Sending Aid

Daehyun: Valkyr of the Gods

                “What do you think, Jongup?” Daehyun asked as he observed his younger sibling through the hazy viewing portal that had appeared after he’d managed to transmigrate the scepter to Valhalla for his brother’s attention.  While he was able to send the item immediately, he was forced to wait for the other Valkyr to contact him via the Eye of the Gods, a viewing mirror specially crafted by the elves and the dwarves and gifted to Odin for his favor.

                Jongup frowned while he regarded the scepter in his bare palm, the expression partially hidden behind a similar helm to the one his sibling wore, hiding the majority of his sandy blonde hair, though the top was open and the wings on the side of his were gold in nature.  “Are you sure he said it was from a necromancer?” he asked, looking up to meet Daehyun’s gaze questionably, troubled by something.

                “Positive,” he responded with no hesitation, catching sight of Zelo and Amber both nodding in agreement to his right where the materialized pair were watching in wide-eyed wonder.   “You can feel the dark energies it was imbued with, can you not?”

                “Oh, I can,” Jongup laughed, his more common smile reappearing.  “And I can tell it’s from the northwest of your position near Dalinore but…” his voice trailed off as confusion slipped in. “It feels like there should be more.  It has… traces of divine power,” he explained, closing his eyes to focus more on the object at hand.

                “Divine?” Daehyun frowned, clearly disturbed by that announcement.

                Jongup nodded and then sighed, relaxing his shoulders noticeably.  “I can see nothing else,” he admitted with reluctance.  “Sorry,” the younger cringed, expecting disappointment.

                Daehyun smiled and shook his head, “You’ve done well, Jonguppie.  We’ll make our way towards Dalinore and will deal with this necromancer.  How fairs Himchan?” he asked before the other could turn away preemptively.

                “He has been sent to the front lines again,” Jongup replied, worry tugging at his usually happy features.  “We need more Einherjar, Dae.  The Jottuns grow more bold with each week that passes and something is helping them.”

                Daehyun’s face darkened perceptibly.  It was one thing to be fighting against the giants already; another entirely to even think they were receiving aid enough to mention.  “I will send them soon, Uppie,” he promised earnestly, giving the younger an encouraging smile.

                “Himchan will be glad to hear it,” he laughed with relief.  “The gods know he’s running himself ragged trying to be a one Valkyr army.”  The siblings shared a long suffering sigh and he continued on, “I’ll inform Lord Odin of your discoveries.  Be safe, Dae,” he waved, giving the trio a happy smile before the image disappeared, leaving them to their thoughts.

                Restored to the way he had appeared prior to his death in full mercenary gear with a new and improved bastard sword strapped to his back, Zelo looked at Daehyun quizzically.  “So Kranth was using borrowed power to cast his magics?”

                Daehyun nodded and turned to face them directly.  “Just not in the way he thought.  The moment he invoked the scepter, he became the source of power fueling it.  He was little more than a pawn for the necromancer and would have died, becoming his puppet in the end,” he explained.  “Even so, his transgressions against Odin were unforgivable.”

                “You’re referring to his using the Draugr’s blood aren’t you?” Amber asked, one finger resting against her cheek thoughtfully, her other arm crossed over her body.

                “Yes.”  When she looked slightly put out, his expression changed slightly.  “Your death was… regrettable, but you have a chance to aid the gods which is something not many mortals can claim.  Both of you,” he explained, extending the condolence to Zelo in turn.

                They appeared thoughtful, if still somewhat downcast by the turn of events.  Zelo had not been allowed to learn of the fate of his Captain but Daehyun assured him his name had been cleared.  As for Vornigan, it would take some time for him to get over the loss of his daughter and the betrayal of his Chancellor, but there was nothing that could be done for him otherwise.  For now, all they had was Daehyun’s mission and the unknown identity of the necromancer somewhere to the northwest.

                “Come,” Daehyun gestured, drawing their souls back into his person.  “It is time we get moving.  There is much to be done.”

