
Daehyun: Valkyr of the Gods

                Sparks flew off Himchan’s sword as he met the taller Jottun in combat, his opponent’s armor indicative of a scout and not the heavier set their berserkers wore.  This one favored a mace and he was skilled with it as he roared, dusky sun-touched complexion suffused with frustrated anger as he tried again.

                “CL, the eyes!” Himchan shouted, bracing himself against the next swing as he stood toe-to-toe with the larger creature, waiting for an arrow that never came.  On the smaller side, the scouts still dwarfed the Valkyr and those he traveled with by standing nearly twice their height.

                With a mighty heave, he kicked his target away, slashing for the eyes under the leather cap he wore.  Panicked, the Jottun stepped back, flailing the mace so that it clipped his blade, knocking the strike askew but leaving him open for a follow-up strike that slipped under his ribs, splitting open the creature’s side in a fine mist of red.  Howling in pain, the giant rolled back, seeking to put distance between his aggressor and himself, crying for aid from the two already distracted scouts.

                Himchan moved to follow but paused when he saw Zico go flying in his peripheral vision, a powerful blow from the club his target wielded lifting him off his feet with an agonized cry as the battle axe he favored bent under the force.  “Amber!  Flame strike!” he pointed at the target he’d just wounded limping around their group.  She raised her staff up and sighted on him, muttering under her breath while arcane energy rose around her, the head of her scepter coming to life.

               “Minhyuk!  See to Zico.  Use a potion,” he ordered the samurai who quickly disengaged from the third member of the scouting party.  He ducked under the next swing, metal scraping against metal briefly when the maul grazed his armor, and caught the creature in the knee, driving the tip of his sword into the chink of his hard leather armor, hindering his movement before he backtracked in a defensive crouch.

               The Valkyr gestured for CL and Jieun to focus on the one that had just sent their comrade flying.  “Got it!” they shouted in tandem, the archer nocking a bolt and taking steady aim to lodge a projectile in his collarbone with the first shot while she bought time for her mage to finish casting.

                Disregarding the other two targets, trusting in the Einherjar to deal with them, Himchan flew at the third wielding a maul, the massive weapon nearly equal to his height.  With savage intensity, he exchanged blows, parrying the weapon that should have sent him sprawling over the ground in a bloody mess if he was anything less than a Valkyr.

                “You are not the equal of me,” he hissed darkly, catching the downward swing with his sword and shunting it over his person so that he could snake the tip of his blade inside the Jottun’s guard, tearing open his forearm through the vambrace.  His opponent’s weapon dropped from nerveless fingers, the severed tendons unable to hold on, while he howled in pain, striking out with his other hand reactively.

                Himchan deflected the new strike with the flat of his blade, magically reinforced blade holding as his feet slid marginally over the ground before he stopped the attack.  Growling through clenched teeth, he kicked the nearest knee, knocking the creature off balance so he stumbled and fell to his level, allowing Himchan to spin and decapitate the Jottun with a clean horizontal strike.  He didn’t even wait to watch the body fall before he turned to view the burning carcass of the one Amber had taken down, noticing the third Jottun still twitching from the Lightning Strike Jieun threw at him, three arrows embedded in his body.

                With a deep breath, the Valkyr swung his sword, casting off the worst of the blood before he used the fallen foe’s body to wipe it off, sheathing it in one quick motion.  His keen eyes scanned the horizon and confirmed they were alone again.  There were no additional enemies approaching but still…  The presence of the scout party this close to camp did not make him feel at ease, nor had their performance this battle.  He approached the recovering Zico, watching as the younger male grimaced while holding his chest.  The helmet he wore was intact but his weapon and armor both had been affected by the strike.

                “What in Thor’s Hammer is in that potion?” he groaned, wiping away the remaining blood on his lips with a hasty fist.

                “Does it matter when you’re still alive?” Himchan asked in return, nodding at the slightly battered Minhyuk who had held his own rather well.  As for the rest…  His gaze touched upon the others of the group as they reconvened around him.  “Sloppy,” he told them.  “Did you think gawking was going to deter the Jottuns?” he demanded irritably, keeping his gaze focused on the two mages and CL.  At least his melee attackers had acted accordingly, even if the one had nearly gotten himself killed.

