Don't erase me. Don't leave me.

Falling in love

Lynn's POV:  Kim Sung Kyu- I need you.

(I love that song so much)

It was almost 4 o'clock in the afternoon and dark clouds started gather in the sky hiding the sun. It was, soon, going to rain. It was already drizzling, but I didn't care. Nothing mattered for me now. The only thing that mattered was to find Jongup. To explain everything and apologize to him. I need him so much; I really need him to forgive me.

I was waiting outside our dance school. I was waiting for him to finish so we could talk afterwards. I had gone earlier than usual, two hours to be exact, so I could catch him. I had asked Zelo when I could search for him, since he had changed the hours of our dance lessons so he couldn't see me or talk to me. And I will completely understand him if he doesn't want to discuss with me, but I will insist, no matter what. He might try to ignore me and avoid me. I didn't care. He might try run away. I don't give a . He will listen to me. I know that he might not want to forgive me, which is really painful to me. But at least, I will know that I had tried. I will try everything for him.

I didn't notice, while I was thinking all these things, when it started raining. The rain was getting heavier while time was wearing on. I moved under a shelter and sat at a bench waiting for Jongup. The weather was freezing and I was getting really cold, since I was wearing a short jean shorts and a sleeveless dress shirt. But I ignored the chilling wind that blew on my face. Suddenly I heard the bell ringing. I saw some students running out from the school covering themselves with their jackets to avoid getting wet. But I didn't recognize Jongup anywhere. I got worried. I was so desperate to find him. Zelo couldn't have been mistaken, could he? I'm hundred percent sue that he wasn't wrong. I decide to wait for a little longer. *Maybe he is not finished yet.* I said to myself, more trying to convince me. I started shivering again, from the cold, from the fact that Jongup might not want to accept me back. Just the thought made a lump form in my throat. There were too many things running in my mind that they were making me dizzy.

Later I saw a familiar figure appearing from far. I knew immediately who it was. It was him. It was definitely him. I would have recognized him anywhere. My eyes lightened straight away. Whenever I see him is like heaven has come to earth. Like a million angels appeared from nowhere. The feeling was so… indescribable. Irreplaceable. You couldn’t express it with just words. I knew now that the feeling I had all these months, I can’t actually count the time since it came up, it was love for him. Just for him. I didn’t care for anything else anymore but him. But do I still have a chance? I have to give this one shot. He totally worths it.

I got up from the bench I was sitting, forgetting all the cold and the heavy rain. I walked under the rain drops not caring getting wet or catching a cold. He only mattered. He hadn’t seen me yet and I followed him.

‘’Jongup…’’ I said trembling from the freezing weather. My long hair where all wet and it was sticking on my face. He didn’t respond at first. He was just standing there, not making any move, like a statue, with his back facing me. He turned slowly around and our eyes met. His eyes where emotionless. I hadn’t seen such coldness before, at least not in Jongup’s eyes. That coldness that stare made me shiver nonstop.

‘’What are you doing here?’’



Jongup’s POV:



It can’t be her. There’s no way that voice to be hers. He is just hearing voices. All these weeks without her being always by his side… were so torturing. He tried to forget her with any way. But he just couldn’t, he just kept dreaming about her. Every single night he was dreaming her touching her, kissing her… making love to her. But those were just dreams. Nothing real. But now she was hear calling his name. He turned around slowly. He was afraid that she was going to disappear like the smoke.

And then he saw her. She was drenched. Her long hair stack on her cheeks. Their eyes locked together. Hers were full of loss, pain and… was that… what he thought it was? He could read her, like an open book. But he wasn’t sure anymore. He was so confused. His face was so cold, without the warmth he had. He even shivered with his own coldness.

‘’What are you doing here?’’ He answered. He didn’t want to be heard so coldhearted.

‘’I am so sorry Jonguppie.’’ No, no, not that. Not that face.

‘’For what? I thought that you made your decision. So we have nothing to say anymore.’’ He didn’t want to say that. He didn’t want to be harsh. Especially on her. But he couldn’t do anything else.