                While he could have made the journey in a single day, Daehyun made several detours along the way.  Every morning that he was not already searching for an Einherjar, he meditated to find the voices of the soon to be fallen that called to him.  They weren’t that numerous, given the number of people choose from, but he found enough within range that would not make their journey overtly extensive.  Along the way, he took the acquired Einherjar to old ruins and overrun forests to combat the inhuman evils within, tackling such things as undead hoards, evil spirits, and some of the lesser demons that would begin to prepare them for the battle ahead.  Nothing they came up against would equal the terror of the Jottuns and their armies, but it was a start.

                By the time they finally made it to the city of Dalinore, he had managed to recruit a band of five additional Einherjar; each slain in battle, comprised of four fighters and but a single mage.  Minhyuk, a samurai from the province of Yrassen, was executed for opposing his commanding officer’s order to slay the prisoners when they had won the battle.  Daehyun almost missed the sound of his voice, but he picked up on it on his way to the Sanguine Coast and recruited him quickly enough.  On the opposite end of the spectrum, the half-siren Jieun had been impossible to miss when he practically felt the draw to retrieve her after she sacrificed herself in order to save the seaside village from a terrible storm.

                A female archer by the name of Chaerin was found bleeding out after an unfortunate encounter with the undead in the decrepit Crell’s Mansion.  They had immediately set to clearing the establishment out, finding two divine artifacts that the gods could use in their battle; the Grimnyre Katana and Iolfen’s Helmet.  After they were finished, she insisted upon being called CL in lieu of her actual name, which Daehyun found odd, but not intolerable.  The disgraced but still honorable, albeit short knight Taeil was recruited after the group watched him slain by common bandits on the road from Yrassen to Dalinore.  Eager for a chance to regain his honor in combat, the warrior gladly accepted Daehyun’s request to become an Einherjar.

                The last of their number was plucked from the bottom of the Sunken Ruins, his soul rescued from the clutches of a fledgling lich lord, whom they quickly disposed of as well.  Zico was a bit overly enthusiastic when it came to combat which admittedly, was what led to his demise in the first place, though Daehyun had to admit his heart was in the right place.  Creatures like lich lords needed to be slain, and even when facing such dangers with a team as Zico had, it was always dangerous regardless.

                Standing on the veritable doorstep of Dalinore, the Valkyr felt there was at least one other Einherjar waiting to be found in the city they faced now.  There was something else here though.  Maybe another Einherjar…?  For a brief moment, he could not tell if he was merely listening to the thoughts of one destined to die or one that felt oddly familiar, though he didn’t know the voice.

                Taking a steadying breath, Daehyun calmly observed the sprawling settlement, noticing the towering buildings and the church with a spire that tried to reach higher than the castle at the top of the hill.  There were many places for a necromancer to hide among the oblivious people here…  While he was certain he would be able to recognize such a creature, it could still take some time to actually locate him.

                Valkyr.  Report!

                Immediately, Daehyun knelt where he stood, metal clinking softly as he dropped his head so that his gaze would not land upon the visage of Lord Odin who appeared in the Eye of the Gods.  “My lord,” he acknowledged, feeling the interest of those he carried within him stir.  “I have found many fine recruits for your service.”

                “Are they ready?” Odin asked, his booming voice neutral.

                “Yes my lord,” Daehyun answered without hesitation, daring to lift his head to behold the powerful image of Odin.  Appearing as a distinguished but formidable older male, he had silver hair that spilled over his shoulders, held in place by a thin golden circlet, an equally silver and lengthy beard and mustache, and but one eye.  The single piercing blue orb regarded Daehyun with every evidence of interest, the other long since sealed shut when he sacrificed it for the wisdom of Mimir’s Well.

                “I see,” he murmured, inspecting the souls through Daehyun’s eyes, his own thoughts completely hidden.  “You will send five to aid your brother.”

                “Yes my lord,” Daehyun bowed his head, keeping his gaze averted out of respect.