                “No… but I didn’t want to risk hitting-” Amber started to defend herself in a meek tone of voice.

                Himchan’s quick hand gesture silenced her.  “Did you think you would have the luxury of a clear shot in battle?”

                “But what about Zico?  Shouldn’t our focus have been on healing him?” Jieun pointed at the recovering member.

                “When two of our three attackers were still active and quite eager to smash your skull in?” the Valkyr asked caustically, narrowing his eyes at the cowed mage.  “The only thing your magic would have saved your companion is the pain of the healing process.  And by then more of you may have been injured or killed.”

                “Does the potion heal the body in seconds what it would take days or weeks to otherwise accomplish?” Minhyuk asked with a curious glance at Zico who still bore the blood stains from his nearly caved in chest when he’d coughed the dark fluid up at the impact.

                “Ne,” Himchan answered with a quick nod, looking at the rest to make sure they understood what that meant.  “It is not instantaneous and it is not painless but as you can see, he is alive and well and they are not.”  He gestured at the deceased trio behind them and then settled his focus on CL.  “When I say go for the eyes, archer, I mean go for the eyes.”

                Disgruntled and obviously annoyed at being called out, CL fidgeted in place and glared back at him.  “I hit them didn’t I?”

                “And how exactly did that slow them down?” he retorted icily.  When she opened as if to respond, he shook his head and stopped her before she could start, “Never mind.  Attend to your weapons and get ready to move.  We have managed to stop the scouting party and that is the main thing.  It is time to return to camp so that we may report our findings.  They should not be this close…”

                As if they were stepping on eggshells, the group looked over their persons after combat, making sure nothing else was wrong, and then gathered themselves to follow the agitated Valkyr.  Zico drew close to the rest of the group, shadowed by Minhyuk, and whispered to the three women, “That potion hurt like a banshee but I think you guys did alright.  Least you didn’t go flying,” he winked, brushing at his damaged armor with a self-conscious motion.

                “Eh.  We’ll do better next time,” CL shrugged, holstering her crossbow on her back.  “Maybe then you won’t go flying at all,” she nodded, gripping his wrist in a firm but friendly shake.

                “Ne.  Now that we know what to expect, we’ll do better in the next confrontation,” Amber grinned, holding her scepter against her shoulder.  When Daehyun had warned her she’d be fighting Jottuns, it had given her time to consider the thought, but actually facing them gave her a taste of their power and what she could continue to expect.  Jieun nodded in agreement with a sweet and confident smile, her own scepter in a similar position.

                “Remember.  These were only scouts,” Minhyuk reminded them, frowning when they didn’t seem to understand what that meant initially.  “If we run into anything else, they’ll likely be better fighters and more difficult to counter.”

                “Ugh…  Can’t you just let us enjoy our victory?” Zico grumbled, rubbing at his shoulder with a frown.

                “It is better to be prepared,” the samurai shrugged, one hand resting lightly on his sword hilt.

                “Einherjar!” Himchan called sharply, looking back at them expectantly.  “Time to head out.”

                “Coming!” Amber called in immediate response, waiting for the rest of the group to start moving along with her.  Uncertain of what was to come, the others shifted forward, looking at each other with nervous expressions.  It was obvious they had not impressed the Valkyr but their first taste of combat against the enemies of Asgard had been successful, if nothing else.  Now they just had to see if they couldn’t survive the rest of it…


                In the growing dark of day, Daehyun paused in front of the ominous tower that loomed above him, eyeing it warily.  With as much power as he could feel bubbling behind the walls, it was a wonder few other things weren’t attracted to it automatically.  “How is it again that you know this… Dara?” he asked out loud, aiming the question at Youngjae.

                The mage shrugged and sighed, We were classmates at the academy together.  Head of our classes and always in competition with each other.  It was clear by the way he explained himself that he was still not happy with the most recent turn of events.  I never thought she’d actually kill me.

                And yet she has, Changmin reminded him firmly with a clap on the shoulder.

