Chapter Fourteen: The Last Knight

An Angel's Duty

Heechul slammed his hands on the table in frustration once they returned home.


“Damn it!!!” Heechul yelled out of frustration, “I can’t believe that stupid Kyuhyun ruined things yet again!”


Kangin put his hand on Heechul’s shoulder and said quietly, “Calm down Heechul.”


Heechul looked up at him and gave him an angry glare. However, he knew that his friend was right. Getting upset right now wasn’t going to help.


He slowly closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths in order to calm down. He had to remain calm and assess the situation at hand. He began to get lost in thought…


The light angels now had the fire and water knight on their side. In their current state, Heechul knew there was no way for the dark angels to gain the upper hand.


Heechul suddenly jumped up once the front door opened. His eyes widened in surprise as he saw Kibum walk in with an unfamiliar male.


“Kibum?!? What are you doing back already?” Heechul gasped in surprise.


“Oh, I found my knight already. His name is Siwon.” Kibum said with a genuine smile as he pushed Siwon forward.


“It’s nice to meet you sir.” Siwon said as he politely bowed to Heechul, acknowledging his position of authority.


Heechul smiled at this gesture, happy that this new knight was so respectful. It was a nice change from the stupid defiant knights like Kyuhyun.


“What is your element?” Heechul asked curiously as he eyed this new knight.


“Earth.” Siwon said bluntly.


“Well now, that will come in handy. It’s great that we now have a defensive knight on our side.” Heechul said with a smirk. “Anyway, you are dismissed for now.”


Siwon nodded and went over to sit down with Kibum. He protectively wrapped his arm around his angel’s shoulder, holding him close.


Heechul ventured outside, no longer wanting to be surrounded by these lovey dovey idiots. It hurt him to know that he was the only one without a knight now…


As he sat under a tree in the yard, a dark presence appeared before him, causing Heechul to jump up warily. “Shindong…” he growled angrily. “What do you want now?!?”


“I’m here to offer you a new deal Heechul.” the new male named Shindong said with a smirk.


“I’m listening.” Heechul said as he eyed Shindong warily.


“Since you can’t seem to destroy those light angels as we originally agreed, I’ll offer you another deal. I will give you your beloved Hangeng back if you devote your clan to me.” Shindong said.


“Why would I do that?” Heechul growled, not willing to drag the others into this deal if he could avoid it.


“Because dear Heechul… If you don’t, you’ll never get your Hangeng back. I doubt you can take down the light angels now that they have both the fire and water knights.” Shindong said with a smirk. “Besides, Hangeng isn’t doing so well himself…”


Shindong then snapped his fingers and summoned Hangeng on the grass behind him. He was unconscious and looked so weak. His skin had paled and he had lost a lot of the muscle tone he had before.


“So… Do we have a deal Heechul?” Shindong said as he held out his hand.


Heechul looked at his beloved in despair. He grabbed Shindong’s hand without hesitation and said, “Fine, you have a deal Shindong.”


Shindong smirked at this and disappeared after their handshake was over. He had gotten what he wanted and was ready to set his other plan in motion.


Heechul rushed over to Hangeng’s side and sat him up gently. He shook him a few times and said, “Hangeng… Hangeng…”


For a few moments, Heechul just kept repeating his name but when he didn’t awake, tears began to fall. He wondered if he was too late in saving his beloved.


As a few tears hit Hangeng’s face, he slowly began to stir and opened his eyes. “Don’t cry Chullie…” he whispered as he weakly lifted his arm to wipe away the tears.


“Hannie…” Heechul said with tear filled eyes as he hugged him closer. “I’m so sorry…”


“It’s not your fault Chullie…” Hangeng whispered quietly. “How…did you convince Shindong to let me go?”


Heechul mumbled, “It doesn’t matter. All that matters is you are back home, safe and sound…”


Heechul then leaned in and pressed his lips to Hangeng’s gently.


Hangeng blushed at the contact but slowly returned the kiss. He missed his Chullie after being separated from him for all this time.


Soon after, they pulled away from each other, both in need of air. Suddenly, they were both surrounded by a faint purple aura.


“You didn’t tell me that you were a knight Hannie!” Heechul said in surprise.


“I…honestly didn’t know!” Hangeng said with a surprised look on his face as well.


 Heechul smiled at his beloved and then said, “Well, I guess that explains why I could never find a knight for myself. I was meant to be with you after all this time.”


Hangeng smiled back at Heechul and said, “I wouldn’t have it any other way Chullie.”






A/N: Well, there you go! Heechul really isn't so bad after all. He was just being manipulated by the true mastermind, Shindong. Anyway, I hope you enjoy~ All of Suju is now in this fic! There will be about five more chapters and an epilogue. I have it all written and ready to post in the days to come. Thanks for sticking with me and for all the comments! :)

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Mingsshi #1
Chapter 5: legendary water night .. sounded too cool for a snarky kyuhyun xD

kyuhyun: shut up -_- . I always awesome by the way B) note that .
Mingsshi #2
Chapter 4: Wahhhh finally i could grasp what was happening little by little .. heechul had no bad intention but he just wanted to bonding with kyuhyun . But because as impatient as he was . Heechul did it in dirty way by get rid of sungmin . His rival in bonding with kyuhyun ... idk actually just presumption
Mingsshi #3
Chapter 3: Eh . What was happening O.o it was happening so fast . They met And theres farewell... wushhh sungmin's suddenly gone by a dagger
Mingsshi #4
Chapter 2: *swats kyuhyun's hand away* what the hell are you doing kyuhyun ??? Is kyuhyun possessed or something O_o ?
Mingsshi #5
Chapter 1: Woaaahhh why do i always find a great story while the fact that tomorrow is monday .... i cant read it until late T_T
venzsuju #6
Chapter 20: kyu too much crying~
but its really sweet~ :D
cynicallynnlove #7
gahh, my kyumin feelz ;—; they consume me with butterflies~ lol this is really cute and the plot twists kept me guessing. I know this fic is already finished, but I'm just gonna subscribe to it so that I can come back and reread when I'm in the mood for some angel/demon!min and knight!kyu~ ^^ thanks for sharing❤
Chapter 20: Woah~ the ending really sweet, minnie became an angel n everyone is happy ^.^ well, im not sure about shindong n his queen -,-
Chapter 18: Min isnt a dark angel but a demon ~!