Let's hang out together

Falling in love


Lynn's POV:

‘’Hey, Oppa why don’t you just leave me alone? I need to study, please!!” I said pouting at Himchan.

‘’No young lady. I’m not if you don’t tell me who was that guy who brought you home.’’ Himchan right now was trying to seem strict, as he was my older brother. He was too cute to be severe. No he just couldn’t. His attitude simply just made giggle more.

‘’Why are you laughing? I’m talking to you right now. Answer my question. Come on. Who was that gawk?’’ Ok, that was it. I couldn’t stand it anymore and I burst out laughing really loudly. My stomach and cheeks were hurting from so much laughing.

‘’Ahahaha Channie… I…I… HAHAHA!!’’

‘’Hey, hey stop laughing, enough… Lynn-ah… stop… Lynn… Urghh’’.  Himchan turned around puffing holding his face. His ego was hurt, I could sense it. I stood up immediately still giggling and hugged him from behind. I buried my face between his shoulders and he placed his own hands on mine. Sometimes he admitted that he couldn’t be severe over me. So he just chuckled like now.

‘’Channie, you ‘re the best brother I could ever have. I love you. And don’t be so worried I’m fine. If I need anything, I will tell you. I promise ok?’’ He turned around and hugged me too and kissed my forehead.

‘’So will you tell who was that? Come on I won’t bite or do anything bad. I promise.’’ He said and raised his hands to show me.

‘’He is just a boy from school who offered to bring me home. That’s all.’’ The blush was obvious on my cheeks and I also avoided my brother’s eyes.

‘’No… no… it’s not that all. I know you’re hiding something.’’ He paused for a second and then his eyes widened. ‘’Are you dating him!!??’’. Damn he got me…again… for the millionth time.


‘’Tell me you know you can’t escape.’’ His face was serious now. He really didn’t like it.

‘’ok, ok, don’t torture me. He is a good guy. Please Channie don’t act like I ‘m a baby. I know. You’ve dated girls when you were at my age.’’

‘’It’s not the same. And you’re my baby girl. No one touches my Lynn. I am your superman and I will protect you.’’ I laughed at his comment but he really meant it.

‘’Please Channie don’t worry. I will be fine. And I’ve got also Jongup.  You know how he is with me, right?’’

I sat on his lap and hugged him. I really loved him but sometimes he was being unbearable with his over protectiveness. We had several fights for this issue. But they didn’t last long. I knew how he felt after the incident that happened a few years ago. I could understand him, but still…

 ‘’Look, Lynn-ah. I don’t want to treat you like a baby. But I really don’t want anything to happen to you. And I mean it if he does anything to you that you don’t like, I will kick his .’’

‘’OK daddy’’ I said and I stack my tongue out. The same time the bell rang and went to open the door. Of course it was Jongup. When I saw him a big smile appeared on my face. I welcomed him in and hugged him.I don’t know but whenever I saw him, everything that had occurred before was a long past memory. I didn’t care for anything but him.  It was really strange to have this feeling all the time. I just couldn’t explain it. Jongup entered and bowed ninety degrees to Himchan.

‘’Anneyseio hyung. How are you doing?’’ Jongup greeted him. He had passed by to pick me up to go to the movies.

‘’Fine. Come in let’s sit.’’

‘’UH oppa I ‘m sorry but we’re not staying we are going to the cinema.’’

‘’Ok then have a good time.’’ Himchan said with a smile.

‘’You can come if you want. There’s no problem.’’ Jongup said.

‘’No no it’s ok. You can go but don’t be late.’’

‘’Himchannie are you sure you ‘re going to stay here??’’ I felt kinda bad right now.

‘’Don’t worry I will pass by my girlfriend. She Is waiting for me.’’

 ‘’Ok Jongup let’s go.Let me take my purse. Where is Zelo?’’

‘’He will be waiting for us there. He had some work to do.’’ He said with a cute smile.   

‘’ Bye Himchan.’’ Jongup and I shouted together. ‘’See ya later.’’ I said and blew him a kiss before closing the door.

Later that evening.