                “Yes, but she was also aware of my presence,” Daehyun interjected, still thinking.

                Could she have felt something else maybe? Zelo asked, hands gesturing openly.

                “No.  I would have felt it if there was something else in the area,” he responded quietly, taking his first steps towards the entrance.

                She won’t just let us in, will she? Taeil inquired, peering at the door like the rest of them.

                Doubtful… Youngjae muttered, arms crossed over his chest.

                Daehyun stopped at the threshold to the door and placed his hand upon the barrier, feeling the heavy wooden portal hum under his hand briefly with some sort of magical ward, before it dissipated.  Eyes narrowed suspiciously, he drew his gloved hand back.  “She expected me to come…”

                Impossible, Youngjae scoffed in disgruntlement.

                Don’t do it, Changmin warned cautiously.  It’s probably a trap.

                “A mere mortal cannot trap a Valkyr,” he reminded them firmly, leaving no room for argument before he pushed open the door, watching as it swung back on silent hinges.  Passing through the barrier in his astral form was not an option so walking in his physical form was his only recourse.  He stepped inside with his hand resting lightly on his sword hilt, dark eyes trained on the surrounding area which was comprised of shelves of books against every wall and numerous tables with chairs littering the interior.

                Do you think she has enough books? Zelo asked, clearly awed by the library before them.

                The Valkyr frowned when he approached one set and saw the names on the spines.  “These are no normal tomes,” he murmured softly, his voice edging towards reverent and nervous.

                Of course not, Youngjae scoffed.  Dara’s been collecting arcane and ancient texts for as long as I can remember.  I wouldn’t be surprised to find more on the upper levels too.

                Why would she need all of these books though? Taeil inquired, clearly confused.

                “Knowledge is power,” Daehyun whispered, turning away and heading for the spiral staircase to his right.  There was another such entrance to his left but that one led downwards and he did not think his quarry was going to be below.

                The tower itself was tall, more so than any of them had actually realized, including the Valkyr, and nearly every floor had more tomes lining the shelves.  Those floors that weren’t completely filled with such had worktables covered in alchemical accoutrements or the remnants of magical workings.  Nothing about this place was mundane by any stretch of the imagination and the higher they went, the more tomes Daehyun noticed about the history of the Gods and their servants.  This much knowledge in one area was dangerous…  Was she perhaps the reason he had been sent here?  Did Odin wish for him to dispose of this still human mage?

                When he reached the top floor, Daehyun slowly came to a halt and let his eyes sweep the room, easily locating Dara seated at one of the tables, facing their direction but her nose was buried in the book she was currently reading.  It didn’t take her long to realize he was present, however, as her eyes peered up at him with a covetous gaze.

                “You’re here,” she smiled, jumping to her feet and actually dancing in place.

                She’s lost it… Taeil commented dryly.

                No.  That’s how she always is when she’s excited, Youngjae corrected easily with a roll of his eyes.

                “What is this place?” Daehyun asked, keeping his gaze focused upon the mage.

                She immediately stopped dancing and clapped her hands together in front of her, still grinning broadly.  “This… is the Tower of Sandara!” she opened her hands wide and gestured to the entirety of the floor.  “Magnificent isn’t it?” she purred, clearly pleased with herself.  “Even more so now that you’re here,” she squealed and giggled in delight.  Her gaze turned thoughtful as she looked at him out of the corner of her eye.  “Valkyr.  Daehyun.  Middle sibling to the trio of brothers.”

                “Why do both of you know about me?” he asked softly, the question meant more for his internal traveler but Dara heard it too.

                “Oh my!” she gasped with a surprised expression, hands flying to cover her smiling mouth.  “Youngjae my dear.  Did he make you his Einherjar?  Oh ho!” she giggled, shaking her finger at the Valkyr in delight.  “I’m almost jealous.  Almost,” she winked, playing far cuter than a mage as powerful as herself would generally be expected to act.

                Oh I really don’t like her right now.  Can we kill her too? Youngjae asked, fuming where he stood.  Or at least knock her down a few notches.

                “He’s mad at me, isn’t he?” she sighed, tilting her head to the side.