                “Valkyr,” he spoke softly, a note of displeasure in his voice.  Warily, Daehyun glanced up again and stood when he was signaled to, shoulders pulled back and posture tense.  “You will not send the one you recruited on your own.”

                Daehyun frowned slightly and his posture firmed further but he did not refute the command.  He picked his head up, one fist closed at his side.  “And the necromancer?”

                “Destroy him.  Hel will be glad for his presence, I should think,” he added with a raised brow.

                “Yes All Father,” Daehyun nodded, responding in a tightly controlled voice.  Without waiting to see which five he would choose, Odin closed the link between them and disappeared, leaving the rest of the group in uncomfortable and nervous silence.  “Come mine Einherjar,” the Valkyr summoned, drawing the seven souls from his person so that they were arrayed in front of him.

                He knew he could never gather enough for an army, no matter how many he might collect during his time in Midgard, and together they represented such a fragile hope, but imbued with the armor and weapons granted them by the gods, they stood more of a chance than their living counterparts.  Daehyun could only hope that their presence might spare his brother further casualties on the front lines and stave off Ragnarok just that much longer.  They had to be ready to meet the monsters when they finally came forth; most of which were ill-begotten children of Loki…  The thought, as always, annoyed the Valkyr.

                “Einherjar.  Odin has commanded your presence in Asgard.  Acquit yourselves well and listen to what you are told.  The realm of the gods is not like Midgard and you are at a greater risk of dying at the hands of the Jottuns than anything else.  You are as ready as I can make you in so short a time, but heroes you all are and I expect you to be nothing less.”  Daehyun gestured to two of their number, calling them back to his side.  “Zelo.  Taeil.  You are to remain with me for now.”

                Having heard Odin’s final comment, the two looked at each other warily, not entirely positive which the god had meant.  “Good luck, Zelo,” Amber waved, smiling bravely for him as she prepared herself for the battlefields of Asgard.  They had grown closer in the days since they’d left Artolia and mutual respect had fostered quickly between them as both continued to hold their own in combat.  She was still grateful for his assistance when she’d been alive and for his continued support even in death.

                “You as well.  You’ll probably need it,” he waved once, still slightly put out by not being chosen.  In truth, he wasn’t sure if he was relieved or disappointed that he wouldn’t be facing Jottuns yet.  Awkwardly, the group exchanged further farewells and wishes of luck to both sides.

                “Zico.  Take Iolfen’s Helm so that maybe your foolhardiness won’t get you killed in the first charge,” Daehyun smiled not unkindly.

                Zico ducked his blonde head in embarrassment but accepted the finely crafted helmet with gratitude and placed it upon his brow, earning nods of approval from the others.  “My thanks, Daehyun,” he saluted, adjusting the helmet clumsily.

                “Minhyuk.  May Grimnyre’s Katana serve you well,” he murmured as he offered the gleaming blade with both hands.

                Dark haired head bowed in respect, Minhyuk accepted the weapon humbly.  “We shall not fail your judgment,” he promised, replacing his own weapon with the new one before he handed the second blade to the Valkyr.

                Daehyun closed his hands upon the blade, one hand at the hilt and the other at the tip of the katana, and closed the distance between them, watching the weapon dematerialize as he transformed it into soul energy for something else later.  “Good luck,” he smiled at the group as a whole, opening his arms wide and letting the power of the Valkyr fill him.

                White angelic wings unfurled from his back as he floated into the air and his body glowed with a warm blue light.  The five in front of him rose up at the same time, gathering close enough that he could enfold them with his wings, surrounding them protectively.  Power surged and when he opened his wings again, the five were gone with nothing left to show their presence save feathers floating in the wake of their passage.

                “Why not us?” Taeil asked, looking slightly disgruntled by remaining behind.