Jongup’ s POV:

‘’So what movie do you thing we should watch?’’ Jongup asked Lynn.

‘’I don’t know. There are  lots of options. Let me think. But let’s wait for Zelo first so we can decide all together.’’ She said and lingered her hand with Jongup’ s. His eyes widened to her action. He really didn’t expect that. His heartbeat became faster, his palms sweating and his knees buckled.

*Lynn stopped walking. She turned around and looked Jongup in his eyes.   

‘’Lynn what’s wrong? Are you ok?’’

‘’I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to do it. I don’t know why I did it. Please forgive me.’’ She started crying quietly. Jongup hugged her and held her in his arms. He didn’t want to see her cry. But she wouldn’t tell him.

‘’Please my Lynn, don’t cry I don’t want to see you like this. It really hurts me. Please tell me what’s wrong?’’

‘’I didn’t want to hurt you. I’m so sorry. I love you I want to be always with you. Forgive me?’’ she looked him in his eyes pleading. He was shocked. He couldn’t believe in his ears. She really said she loved him. Jongup grinned happily. He loosened his hug and stared at her. And then, they kissed.*

‘’Jongup… Jongup hey were you day dreaming? Are you ok?’’

‘’Uh… em… deh… I’m fine. Haha!’’ Did he really imagined that? He really is loosing it. But he wished this was reality. He looked at their interlinked fingers and sighed. He really wished that he could give her first kiss. And it would be his first too for that matter.

‘’Hey guys over here.’’ Zelo shouted from a corner. *Thank God he came.* Jongup thought.

‘’Uhh, I’m so sorry for being late, but I was practicing at a very hard choreography. Sorry again. So what movie do you want to see? I think that I prefer right now a sci-fi or a horror. What do you think?’’

‘’How about we watch the new one with Will Smith, I think After Earth? It’s a sci-fi.’’ Jongup said.

‘’Yeah,  I really liked that one and Will Smith is my favorite actor too. Let’s see that.’’ She said jumping up and down, still holding his hand.

‘’Ok done. Me and noona will go get the tickets and Hyung will get the popcorn.’’ Zelo said hugging Lynn’s small body from behind.

‘’OK I’m going.’’ Jongup send a death glare to Zelo. He seemed to understand what he did because he scratched his head in apologize. Jongup needed some time alone with Lynn. But it’s not time to get mad.

No one’s POV:

‘’Zelo tell me how are you doing? I’ve really missed you.’’

‘’UUH nothing regular school, dance hanging out with you and Jongup. Just the life I want.’’ He said and hugged me. But now another question came to her mind right now, and Junhong is the only who seems to know, because it really bothered her sometimes, and she was getting worried.

‘’Junhong… is something wrong with Jongup?’’

*O-ooh NOT GOOD, not good. What do I do now?* ‘’ I don’t know, whyheseemsfineIdon’tseeanything.’’ Zelo said without taking a breath.

Just in time Jongup came before Lynn could say anything.  He was holding the popcorn and came towards them. But his glare was dark.His eyes empty and you could see the abyss in them. The absolute darkness. Zelo and Lynn hadn’t seen Jongup like that before. Something bothered him.

‘’Lynn someone is here for you.’’ Jongup said and behind him Key appeared.

‘’Key what are you doing here?’’ Lynn’s face brightened.

‘’I just came here to see a movie. How are you baby?’’She grinned uncontrollably. Jongup couldn’t stand it. Zelo went next to him. HE was afraid of doing anything crazy. He really was shaking.

‘’Can I join you? And then we can hang out if you want.’’ That irritating voice. Jongup looked up and saw both of them Lynn and Key looking at him.

‘’Yeah Jongie. Can he join us? Does it bother you?’’ Lynn said pouting.

‘’No no it’s fine. He can come.’’ Jongup said faking a smile.

*WHY? WHY NOW?’’ he thought.

*I really liked the last picture whenever i see it it's like i'm melting.




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Phi_Phi #1
Chapter 9: Awww I just finished this... Its 2AM OTL ;;
But what a sweet story :3