                Of course I am you traitorous little-

                “What do you think?” Daehyun commented in return, taking a step closer to her as he looked at the book she’d been reading.  He couldn’t see the title but the words were ancient, written in the tongue of the gods.  “You are able to read this?” he pointed accusingly, eyes narrowed with wary mistrust.

                Another slow smile spread across her face while she looked at him with hunger in her eyes.  “I can read many such things,” she promised softly, walking back to the book and closing it, turning the tome so that he could read the spine.  Ragnarok.

                Daehyun pulled his sword free swiftly and pointed the gleaming tip in her direction.  “What are you?”

                “Me?” she asked mockingly, playing coy.  “I am nothing more than a purely human mage with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.  For instance, I know that Ragnarok is approaching, though none can tell when it will arrive.  I know that the All Father is worried and will die in this battle, according to Mimir’s prediction.  Nor will he be the only god to find his end in such times.  I also know how you came to be, Valkyr.  You are what interests me.  What has always interested me.”

                Pompous blowhard, Youngjae grumbled with his arms crossed over his chest.

                “That is not common knowledge, mage,” Daehyun warned, though his sword faltered slightly, the tip lowering towards the ground.

                “And I am no common mage,” she winked, sauntering over to one of the other tables nearby to pick up the tome lying open on its surface.  In the tongue of the gods, she started speaking so that only Daehyun could understand her.  “Three brothers born from the field of battle and the desire of the fallen human souls to be more than just Hel’s fodder.  Sound familiar, Valkyr?” she asked, looking at him from over the edge of the book, watching his reaction.

                Daehyun glared at her and intoned correctly in the common tongue, “Risen from the souls of the dead, garbed in gleaming armor and bearing wings to give them flight, we were born to grant voice to the worthy fallen.”

                When did she get so fluent in that tongue?! Youngjae demanded irritably when he pieced together what she’d read aloud after Daehyun finished his part for her.  The Valkyr ignored his question with his attention focused firmly on Sandara instead.

                “Exactly!” she chirped with excitement, her finger shaking once in front of her while the other hand balanced the book precariously.  “You are neither god nor mortal but initially you were beholden to no one!  You have such power that you do not know,” she frowned, pacing back and forth now.  “But Odin,” she paused to point an accusatory finger his direction.  “He collared you and your brothers.  Made you his servants and messenger boys.  Nothing more than his executioners when we step too far out of line,” she added in a soft voice.  “Though I suspect Himchan is his favored for that task.”

                “You know nothing,” Daehyun frowned, picking his sword back up.  No one insulted or implied such things about his brothers without risking his displeasure.

                Dara actually laughed at him then, closing the book with a loud snap.  “I know that Odin does not favor having all of you awake at the same time.  I wonder why that is?” she asked, one hand under her elbow and the other resting against her cheek thoughtfully.

                “What Odin decides is his business, mortal.  Not yours,” Daehyun warned, taking another step towards her.

                “Even when it pertains to you?” she asked, setting the book down and moving towards him confidently.

                She’s bluffing, Youngjae scowled, shaking his fist in her direction.  Don’t trust her, Valkyr.

                Seeing him falter, she smiled and went on, “Have you never wondered what happens in those times while you are sleeping?  When your brothers have reign of the world and you are not needed?”

                Daehyun’s face darkened and he brought the sword tip up against , growling through clenched teeth.  “Nothing happens.  I sleep until such a time that I am needed again.”

                Dara looked at the sword and followed the length of the blade with her eyes to meet his gaze once more, expression completely serious.  “Are you so sure about that?”

                At the question, Daehyun felt a twinge within and a single word slipped into his memory: Lilies.  He flinched and his gaze lost its focus as the sword tip dropped, confusion washing over him.

                “Something the matter, Daehyun?” she asked knowingly, drawing his sword down with her fingertips, stepping closer.

                Valkyr!  Do not trust the mage, Changmin warned sharply, tone loud in Daehyun’s mind.

                Daehyun! Zelo cried, clearly worried for him.

