forgive him.
“I’m so sorry, Yunho! Sorry…I didn’t have choice! I-”
“It doesn’t matter anymore. As long as I’m with you I don’t care.”
The taller man tightened his embrace on his lover trying to comfort him. He leaned to whisper something in Jaejoong’s ear. He smiled before looking in Yunho’s eyes. Then the couple shared a kiss without paying attention at all the people who were passing by.
I smiled at the sight. Finally we’re all together as one, again.


OMG!! This chapter is so long!!! (-_-;) I hope it won’t be too boring…
I was kinda happy to be able to put cross-dressing in that story! At first it was supposed to be only Jaejoong recording BoA and it end up with Su and Min dressed as girl to film it XD
Anyway…So I came back from those funeral yesterday~ Seriously it was so depressing! I didn’t knew half of the people here… Then when I arrived home, I was so looking forward to read your comment for the last chapter since I couldn’t read them before going! And Winglin was down....


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foamtwt #1
Chapter 22: they are all so cuteee and nice story^^
i love it^^
Chapter 22: I like the story it was pretty good even trough it was your first fic and I love it because it was yoosu fanfic!! So fighting!! Gracias por compartir ^u^
wonderkris #4
yay! yoosu, i never have seen others like this before...
Neko-Megumi #5
You finally updated! FINALLY!!!
peoji99 #6
OMO!! gladly ur back!!<br />
hyukie appeared on this chapter!!<br />
how does it come that they were not the winner??!!<br />
the story is really great!!<br />
please update soon<br />
HEY, it's been a long a time since i last read this.<br />
i only registered yesterday so this is going to be my 1st comment.<br />
but just so you know i have read this from the start. update when you can.^^
You're back!!!...thanx for the update...SuJu won???...please update soon I want to know more!!!
T.T please don't be mean to us keep is a great story...I'll be waiting for the final chapter...<3
peoji99 #10
please keep on writing..<br />
i really love this story..<br />