JAElousy and Fight

My Cute Little Vendor 'Jaejoongie'
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“Jae . . .” Yunho shook the sleeping angel under the quilt but to his amazed Jaejoong never even moved a muscle. He sighed and tries again.


“Baby . . . wake up!” Yunho had been returning to the room for almost 5 times already to wake up his boyfriend from his deep slumber. It’s already past 11am and Jaejoong never showed any sign that he would wake up soon. As far as Yunho remembered Jaejoong slept early last night, as he’d been drag by his boyfriend after the dinner.


Jaejoong is in his four months of pregnancy and his mood swing seems to be worsen each day. Yunho had to took a lot of patience when dealing with the Jaejoong who always snap at him when he can only do is to ask nicely ‘how was your day baby?’ Jaejoong would answer him ‘I am fine Yunho are you blind?’ Yunho would only gave his boyfriend a heavy sigh as he will try to soothe the mood and place a gentle kiss on the forehead bringing a smile to the Jaejoong.


The emotional Jaejoong seems to be funny sometimes and Yunho really love it since this was the mood of Jaejoong that his boyfriend needs his warm embrace, as the beauty would cry his eyes out for a very shallow reason. ‘Why can’t he find his elephant plushie?’ and Jaejoong had to wait for Yunho again to look for it but he was done crying already and Yunho would find it really cute though he hates it when he saw Jaejoong swollen eyes. He can just offer his chest to the beauty as the latter woud climb up to his lap and snuggle until he falls asleep again.


But for Yunho every mood Jaejoong has would always bring a warm to Yunho’s heart. He just love Jaejoong too much and the latter was now acting like a spoiled brat especially when Yunho is around but the latter didn’t care less as long as his lover is by his side he would always loved to spoil Jaejoong rotten.


A silent groan and squeeze to his arms makes Yunho woke up from his reverie, beautiful doe eyes slowly shut open with a pouting wet lips that seems so ready to be devoured all the time, Jaejoong brought his arms to Yunho’s neck as the latter smiled at him.


“Good morning angel, I’ve been trying to wake you up like . . . forever?” Jaejoong pout and Yunho never felt so happy seeing his lover in a light mood today.


“Morning! What time is it?”


“Time for you to eat your breakfast and lunch its almost 12pm baby.”


“I’ll take a shower first!” Jaejoong reluctantly stood up and face his boyfriend.


“Can I join you?” Yunho stare at his boyfriend dreamily.


“Sure Yunnie be my guest!” Jaejoong wink at him and Yunho excitedly run to the bathroom with Jaejoong tailing behind.



The couple went to the shopping mall as Yunho wanted to shop Jaejoong’s clothes since the bump on Jaejoong’s tummy is now clearly visible though its not that big yet. Jaejoong’s clothes are in all small size that it can hardly cover Jaejoong’s navel and Yunho wanted to buy Jaejoong a lot of clothes as much as he wants. The beauty excitedly run to the car and gave Yunho a quick peck before the latter took the driver seat and speed away.


They stroll around and Jaejoong were all giddy at those things, which are cute to his sight. Instead of buying clothes of jaejoong they ended up in an infant section where they shop for babies clothing. Jaejoong has a taste for pink and cute things; Yunho could only chuckled at how excited and happy Jaejoong was.


Now they’re in the men’s section where Jaejoong wanted large t’shirts for Yunho. Yes! He wanted Yunho to choose all the shirts not for him but for Yunho.


“Baby were not here to shop my clothes, it should be all yours!”


“Yunnie I don’t need them ok?”


“But you can hardly cover your tummy with all your clothes, c’mon let’s choose the best for you!” Yunho had dragged him again to the other area where all the clothes displays suit Jaejoong.


“But I want to wear your clothes Yunnie.” Jaejoong pout as he clung his arms to Yunho.


“I have lots of clothes in my wardrobe you can use all of them if you want, but I don’t want to buy any clothes for now baby, Some of my clothes still have a tag price on it and I never even bother to look at them.”


“Ok, I will rummage all your clothing later.”


“Let’s go, let’s look around.”


Jaejoong went to the left corner where all the pink shirts and loose shirts were being displayed. Jaejoong were all smiled when he spot something. A hello kitty jacket and he hurriedly went to the rack to try it but the size was too small for him. He looked around if there’s some more design like the one he’s holding but to his displeased it was the only one. It must be a limited stock only. He looked around for his boyfriend and furrowed his eyebrows when the sales lady is tailing Yunho and were all smiled. Yunho held a bunch of clothes in his arms and now going to the counter to pay, Yunho looked around as he tried to spot Jaejoong bringing the latter a wide smile as he head his way towards Yunho.


He saw the girl again hurriedly run to the counter and harshly pushed the other cashier as she managed to punch the items. He noticed that the girl is stealing glances to his Yunnie once in a while and would blushed as she lowered her head and he didn’t like it a bit.


Jaejoong approached the counter and try to ask if there still an available size for the jacket.


“Uumm Miss . . . –“


“Next please!” The cashier punches the items again of the customer without lifting her face and only lifts it up if she tries to steal glances again to Yunho. In short she completely ignored Jaejoong.


“Miss can I ask something?” The cashier held her arms in the air and Jaejoong gets irritated but he control himself.


Yunho approach Jaejoong.


“Baby what’s wrong?”


“I need a medium size of this jacket Yunnie and I can’t find any so I try to ask if there’s still any available.”


“Here hold this, I’ll ask the cashier.” Jaejoong tightly stopped Yunho on his arms.


“No! Stay here I’ll ask it myself.”


“But baby-“


“No buts! Don’t move your in there, or you won’t get any fine at home.” Yunho chuckled and nodded his head as Jaejoong tried to asked again.


“Miss can I disturb you for a while? I am looking if there’s any available medium size for this jacket?”


“Next please  . . .” Jaejoong was ignored again and the latter was now officially boiling a blood inside his chest.


The line advanced and Yunho was next but jaejoong wasn’t even answered yet about the jacket he really wanted to buy. When Yunho put all the clothes in the counter the cashier lift her face with a tint of red on it and flushed Yunho a smile that Jaejoong thought he would be blind to see those braces pasted on her ing teeth.



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Chapter 38: Huwaaaaaaa the ending issssss teary happinessss
Re reading again and again miss u and how r u its me madz?
Chapter 30: I want some watermelon too \(◎o◎)/
Euncha3 #4
Chapter 2: I'm back again, re reading it all over again, I just can't find my self bored with it.. I love this story so damn much ;-)
I just read your interview and..... (≧▽≦)
cutepenguin #6
Chapter 40: Forever waiting for the sequel. Lol
me_aga #7
Chapter 40: re-reading again and again..
i want to read the sequel but when I search the title why I can't find it.
can you please give me link for the sequel.
thank you
yjgirl #8
Chapter 1: re_reading again :-D :-D
Chapter 5: Wehehe re reading evrything again <3
bhavana #10
Chapter 40: omg lovely ,romantic story..thnk u so much author for writing it..