                The Valkyr took an uncertain step back, searching Dara’s gaze with his eyes.  She followed him closely, one hand still lingering on the blade of the sword, the other coming to rest on his shoulder.  “Odin is hiding something from you,” she promised in a velvety voice, sliding her hand up his shoulder to rest against the smooth skin of his bare neck.  “I don’t know what, but together, it would not be so hard to find out.  With your strength and my power, we would be a match for the gods.  Even Odin,” she promised smoothly, stepping directly in front of him when she pushed the blade aside the rest of the way.

                The collective outcry of the Einherjar in his person drew Daehyun back to his predicament and he blinked hurriedly, shoving Dara back as he stepped away.  “I am loyal to Odin, mage.  Do not test me further or your life will be forfeit,” he warned darkly, trying to recover his shaken composure.

                They both stepped back in surprise when the air directly beside them shimmered and roiled, an image forming for all to see.  “Ah.  Odin,” Dara smiled warily, retrieving her scepter from her hip and holding it loosely in her hand as she regarded the scowling figure in the image.  “How nice of you to join us,” she frowned, brow furrowed as her gaze scanned the interior, displeased about something.

                “Valkyr!” Odin snapped furiously, glaring at Daehyun.  “Execute her!” he commanded imperiously, pointing at Dara through the image.

                “Uh oh,” she laughed, taking another step back.  “Looks like someone is worried about his little puppet getting curious,” she smirked with a sly glance at Daehyun.  “My offer still stands, Daehyun,” she reminded him pointedly.

                “Now!” Odin yelled, voice vibrating through the portal.

                Almost as if compelled by the command, Daehyun brought his sword back up and charged at Dara, the tip aimed directly at her.  She pouted at his approach but slammed the of her scepter into the floor.  The head of her weapon lit up brightly and power gathered at her feet, wrapping her up in its swirling strength before she disappeared entirely.  Startled, Daehyun stumbled through the space she had just vacated and looked around in confusion.

                Impossible! Youngjae gasped, jaws open in surprise and eyes wide.

                “She teleported?” Daehyun murmured, brow furrowed.

                “Valkyr!  Report!” the god growled, fury evident in his tone.

                “My lord,” Daehyun turned and bowed, keeping his gaze averted and sword pointing down, still more rattled than he cared to show.  “I…  I was simply investigating Valinceburg, per your orders.”

                He could practically feel Odin’s displeasure.  “I did not send you to Valinceburg, Valkyr.  You were to handle the Necromancer as instructed.  Why did you deviate?!” he scowled.

                “All Father.  Loki instructed me to come on your orders,” Daehyun responded with his head still bowed.

                “Loki...” Odin scowled.  “I shall deal with him,” he promised darkly, focus slightly removed from the Valkyr.  “You are to return to Valinceburg and see that the necromancer has been dealt with correctly.  Should you see the mage that escaped again, execute her without question.”

                “But she is only a human, my lord,” Daehyun objected quickly, well aware of the rules that otherwise kept them from harming mortals.

                “And one who thinks she is the equal of the gods!” Odin roared, eyes flashing in the image.  “For her hubris, her punishment is death.  Understood?”

                “Yes, All Father,” Daehyun murmured softly, bowing his head once more.

                “Good.  Dismissed,” he waved, dispelling the image in the air with a gesture.

                Daehyun straightened up when the other left, sliding his sword back into its sheath while his Einherjar remained silent.  With his thoughts in turmoil, Daehyun looked at his gloved hand with a frown.  “Why would Loki send me here without Odin’s command?”  He closed his fist and glanced at the book on the table Dara had read from earlier.  Quietly, he walked over and trailed his fingertips over the cover, reviewing their conversation in his mind.  “Lilies…  What does it mean?”

                When no immediate answer was forthcoming and even his Einherjar could offer no good response, Daehyun sighed and nodded to himself.  Nothing but a dead end…  So it was back to Valinceburg then.  He had just made the bottom floor of the tower and was about to step outside when another twinge went off inside him and a new word slipped through: Sleeping.  Confused, Daehyun paused and glanced around, trying to figure out where these strange thoughts were coming from.

                Daehyun? Zelo asked in concern, noticing the Valkyr’s silence.