                Daehyun placed his hand on his shoulder with an apologetic smile.  “It’s not your time yet.  That is all.”  He met Zelo’s gaze and held his peace, offering no consolation to the younger warrior one way or the other.  “Come,” he beckoned, feeling slightly guilty at the saddened expression on Zelo’s face.  “We’ve a necromancer to apprehend.”

                With the Einherjar safely stored within, Daehyun took on a mortal guise wearing clothes any male of the middle class would garb himself in.  Gone was the shiny armor and helmet, giving an unobstructed view of his face, perceptive features attentive and sharp.  As a human, he drew little attention, save for those few who glanced twice at the color of his hair; unusual on one so young.  He ignored them for the most part but the two inside noticed the way his gaze lingered on children in the area, a gentle smile tugging at his mouth.

                Daehyun? Zelo asked, his curiosity piqued.


                How long have you been a Valkyr for? he inquired, noticing how Daehyun slowed down slightly at the question.

                “For as long as I can remember,” he answered after a pause, sounding slightly unsure.

                Yeah, but how long is that? Taeil asked, jumping in.

                Daehyun shook his head at the question, slightly disgruntled.  “I only remember answering Lord Odin’s summons as his Valkyr.  I have been called upon several times in the past to fulfill my duty as well, but only the All Father would know how long I have been what you ask,” he explained softly, keeping his voice low so as not to draw further attention instead of speaking internally as his Einherjar were.  It was fortunate that the marketplace was busy and what noise he made was lost in the general ruckus of the people.

                Couldn’t you ask him?

                Zelo’s question made Daehyun chuckle in response, shaking his head at the mere thought.  “With Ragnarok approaching, the All Father does not have time for such trivial questions,” he answered as if by rote.

                Taeil snorted derisively.  Of course where you come from is important, he stated firmly, sounding more like an older brother.

                “You sound like Himchan,” Daehyun chuckled with a fond smile.  “Only he would tell me not to think on it and to focus on the task at hand.”

                Some brother, Zelo sighed with an implied roll of his eyes.

                “You don’t know him, Zelo.  Himchan is… my brother but he is also very much Odin’s loyal follower.  If he was here in my stead, he most certainly wouldn’t be talking to either of you right now,” he commented with a wry smile.  “And Jongup would be talking far too much.  Or getting distracted,” he added as an afterthought, brows slightly furrowed.  He knew there was something else about Jongup as well, teasing him at the back of his mind, but he just couldn’t remember what it was…

                But still.  You don’t find it the least bit odd you can’t remember? Taeil tried again.

                Oh!  What if you have memory sickness?! Zelo yelped excitedly, virtually bouncing in Daehyun’s mind.

                “I don’t have memory sickness,” he snorted with a smirk.  “And if it’s important enough to be remarked upon, someone will tell me what I have forgotten or what I should remember,” he chided his passengers, quieting them into contemplative silence.  “The day is still early and we have more pressing matters to attend to,” he reminded them.  “Keep your eyes sharp for any that looks out of place.”

                By midday, they had covered most of the city that was accessible to the general populous.  The castle was open to limited individuals, but unlike in Artolia, Daehyun felt no draw whatsoever to approach.  There was nothing sinister within its walls and therefore not worthy of his inspection.  No.  Instead, he listened to the gossip of the people and honed in on snippets of conversation that could possibly lead him to his target.  When darkness started to fall, more bits and pieces became prevalent as voices whispered their fears and concerns with the passing of the daylight.  Few were as brave in the shadows of the night as they were during the day and nervousness became prevalent in the crowds as they dispersed to the safety of their homes.

                At the end of the day before true dark had fallen, Daehyun discovered two things.  His target likely lay in what the peasants called the Dark One’s Quarry, a nest of potential unrest of vagabonds and brigands at best or undead creatures at worst.  The former location of mining material was located in the mountains to the north of the city, well within walking distance.  It would be easy enough to get to in the morning but even the Valkyr was not fool enough to brave such a possible den in the dead of night.

