Funny How It Happens

                Malaysia. Malaysia. Somewhere along the way, we’d gotten on a plane and flown to Malaysia. We were in Malaysia. The guys had come for their showcase here, and their CEO had insisted I come with them, which meant that HanMi came along with us, so of course, Hana came with us too.

                The two of us climbed out of the van that had picked us up at the airport and stared up at the hotel in amazement. It was gorgeous. I mean—everything in Malaysia was just beautiful, but this hotel was breathless.

                “Wow.” Hana said for the umpteenth time that day. We stood there, gazing up at the building as the guys and managers continued on with their business, while we didn’t move.

                Daehyun stepped in front of us, handing HanMi to me. “We’re going inside now, are you going to stay out here and stare at the building for a little while longer?”

                Hana scoffed at him and placed the strap of her bag on her shoulder. “Jung Daehyun, don’t make me hurt you.” He only laughed and turned away, following the others into the hotel.

                After checking in, assigning rooms, and going to unpack, we decided to go sightseeing for a while before the guys had to go do their interviews and stuff.

                The guys had to start filming for a show not too soon after we got there, so we went down to the animal zoo-thing that they were filming at.

                I can’t tell you who had more fun: HanMi or the guys—excluding YongGuk and Himchan who were just too mature for that kind of stuff. The other four were fascinated by every animal they saw and HanMi was right there with them. They were able to hold a few animals and talk with the people that worked there—through a translator—so they were able to learn a lot. The cameras followed throughout the whole thing however, so I knew HanMi was disappointed since she had to stay with me or Hana instead of one of the guys who probably would have been much more fun for her.

                After the animals, we moved on the pool.          

                Hana linked arms with me. “I’m really glad I got to come with you guys.”

                I smiled. “Me too. This place is amazing.”

                “I know right! Did you see that building with the ship on it?”

                I glanced back to check on HanMi, who was walking with Youngjae and Daehyun, then turned back to our conversation, knowing that she was being taken care of.

                Just a few months ago, I wouldn’t have been able to think that. I would have been constantly worried about how she was doing, if she was missing me, if she was getting the attention she deserved; but now with the guys, I knew the answers to those questions, so I really had no reason to ask them.

                After spending a while in the pool, playing with HanMi, I walked over to the tent that had been set up to hunt down a towel in the pile that wasn’t already soaked. I glanced up in time to see YongGuk walking over to join me. I went back to searching for a towel.

                “I’m never leaving Malaysia, just so you know.” I said playfully as he came to stand beside me. He laughed.

                “You’d miss home too much.” He said, bumping shoulders with me.

                “That’s probably true.” I replied in a thoughtful tone. “We’ll just have to visit here a lot.”


                I nodded, looking at him. “Bring HanMi. I want her to come here a lot too. To grow up loving Malaysia.” YongGuk nodded.

                “We should just take her all around the world.” He said.

                “When she’s old enough.”

                “How old is old enough?” he asked, looking at me, and handing me a towel.

                I thought about it for a second, taking the towel gratefully. “Two?”

                He smirked. “So another year?”

                “Yeah, get her used to Korea and then get her used to the rest of the world.” I nodded, using the towel in an attempt to dry my hair.

                He just shook his head in amusement at me. We heard our names being called a moment later by his manager and had to start walking towards where the cameras were being set up.

                It was time for schedules.

                There were the typical interviews that took too long in my opinion. I forgot the guys name—in all honesty, I’d been too busy with HanMi to hear it in the first place—so I stayed towards the back of the group during the filming with HanMi. However, that was easier said than done. She was fascinated by the interviewer. She wanted to stay nearby so that she could watch what the guys were doing, so finally I just let her stand next to Hana while I helped the coordi-noonas clean up what was under the tent.

                It wasn’t too long, though, until I heard my name being called. I looked up in time to see Hana holding HanMi in her arms.

                In front of the camera.

                Standing with the guys.

                Talking to the interviewer.

                Hana was giving me this helpless look, shifting her eyes from HanMi to the interviewer who was making cooing noise at HanMi while the camera filmed the two of them. I stood there, with my mouth open from shock, unmoving for a good couple seconds.

                Himchan had to come over and grab me by the arm and guide me to the group.

                Hana said something to the interviewer in Chinese—which was her second language—and pulled me closer to her with a reassuring smile. “I just told him that you’re HanMi’s mom and you work with the guys.” She murmured to me when no one was paying attention to us.

                The interviewer—Hana told me his name was Wind—asked her a question, which she translated to me, “Does HanMi enjoy traveling with the guys?”

                “Yeah, of course she does.” I said, looking from Hana to Wind. “She loves them.” Hana translated for me, and Wind nodded, seeming satisfied with the answer. Hana and I backed away as he continued to interview the guys, deciding that we should move before he had any more chances to ask us anymore questions.

                “Before you get upset, he noticed her on his own, HanMi didn’t make a scene or anything like that.” Hana shrugged. “He just wanted to meet her.”

                “You didn’t tell him about…” my voice trailed off.

                “He didn’t ask so I didn’t say.” I let out a relieved sigh and nodded.





i neeeeeed sleeeeeeep.........

thanks for reading~


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Chapter 22: This has been one of the best fanfics I have ever read!! I love how real it is. Not something rushed and all, but slow and nice. Can't wait for a new chapter!
Chapter 21: Dude i thought HanMi got into like an accident or something. that was crazzzyyyy!!
Crazyhyper09 #3
Chapter 6: Haha that trash can thing happened at my school as well let's just say some of the bathrooms were locked for a while
Byeongari #4
aww this is a very nice story!! :D
hippo_guk #6
Chapter 15: UPDATE SOOOOON!!!!
stephanieeelu #7
Chapter 13: i can really easily see babyz being like 'BAP WOULD MAKE SUCH GOOD FATHERS' while watching them interact with hanmi xD

Chapter 11: Just read 11 chapters all at once. I subscribed to this story not to long ago! Just now I am finally getting to read it ;-; AND it is just wow GREAT!!
stephanieeelu #9
yeee sokyung referred to yongguk as her bf 8DDD
i can't tell what himchan and hana are haha
are they dating or friends or between...? eep
stephanieeelu #10
Chapter 9: i'm so glad i found this fic omg
usually i just skim but with this fic i actually read the whole thing through bc it's sO GOOD
update soon :DD