                “It’s nothing, Zelo,” he assured the youngest with a comforting smile.  “Let’s go,” he encouraged silently, jumping into the air and taking off in flight.


(a/n: So I'd imagine things are getting a bit more interesting again.  Loki's interference and Odin's sudden appearance and all that jazz.  And what could these strange words mean that Daehyun is starting to hear?  ;)  hehe  Back we go to Valinceburg where Yongguk is!  Huzzah!  Thank you for reading and I hope you look forward to the next update!)

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Stunning new poster completed! :D 7/18/2015


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Chapter 3: Hmm, I am indeed very confused. But I will continue a bit before asking questions :)
Chapter 2: I just started this fic as it was recommended to me.
This chapter was beautiful. The end... wow.
Will definitely pursue!
bangdaebak #3
Chapter 39: I'm ing crying omfg Daehyun doesn't remember being a Valkyr but he is living a mortal life with Yongguk which is all I hoped for through out this chapter. Bless you channie for watching over nine realms. I'm assuming Daehyun & Yongguk thought they had successfully ran away from the ghost village and now they are free to be whoever they are instead of being the spawn of their parents. Oh god, I hate happy endings but I love happy endings, I don't even know how to express.

Finally, I have finished the last chapter of all. I love this fic so much idk how to keep it in my pocket at all times. Writer, you are blessed as well as the readers. Thank you so much. I hope you never stop writing xx
bangdaebak #4
Chapter 38: Oh my god, two years they slept in Yggdrasir!

I'm sobbing because Himchan... I'm also happy that Daehyun can visit the rest in Nifleheim which also breaks my heart ha

Ok last chapter is about to come and Idk if I am ready for a goodbye
bangdaebak #5
Chapter 37: The title for the previous chapter was Losses and this one is called Sacrifice, should have just named it MAJOR LOSSES I'm shook, I hate Loki omg

I can't believe Himchan had to sacrifice himself to save all nine realms I'm cry, Daehyunnie is all alone now, the only valkyr left. I'm not okay. This is too much. My heart almost ripped into half cause I thought Zelo was going to die, can't let that happen. I don't even want to think about what's going to happen to Yongguk oh god
bangdaebak #6
Chapter 36: I'm not crying *wipes tears away*

So many are dying, I can't do this, and Dara apparently isn't in cahoots with Loki lol I'm sorry Dara but omfg YOUNGJAE, ZICO, MINZY, JONGUP, SEUNGHYUN fohhfnfu foh

I'm so scared to read further
bangdaebak #7
Chapter 34: Daehyun and Yongguk are reunited! Omfg I'm so happy wth and Soohyun got his arm back, thanks Frigg. I assume Frigg also healed Yongguk's body seeming he was ready to fight, I remember his body being severely injured by Freya. Also, regarding Daehyun breaking the barrier into Nifleheim, I had guessed it was because of the orb but I also thought jt was because he is now merged with a god's body although Vali isn't a god, wait is he, I mean he is Loki's son. So technically, Daehyun holds the strength of a god and a valkyr in the addition of the orb strength sooo damn baby dae must divine as hell.

Thank you for writing xx
bangdaebak #8
Chapter 30: Oh wow I love how Niflheim is described, I imagine a sea of dead walking aimlessly but I guess gods are still able to remember themselves, then again, Yongguk is still holding onto himself which makes me wonder how lmao so does this mean Yongguk did die or he had just lost his conscience. It's funny how his real mortal body is in Midgard, then now his Einherjar body is with Frigg but his soul is in Niflheim. It confuses me but I understand lmao
bangdaebak #9
Chapter 29: I like Seunghyun too and I'm growing to like Dara but that's probably because she is actually helping to save Daehyun so bless her plus she is knowledgeable and powerful, she also doesn't appreciate to be called wench. I like her enough for those haha
bangdaebak #10
Chapter 25: I shouldn't have put my eye cream and my eye masks on if I knew this were going to be a very emotionally driven chapter now that my eye masks are completely ruined by my god forsaken unstoppable tears lmao

I can feel something bad is about to occur but I also want Daehyun to defy the gods lmao