                The second thing Daehyun discovered before he turned in for the evening was that he was being followed…


(a/n: Like I said, their appearances for now are short lived, but remember, Daehyun does have to return to Asgard at some point to help fight off Ragnarok.  ;)  I hope you enjoyed the selections and that the update was satisfactory.  And I wonder who could be following our Valkyr.  hehe  Thanks for reading and please look forward to the next update!)

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Stunning new poster completed! :D 7/18/2015


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Chapter 3: Hmm, I am indeed very confused. But I will continue a bit before asking questions :)
Chapter 2: I just started this fic as it was recommended to me.
This chapter was beautiful. The end... wow.
Will definitely pursue!
bangdaebak #3
Chapter 39: I'm ing crying omfg Daehyun doesn't remember being a Valkyr but he is living a mortal life with Yongguk which is all I hoped for through out this chapter. Bless you channie for watching over nine realms. I'm assuming Daehyun & Yongguk thought they had successfully ran away from the ghost village and now they are free to be whoever they are instead of being the spawn of their parents. Oh god, I hate happy endings but I love happy endings, I don't even know how to express.

Finally, I have finished the last chapter of all. I love this fic so much idk how to keep it in my pocket at all times. Writer, you are blessed as well as the readers. Thank you so much. I hope you never stop writing xx
bangdaebak #4
Chapter 38: Oh my god, two years they slept in Yggdrasir!

I'm sobbing because Himchan... I'm also happy that Daehyun can visit the rest in Nifleheim which also breaks my heart ha

Ok last chapter is about to come and Idk if I am ready for a goodbye
bangdaebak #5
Chapter 37: The title for the previous chapter was Losses and this one is called Sacrifice, should have just named it MAJOR LOSSES I'm shook, I hate Loki omg

I can't believe Himchan had to sacrifice himself to save all nine realms I'm cry, Daehyunnie is all alone now, the only valkyr left. I'm not okay. This is too much. My heart almost ripped into half cause I thought Zelo was going to die, can't let that happen. I don't even want to think about what's going to happen to Yongguk oh god
bangdaebak #6
Chapter 36: I'm not crying *wipes tears away*

So many are dying, I can't do this, and Dara apparently isn't in cahoots with Loki lol I'm sorry Dara but omfg YOUNGJAE, ZICO, MINZY, JONGUP, SEUNGHYUN fohhfnfu foh

I'm so scared to read further
bangdaebak #7
Chapter 34: Daehyun and Yongguk are reunited! Omfg I'm so happy wth and Soohyun got his arm back, thanks Frigg. I assume Frigg also healed Yongguk's body seeming he was ready to fight, I remember his body being severely injured by Freya. Also, regarding Daehyun breaking the barrier into Nifleheim, I had guessed it was because of the orb but I also thought jt was because he is now merged with a god's body although Vali isn't a god, wait is he, I mean he is Loki's son. So technically, Daehyun holds the strength of a god and a valkyr in the addition of the orb strength sooo damn baby dae must divine as hell.

Thank you for writing xx
bangdaebak #8
Chapter 30: Oh wow I love how Niflheim is described, I imagine a sea of dead walking aimlessly but I guess gods are still able to remember themselves, then again, Yongguk is still holding onto himself which makes me wonder how lmao so does this mean Yongguk did die or he had just lost his conscience. It's funny how his real mortal body is in Midgard, then now his Einherjar body is with Frigg but his soul is in Niflheim. It confuses me but I understand lmao
bangdaebak #9
Chapter 29: I like Seunghyun too and I'm growing to like Dara but that's probably because she is actually helping to save Daehyun so bless her plus she is knowledgeable and powerful, she also doesn't appreciate to be called wench. I like her enough for those haha
bangdaebak #10
Chapter 25: I shouldn't have put my eye cream and my eye masks on if I knew this were going to be a very emotionally driven chapter now that my eye masks are completely ruined by my god forsaken unstoppable tears lmao

I can feel something bad is about to occur but I also want Daehyun to defy the gods lmao
