Funny How It Happens

                Can you just imagine this?

                YongGuk, Jongup, Himchan and I sprawled out across the living room floor, fighting over the box of pictures. We’re screaming and yelling and demanding and every other –ing that comes with being loud.

                All because of a box of pictures.

                And I thought working for B.A.P would be normal.

                Youngjae, Daehyun, and Junhong stood by the kitchen just watching us flail around in shock. I’m sure they’ve never seen their hyung act this way before. The hyung being YongGuk, not Himchan. I sat up and blew my hair out of my face and glared at Jongup, who was hugging the box to his chest.


                “Moon Jongup, give me the box.”

                “No, wait, I just want to see—“

                “Jongup-ah, give us the box.” YongGuk stood up and hovered over Jongup, his hand outstretched. Jongup looked from his face to his hand and back.

                “Can’t I just look at it once?” he asked, with a nervous smile.


                “But hyung—“


                Even I stopped moving at the tone of YongGuk’s voice. Reluctantly, Jongup handed over the box. With a sigh, YongGuk turned and gave it to me.

                “Hey, Daehyun-hyung, look at this.” My head snapped up at the sound of Junhong’s voice. He handed Daehyun one of the pictures from the box and both Daehyun and Youngjae took a look before glancing up at their leader.

                “Hyung…?” Daehyun held up the picture, fighting a smile as he did. I jumped up and snatched the picture out of his hand to look at it as YongGuk leaned over my shoulder.

                Honestly, it wasn’t even remotely as embarrassing as some of the other pictures. It was just us at Everland wearing fuzzy animal headbands. I puffed out my cheeks slightly out of relief and handed the photo to YongGuk.

                “Eh, it’s not so bad.” He said with a shrug and small smile.

                “Not that bad?” Youngjae repeated. “It gets worse?” His eyes locked on the box. “What’s in that box?”

                I hugged the box closer to myself. “Touch the box and it will be the last thing you do.”

                Ten minutes.


                That’s how long it took for me to close the bathroom door and lock it. It was the only thing I could to hold the guys back from getting to the box. There was no way I was going to let them get a hold of it. There was perfect blackmail material in here. It should have been burned a long time ago.

                It should have never existed.

                “Noona.” Junhong sing-songed as he rattled the doorknob. “How about you open the door.”

                “No.” I said, backing away from it.

                “Noona.” This time it was Daehyun. “How about we just look once? Only once.”


                “Noona.” Now it was Youngjae. “I’m on my knees. I’m begging you to let us see the rest of those pictures.”

                “Absolutely not!”

                “Noona.” Jongup. “If you let us see the pictures, we’ll never bring it up again.”

                That was tempting. But, “No!”

                It got silent.

                I hesitantly walked closer to the door, wondering if they had given up and walked away. I was reaching out to turn the knob when all of a suddenly, they all began banging on the door, screaming “Noona!” and shaking the doorknob.

                I screamed and jumped back, falling to the ground out of surprise.

                No way was I opening up the door now. They were all like feral animals or something equally as dangerous. Opening the door would obviously lead to sudden death.

                I lost track of time because my phone and watch were both out in the living room with the rest of the stuff. I knew it was late though, since it was dark outside.

                I was getting sleepy.

                Like, really sleepy.

                And a bathroom was not exactly the most comfortable place to sleep.

                I was just beginning to drift off to sleep when there was a knock on the door. I jumped up in surprise then scrambled to my feet.

                “So, it’s me.” YongGuk said. “They all fell asleep in the living room waiting for you. You can come sleep in our room.”

                “What do I do with the box?”

                “Hide it under the bed. They never look under there anyway.” I opened the door and sighed. YongGuk smiled. “Well that was something.”

                “Something. Right.” I mumbled, rubbing at my eyes sleepily. YongGuk guided me towards the room gently.

                “HanMi is out in the living room with them.” He said, sitting down beside me. “Do you want the top bunk or the bottom?”

                “Bottom.” I laid down and reached out towards him. “But stay down here with me or this will be awkward.”

                “It’ll be more awkward to sleep under me than with me?” he asked skeptically then paused to think about what he had just said. “Yeah, that does sound awkward.”

                I smiled and curled up next to him. “I mean it’s not like we haven’t slept next to each other before. Remember when we went camping?”

                “That was terrible. I’m never dong that again.” YongGuk replied with a laugh.

                “It rained the whole time.”

                “It was freezing!”

                “We didn’t even get out of the tent.” I smiled and glanced up at him. “It was pretty bad.”

                “We got a lot closer though.” He said thoughtfully.

                “Is that what you’re calling it?” I laughed and closed my eyes. “Goodnight, dork.

                “Night, So.”




short chapter before bed ^^

i may or may not update tomorrow. i actually don't have school, but i might be busy being social and being productive haha i have projects in almost all of my classes (thanks a lot teachers, it's okay, i didn't want to have a life anyway) so expect or don't expect an update :)

thanks for reading!

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Chapter 22: This has been one of the best fanfics I have ever read!! I love how real it is. Not something rushed and all, but slow and nice. Can't wait for a new chapter!
Chapter 21: Dude i thought HanMi got into like an accident or something. that was crazzzyyyy!!
Crazyhyper09 #3
Chapter 6: Haha that trash can thing happened at my school as well let's just say some of the bathrooms were locked for a while
Byeongari #4
aww this is a very nice story!! :D
hippo_guk #6
Chapter 15: UPDATE SOOOOON!!!!
stephanieeelu #7
Chapter 13: i can really easily see babyz being like 'BAP WOULD MAKE SUCH GOOD FATHERS' while watching them interact with hanmi xD

Chapter 11: Just read 11 chapters all at once. I subscribed to this story not to long ago! Just now I am finally getting to read it ;-; AND it is just wow GREAT!!
stephanieeelu #9
yeee sokyung referred to yongguk as her bf 8DDD
i can't tell what himchan and hana are haha
are they dating or friends or between...? eep
stephanieeelu #10
Chapter 9: i'm so glad i found this fic omg
usually i just skim but with this fic i actually read the whole thing through bc it's sO GOOD
update soon :DD