Dear Reader...

Let's Dance!

 Hello everyone!!!

School has been hell recently and I've been less and less active here. I'm trying to write as much as I can , but seriously, nothing good is coming out OTL
Anyway that's not the point of this entry!
I want to talk about my first fanfic: "Let's dance!"

I started writing this less than a year ago and this was my first time writing such a story and it was also my first time writing in english. I had some problems with my laptop during the writing and I couldn't work with it anymore. Since I really loved working with that laptop, my productivity went down a lot and I kinda stopped writing "let's dance". I'm blabbering a lot, but what I want to say is that, the story wasn't that great(since it's my first one) and I lost motivation in that story. I don't think I'm going to finish it, unless you guys really really want me to continue this.

So if you want me to finish it, comment or give me sign!

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foamtwt #1
Chapter 22: they are all so cuteee and nice story^^
i love it^^
Chapter 22: I like the story it was pretty good even trough it was your first fic and I love it because it was yoosu fanfic!! So fighting!! Gracias por compartir ^u^
wonderkris #4
yay! yoosu, i never have seen others like this before...
Neko-Megumi #5
You finally updated! FINALLY!!!
peoji99 #6
OMO!! gladly ur back!!<br />
hyukie appeared on this chapter!!<br />
how does it come that they were not the winner??!!<br />
the story is really great!!<br />
please update soon<br />
HEY, it's been a long a time since i last read this.<br />
i only registered yesterday so this is going to be my 1st comment.<br />
but just so you know i have read this from the start. update when you can.^^
You're back!!!...thanx for the update...SuJu won???...please update soon I want to know more!!!
T.T please don't be mean to us keep is a great story...I'll be waiting for the final chapter...<3
peoji99 #10
please keep on writing..<br />
i really love this story..<br />