‘’Please… please… don- don’t do this.’’ The rain was pouring on her face. Her lips were trembling. He saw her wrapping her hands around her chest. She was shivering and tears glimmered in her eyes. Now he was starting to observe her more carefully. She was pale, like a ghost and what the she was wearing in that freaking weather? He couldn’t stand it, seeing her like this. But he had to stay strong. He would let her go, that was his final decision. He had decided to not to hurt her again. And that was the best way. He couldn’t change it now. No, he couldn’t.

‘’Please, Lynn. It’s not good. I’m not good. I’ve hurt you. I can’t do this anymore.’’ He turned away to leave, but he didn’t get to.

‘’No. Jongup. Please don’t leave. I’m not the one who’s hurt. I have hurt you. Please you can’t do this. Don’t leave me. Please don’t leave me!’’ She said with hoarse voice from the unbearable sobs. He turned around again. She was crying uncontrollably.

‘’No, Lynn. That’s my way for not hurting you again. Please, leave.’’ He repeated the last words she had told him.  Bruno Mars- It will rain.


She looked at him with pleading eyes. Her tears mixed with the rain on her face. Now she started moving closer to him. *I need to leave before it’s too late* he thought. He made to back off but he didn’t get to. She had already grabbed his hand and pulled him closer to her. Her hand was so cold.

‘’No, this is not the right way.’’ She yelled. ‘’I am a fool. I should have believed you from the first place. I was totally blind.’’ She said. She wrapped her arms around his torso and buried her head in the crook of his neck, still sobbing. She was so cold and he was warm. He couldn’t resist anymore and he did the same. He hugged her tight. Tight enough to make sure that she won’t leave again. He rested his cheek on her forehead.

 ‘’I won’t leave. I won’t abandon you. I- I… love you Lynn.’’ He said, sincerity dripping from his words. She raised her head and she was sure she saw the same feeling she had, what she felt too. She smiled weakly. She raised her both hands and cupped his face. She looked into the depth of his eyes and found what she was searching for.

She wrapped one arm around his neck, still resting the other one on his cheek. She pulled him even closer if that could be possible. Their faces were inches away from each other. Her eyes squinted and started closing till they became small slits. They’re heartbeats redoubled, matching with sync. He leaned down his head and that’s when it happened. What they both wanted for so long.

He slowly pressed his lips on hers. The kiss was slow. Their lips moved lovingly alongside devouring each other’s taste. Her lips were so sweet. He couldn’t get enough of them. Suddenly she did something that really surprised him. She deepened the kiss and from slow and loving, it became passionate and needy. He did respond almost immediately. He let his tongue slip slowly out from his mouth and her bottom lip asking for entrance. She parted her lips slightly letting his wet muscle enter her hot cavern. His tongue traveled into tasting every part of it, not wanting to waste any of it. She gasped through the kiss and he let a low groan escape his throat. They’re tongues battled together for dominance. But his was more skillful and he easily won. But he let her taste him, too. He didn’t want to let plaintive.   

 They soon parted gasping for air, panting heavily. She pulled slightly away not wanting to leave his sweet warmth. It was the first time she felt so filled after three whole weeks. And it felt so damn good. He also couldn’t believe that this was happening. He didn’t let his hands fall from her waist. He didn’t want this beautiful dream to end. He wanted to stay there, under the pouring rain, with her forever. She rested her hands on his muscular chest.

‘’Do you promise?’’ she said forming a slight smile.

‘’I promise!’’

Suddenly he felt her weakening. She loosened her grip on him. Her legs trembled and buckled. That’s when she collapsed. If his arms didn’t support her, she would have fallen on the ground. He got worried again. Her face was even paler then before.

‘’No, no. Don’t do this to me! Please open your eyes. Please!’’





Sorry for the sort chapter here. But I had to go. Enjoy!








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Phi_Phi #1
Chapter 9: Awww I just finished this... Its 2AM OTL ;;
But what a sweet story :3